The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 987

"Cloud top red?"

Yebeili thought for a moment. It seems that there are records in the book about Gu insects that she read last night, but she doesn't seem to pay much attention to the insects, just some impressions.

At this time, she was a little agitated. How could this guy go on and on?

She turned to Lin Feng and said, "Sir, we still have something to do. Please don't pester you any more."

When she spoke, she already had the awe inspiring power, which should have been the powerful aura of the God crane gate, and burst out in an instant.

People around a burst of palpitation, even the two security guards looked a little alarmed, the woman seems to be very fierce.

However, Lin Feng ignored yebeili's words, he said in a leisurely manner: "the cloud top red bug is not as big as a third of a flea's, so it is easy to hide. It usually feeds on rotten meat, and its body fluid has strong corrosive effect, especially on platelets in human blood, which has a fatal blocking and destructive effect."

Yebeili took a deep breath and thought of what he saw yesterday. Lin Feng is right. Yundinghong, a poisonous insect, has this ability.

But what does this represent?

Lin Feng continued: "at that time, the magic cube team took the prisoners to the border town, because those people were disobedient along the way. They were beaten all over by the people of the Rubik's cube team. Although the injury was not fatal, it gave yundinghong the opportunity to take advantage of it. At night, Lu Yun spread the poisonous insects on the wounds of those people. The wounds were bleeding more and more intense, and everyone was sinking in the exhaustion of jealousy Sleep in the past, but also in the sleep, quietly bleeding to death

"Am I right?" Said, Lin Feng looked at Lu Yun: "don't think that you are proficient in witchcraft, brother, I am also familiar with this way, so, although your killing techniques are hidden, you can deceive others, but you can't cheat me!"

As soon as Lin Feng said this, the night north leaves the eye to be bright.

At present, there are few people in shenhemen who can understand the art of witchcraft. Lu Yun is the best one among them. That's why Ye Beili is so optimistic. I didn't expect that this wonderful young man can also master the art of witchcraft. It's interesting.

Lu Yun was shocked. He didn't expect that this guy could judge his own killing methods. It seems that he has some research on Gu Yao and Gu Chong.

However, he is still very confident. After all, he learned Gu from his father since childhood. Few people have been able to compete with him in Gu art for so many years. He doesn't believe that Lin Feng is more powerful than himself.

Lu Yun turned his eyes and said, "do you understand Gu with just a few words? Do you know that witchcraft has a long history. It is the first magic skill of Xiahua. Can you make it clear in a few words? "

Lu Yun said: "there are so many kinds of Gu insects, and there are so many poisonous insects that can destroy blood clotting like yundinghong. I have a few questions to ask you. Do you know, among the poisonous insects, he Yangzi and tianjisha are both Gu insects that destroy blood coagulation, and he Yangzi is cultivated by intestinal bacterial parasites, which is smaller and can be said to be a kind of insect Microbes are more difficult to detect, and the damage and coagulation of tianjisha are more obvious and effective. If I want to kill people, why not choose he Yangzi and tianjisha instead of yundinghong, which is worthless? "

After that, he took a look at yebeili, and found that yebeili's beautiful eyes contained deep affirmation of him. He was elated for a while, and then continued to say to Lin Feng:

"friend, you know little about the witchcraft. Please don't pull the big flag and pull the tiger's skin, let alone show off the hatchet, so as to avoid making a fool of yourself!"

This kind of words not only reflects the profound of Lu Yun's Witchcraft, but also deeply insults Lin Feng.

Even one side of the night Beili all looked at Lu Yun with admiration. She felt that with time, Lu Yun was definitely the existence of the crane gate that could pick the beam.

However, in the face of Lu Yun's reasoned analysis, Lin Feng was not convinced. He said lightly: "you use the cloud top red and don't choose the other two kinds of insects. Naturally, you have your reason!"

"What's the reason?" Lu Yun looked at Lin Feng contemptuously.

Lin Feng said: "although he Yangzi is not easy to detect, he Yangzi has a drawback. It tastes very strong and makes people feel sick. Isn't it strange that all the big guys spit out what they eat? Is it easier to find out? "

"What's more, tianjisha, the poisonous insect, is also known by its name. It's a domineering insect. It's very ferocious. It can't stop biting people. Although they can't stop destroying blood clotting function, they can bite people to death. Can't the prisoners be so painful that they won't attract other people's attention?"

"So, although yundinghong looks regular and has no advantages, its advantages are that it has no disadvantages! Therefore, the most secure is the cloud top red! " Lin Feng said, looking at Lu Yun: "am I right?"

Lu Yun was shocked, and then he realized that the boy was prepared.

He checked all these insects in advance, so he had thought about these questions and could answer them fluently.

Lu Yun is right. Lin Feng has done his homework.

He is surrounded by Yu Wenji, the first demon girl in Miao Autonomous Region. Yu Wenji's accomplishments are not high, but she is very good at using poisonous insects and poisonous insects. These things are the conclusion that Lin Feng and Yu Wenji got on the phone last night.Before that, the red scorpion also mentioned yundinghong many times, saying that it was a local insect poison yundinghong that killed those prisoners.

So, after confirming again and again, Lin Feng is full of confidence to find over.

Lu Yun was a little flustered at this time, but he had to pretend to be very calm.

This matter is related to his future development. If it is exposed, the end will be extremely tragic.

At this time, ye Beili was interested in Lin Feng. She asked Lin Feng with some questions: "Sir, may I have your name, are you a Gu teacher?"

"My name is Lin Feng. I once appointed the head of the Huanglong mercenary regiment. In the Huanglong mercenary regiment, there is a squadron called Rubik's cube team, which was founded by me and led by myself. Therefore, today I come to clear away the injustice of my brothers!"

Hearing that Lin Feng said that night north from the beautiful face, there was a look of surprise.

This surprise is not only because Lin Feng is the head of the world's top mercenary regiment, but also because she is more surprised by Lin Feng.

"Lin Feng, are you the one who messed up Ouyang's wedding banquet, made a big fuss on the official ancestral home, and even played tricks on Lin Zhengkai at Lin Junlong's birthday party?" Ye Beili asked.

"It's just a little thing to talk about!" Lin Feng said with indifference, and then, with a positive look on his face, he said, "yes, it is in the next place."

Night north from the United States eyes twinkle, seriously looking at Lin Feng, she did not think that this in the spring blooming environment, but wearing cotton padded clothes of the wonderful man, is actually this period of time will stir up the wind and clouds in Kyoto.

At Lin Junlong's birthday party, yebeili failed to attend, so she sent a representative to attend, so she didn't see Lin Feng himself. However, she heard the representative come back and said what happened at the party. From this, she still quite appreciated Lin Feng and felt that he was a deep-seated guy.

Originally, she also wanted to find time to understand Lin Feng. Unexpectedly, Lin Feng stood in front of her. , the fastest update of the webnovel!