The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 984

Jiang Jun shivered. He had heard of Lu Yun's demagogues, so Lu Yun was angry. He was really afraid.

It's just that I've done it for nothing. It's a little uncomfortable.

"Mr. Lu, can you give me less?" Jiang Jun's words softened a little.

"Go away, not a cent, pester me again, I make you regret it!" Lu Yun threatened.

Then, he glared at Jiang Jun fiercely and went back to the experimental park.

Looking at Lu Yun's leaving figure, Jiang Jun clenched his fists and burst into anger. At last, he scolded: "Lu Yun, you son of a bitch, I won't give up!"


the arrival of yebeili made the whole experimental Park nervous.

Originally, there was no one in the evening, but at this time, the experimental Park was decorated with lights and bustling. Many people were busy in the office building, as if they were working overtime to complete a certain scientific research achievement as soon as possible.

After a dinner, yebeili is a little tired, so he orders Lu Yun to take her to her residence.

Because the experimental Park was located in the suburb of Southern Yunnan, it was late at that time, and she was too lazy to bother to go to the hotel in the center of the city, so she chose to live in the employee apartment of the park directly.

Fortunately, the top floor of the apartment is specially prepared for distinguished guests and leaders. They are all equipped with five-star hotels and are quite comfortable to live in.

After making arrangements for yebeili to live in, Lu Yun also lived in the apartment so that he could be called at any time if he had something to do.

Late at night, the room of yebeili was still on. She made a cup of coffee and sat on the sofa beside the bed in her loose and silky nightgown. Her perfect figure was reflected incisively and vividly.

She was reading a book about poisonous insects.

At this time, the night north from the eyes with a pair of gold rimmed glasses, and the day that the queen fan full look very different, appears extremely intellectual.

Ding Ding!

The doorbell rang a few times.

"The door is not locked!" Yebeili took off his glasses and reclined on the sofa and kneaded his temples.

The door opened and Lin Qin came in from the door and locked the door.

"The master of the gate is really an expert in art and courageous. He doesn't even lock the door?" Lin Qin changed the seriousness of the day, the corners of his mouth rose half jokingly.

"The door should still be locked!" Night north leaves the body to lie down again toward sofa a few minutes: "just I know you will come, leave the door specially for you!"

"The Lord of the gate is really careful, and I admire him!" Lin Qinshan sat on the stool opposite yebeili with a smile.

What's strange is that Lin Qin's face to yebeili is so sexy and provocative, but he doesn't have any salivation. He seems to be facing a mass of air. On the contrary, the night scenery outside makes him more interested.

"The South Yunnan branch has developed well in recent years." Looking at the brightly lit park outside the window, Lin Qin said: "the research on medicinal and insect insects has always been the top priority of the shenhemen. If there is no talent to support it, relying on the master of the gate alone, I'm afraid it will be tiring to death!"

"Do you think Lu Yun is a talent?" Yebeili opened a pack of cigarettes on the table and lit it up. However, she didn't give it to Lin Qin. She knew that Lin Qin didn't smoke.

Lin Qin said: "Lu yunsuan is a talented person, but he can flatter too much. I don't like it!"

Night north from spit out an eye socket, very strange smoking for so many years, her teeth even bright and white.

"It doesn't matter whether you flatter or not. As long as you can hold up the branch in southern Yunnan, you will be regarded as a useful talent!" Yebeili said: "tomorrow you ask them to transfer out the financial details, contact the financial affairs of the headquarters and check the financial situation. I come here only once a year, and I always have to find out the situation."

"Yes, I will lead a meeting tomorrow to check the financial situation!" Lin Qin said.

"Lu Yun used to be the person I valued most, but he didn't make much progress in recent years. I'll talk to him tomorrow!" Ye Beili said.

"What do you expect from Lu Yun?" Lin Qin asked.

"It depends on his own nature. If he is strong enough, the vice headmaster can also consider it!" Night north from said, finish, eyes slightly squint way: "just, I know little about him these years, these days also take a good look at him!"

"Well!" Lin Qin nodded.

Night North Li put on a thin gauze clothes, stood up, went to the bedside to open half a window.

Breeze blowing in, full of the fragrance of flowers and plants, night north from the intoxicated breath of this breath.

In Lin Qin's eyes, at this time, the night north from a gauze ethereal and ethereal, coupled with that pair of beautiful face, like a dream, like a fairy general, for a time, he was stunned.

But ye Beili suddenly turned back and asked, "Lin Qin, the young man on the plane today, seems to look like you."

"The Lord of the gate has noticed it, hasn't he? In fact, I have seen it. It's a little bit like it! " "But we have nothing to do with it," Lin said

"But I see something else in your eyes!" Night north from a smile.

"My Lord is wrong. I feel that he is similar to me in appearance. I feel a little surprised!" Lin Qin said."Is it?" Ye Beili asked faintly: "you are also only this year to join my God crane gate. I don't know much about you."

With that, he glanced up and down in his eyes.

"The master of the sect is not only unparalleled in cultivation, but also has a high IQ. If I had a bad mind, I would have been recognized by the master. Can I still be your confidant today?" Lin Qin said with a smile.

Looking at you, Qin Lin's face is not a quiet smile

After that, he lit a cigarette and held it in his mouth: "but who has no secret? My heart can be broadened."

"Ha ha, my Lord, are you talking about your carelessness?" Lin Qindao.

"I think so." Ye Beili said, "I always want to be a careless person."

"It's not easy. Don't take it to heart." Lin Qindao.

"The crane gate of God is going to be torn apart!" Night north from the eyebrows with a trace of loss: "in this world, that woman is not willing to be so gentle as water woman, I this, is forced out!"

"If only the Lord could have a man to help you!" Lin Qindao.

"Men? ha-ha! It's not as reliable as the cigarettes in my hand! " Night north from said: "smoke can at least let out loneliness, can refresh, can give me inspiration, men, will only give me trouble!"

"Well, it's the master who is so powerful!" Lin Qindao.

"It's not too early. If you have nothing to do, go to bed first." Night north from the light road.

"Yes Lin Qin walked out of the house.

There was no word all night.

The next morning, Lu Yun left in the lobby on the first floor of the office building.

And at the same time, a man is coming towards this side.

Lin Feng got up early in the morning, and he couldn't wait to see Lu Yun, the Gu master who persecuted his brothers. , the fastest update of the webnovel!