The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 983

About an hour later, two luxury cars came from outside the experimental Park and entered the park.

Tang suit man quickly led the crowd to meet.

In the back of the extended Lincoln, the door opened and a man and a woman came down.

Men, wearing a black suit, look aloof and aloof, face delicate.

The woman, the appearance is extremely beautiful, can be said to be extremely beautiful, but in the eye actually has a sharp light.

The two men, Lin Qin, are the external pharmacist of shenhemen, and the woman is the current leader of shenhemen. They leave at night in the north.

Seeing these two people get off the bus, the man in Tang costume rushed forward and said with a respectful smile:

"the Lord of the gate and Mr. Lin are coming. I didn't get to the airport. It's really impolite. I should die!"

"Don't mind. You can be busy with your work." Yebeili gives his backpack to the people around him and goes to the experimental center building.

The rest of them followed him after he left Helin and Qin in the north of the night. The men in Tang Dynasty accompanied him. They said compliments and introduced the development of the experimental park during this period of time.

After hearing this, yebeili nodded with satisfaction. He said to the man in Tang suit: "Lu Yun, the South Yunnan branch is thriving under your management. How can I reward you?"

The man in Tang costume quickly said with a smile: "master, you are joking. These are the things we should do. I have been in southern Yunnan for more than ten years. I have a deep feeling for this place. I have taken this place as my home. It's my honor to be able to serve the branch office in southern Yunnan."

"Well!" Yebeili nodded and looked around the experimental park.

This experimental Park of several thousand square meters is the southern Yunnan branch of shenhemen in Kyoto.

The man in charge of the southern Yunnan branch is Lu Yun, a man in Tang costume.

Lu Yun is a native of Southern Yunnan. Since his father joined shenhemen in his early years, he also became a member of shenhemen with his father.

After his father's death, he was in charge of the South Yunnan branch, and he was an important manager in the God crane gate.

Of course, Lu Yun's own identity is a local poison master in southern Yunnan.

Although it seems to the outside world that he is just a medical experimental Park, because he has the status of a Gu master, the branches under his jurisdiction actually study GU medicine, Gu insects, Gu Du, etc.

Some of these things will also enter the medical field and become some life-saving medicinal materials. Therefore, the South Yunnan branch has made a lot of profits in recent years.

This time, he took Lin Qin from the north of Yunnan Province. First, he came to make a year-end summary. Second, he also came to check the achievements of the South Yunnan branch in this year, as well as the financial and administrative work data.

This branch is operated in the mode of pharmaceutical research company, so Lu yunwai is the general manager of the company, and ye Beili is the chairman of the board.

This is equivalent to the chairman of the board to check the performance of the company, so there are so many welcome leaders outside to check the banner.

Of course, when insiders chat, they still use some names in the God crane gate, such as Lu Yun and ye Beili. They are still used to calling the master of the gate.

When they enter the hall on the first floor, Lu Yun leads yebeili and LinQin to the restaurant, where a dinner party has been prepared to meet the wind from yebeili.

Lu Yun asked people to prepare to serve, and then he invited yebeili and LinQin to the box inside.

"Lu Yun, have there been any obstacles to the management and revenue of the South Yunnan branch recently?" Ye Beili naturally sat on the throne and asked with concern.

"Lord, our branch is running smoothly. Please rest assured." Lu yundao.

Yebeili nodded, took off his coat and stood in front of the window and looked out.

Outside, there are abundant flowers and plants and trees. She can't help but sigh: "the winter in southern China is softer than that in Kyoto. You can see how luxuriant the flowers and plants are, just like the spring and summer in Kyoto. The climate is also humid, which is very spiritual!"

Lu Yun also came forward, looking at yebeili's delicate side face, and sighed in his heart: "this woman is nearly 40 years old, and she is still as beautiful as a flower. It seems that she will live at the age of 20 forever. It's really amazing!"

He said quickly, "Lord, if you like, you can stay here for a long time. This branch of Southern Yunnan is also yours. You are going home here."

"Say it again!" Night north from the short said.

At this time, she saw the security box outside the window, as if someone was arguing.

"What's going on there?" Ye Beili asked.

Lu Yun looks in the direction of yebei Li's past, and finds that two security guards seem to be pushing and shoving with a person. Because of the distance and the dark sky, it is hard to see who it is.

Lu Yun made a phone call to his subordinates and asked people to deal with it. He said to yebeili: "adults don't have to take it seriously. It may be that someone who wants to enter the park is stopped by the security guard!"

"Oh Night north from nodded, and then turned back to sit on the seat.

At this time, a series of exquisite dishes began to be served on the table. Lu Yun sat on the north side of the night and introduced dishes, all of which were local specialties of Southern Yunnan.In the middle of the introduction, however, there was a knock at the door.

"Come in!" Said Lu Yun.

The man came in and whispered a few words in Lu Yun's ear.

Lu Yun's face suddenly changed, with a trace of anger said: "I know, I'll go right away!"

Then, he said to Ye Beili, "Lord, I have something urgent to deal with. I'll be back soon."

Then, he called the waiter next to him to introduce the dishes, and he went out with the people who came in.

Entrance guard of the experimental park.

At this time, a handsome young man with a height of more than 1.80 meters and a good figure was arguing with two security guards.

"Let me in. I want to see Mr. Lu!" This is Jiang Junli, a young man.

"No one can enter without the command of general manager Lu! You must go, or we will drive you away Two guards cheered.

At this time, Lu Yun came from afar in a hurry.

"Mr. Lu!"

Seeing Lu Yun from afar, Jiang Jun waved and yelled.

Lu Yun, with a gloomy face, went to Jiang Jun and said, "how did you find this?"

"If you don't answer my phone, I'll come." Jiang jundao.

Lu Yun sighed impatiently and said to the two security guards, "you two go back to your posts first."

"Good Mr. Lu!" The two guards returned to the booth.

Lu Yun took Jiang Jun to a secluded place outside the door. At this time, he looked old and discontented and said, "what are you doing here? If you let the master know, we'll all be miserable! "

"But I don't have any money. You promised to give me a reward. Even if I don't succeed, I have to work hard without credit. How much can I live?" Jiang Jun said.

Lu Yun bit his teeth, approached Jiang Jun, and said in a low voice: "your expensive clothes, your air tickets and so on are all funded by me. If your mission is messed up, I'll take them as gifts. If you want money, it's a bit too much?"

"Mr. Lu, you are so rich that you are not so stingy? I'm really short of money, otherwise I won't come to you! " Jiang Jun said with a face of rascal.

"I don't blame you for your failure! Are you willing to ask for money Lu Yun said fiercely: "as far as the thought is, you can roll away for me as far as possible."

"You don't know how to do it?" Jiang Jun angrily said: "at least I have tried hard too!"

"I'll talk about the hero by the result. It doesn't matter to me whether you try hard or not. The result doesn't meet my requirements. Everything is zero. If I hire someone else, maybe this will be done, and you will delay me. Do you know?" Lu Yun said angrily.

"Mr. Lu, what you said is too bad to hear!" Jiang Jun is going to tear his face.

"Ugly? Ha ha, it's a small matter to speak badly. If you don't get out of here, I'll let you know how good I am Lu Yun said, with a touch of murder in his eyes. , the fastest update of the webnovel!