The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 985

Today, southern Yunnan is also a sunny day, the sun is shining, and flowers are blooming.

And the unique tropical monsoon in southern China is also blowing from the other side of the ocean, blowing people with spring breeze.

Night Beili and Lin Qin appeared in front of everyone in such a warm breeze.

Night north from today's wear an antique Hanfu, a blue cold color, let a person appear serious cold Yan a bit.

Lin Qin was still dressed in the black suit he used to wear. Although the weather was warm, his coat did not take off, as if she was not hot at all.

Lu Yun rushed forward to greet Ye Beili and LinQin, and then quickly invited them into the restaurant for breakfast.

This breakfast is very rich. Lu Yun specially prepared it according to the taste of yebeili. He knows that yebeili doesn't like sweet food very much, so even sweet potato porridge has been removed for breakfast, which is mainly based on the typical salty taste of Kyoto area.

After all, the master of the sect must serve him 100% when he comes.

People who work here may just think that yebeili is the leader of the Kyoto headquarters.

However, Lu Yun and several core personnel, who work in shenhemen, all know that yebeili is a very big boss.

Although this woman usually does not have any airs, and always looks like a light breeze, but if she launched a fierce, not only six relatives do not recognize, even can offend her directly to the 18th floor of hell.

Moreover, the woman's ability is also super strong, the martial arts cultivation is unfathomable, medicine and poison is also first-class, from any angle, it seems that there is no point to defeat her.

Therefore, Lu Yun, such a smart person, can only bow down to work under her, and do something out of the ordinary. It's all sneaky. It's bad luck to know.

Therefore, although Lu Yun is usually the overlord here, Lu Yun is also terrified in the past few days when he comes here to visit.

At this time, yebeili put down her chopsticks and had a good breakfast, so she began to work on the day's work.

Lu Yun is also very sensible to put down his chopsticks and listen to the command of night north.

But in the middle of the work deployment, he saw a man running over in a hurry and whispered a few words in Lu Yun's ear.

This scene seems familiar. Last night when we had dinner, we also had this bridge. We couldn't help but frown on our willow eyebrows, which was a little unpleasant.

Lu Yun saw that the night North was unhappy, and his heart thumped for a moment. Then he scolded the person who came to the report: "what can't you say openly and honestly? Why do you have to whisper with me? When did you develop the bad habit?"

That person a Leng, the heart said is not you told me, there is an emergency, just like you a person to report?

But now that Lu Yun has said so, the man doesn't hide himself and says, "Mr. Lu, a young man came out of the gate early in the morning and said he wanted to see you. I told him that we had some distinguished guests in our garden today, and all diplomatic activities were temporarily suspended. But he didn't listen and insisted on seeing you. If you don't go out, he will rush in. That's what he said!"

Lu Yun frowned, thinking that it would not be Jiang Jun again. Is this bird man still determined?

"You tell him, this is the office, please don't make monkey business, if he doesn't listen, he will call the police!" Lu yundao.

"Wait!" Yebeili waved his hand and said, "if he is in a hurry to find you, he must have something important to do. In my work arrangement, I can give you half an hour to meet guests. You can go there!"

Lu Yun thought for a moment and said, "well, thank you very much."

With that, he would go out.

At this moment, however, the door of the restaurant was pushed open with a bang.

A young man in cotton padded clothes came in and cried, "tut Tut, it's too hot for him. I'll have to get two summer clothes to wear."

"Who are you?" Lu Yun was stunned.

The person next to him said, "Mr. Lu, that's him. He was still outside the door just now. How did he break in?"

At this time, the two security guards came panting after him, while running, he waved the security leather stick and yelled: "you, his? Stop for me, stand out!"

Lu Yun suddenly burst into anger. The man was so impolite that he even broke in. He scolded the two security guards behind him: "what are you two doing to eat? Get rid of it quickly!"


Yebeili spoke again, because he saw that it was not other people who rushed in. It was the young man who met on the plane who was somewhat similar to Lin Qin's.

She looked at Lin Feng with great significance and said with a smile, "do you have this suit of clothes?"

"Oh, it's urgent to come out!" Lin Feng said, with all the dust sitting in the night north from the opposite, "how do you also here? Oh, it's a good breakfast

Said, he even did not politely eat up: "I haven't eaten breakfast, first pad ha, thank you!"

Lu Yun was stunned by this scene. It was the first time he saw such a familiar person.

However, from this dialogue, he found some clues. He asked the north of the night, "Lord, do you know him?""It's not an acquaintance. It's a chance encounter." Ye Beili said.

On hearing that night Beili said so, Lu Yun had a bottom in his heart. He said to Lin Feng, "you have no money to eat, right? Then you can eat it here, and then you can leave immediately after eating it! "

"Why should I go? I have to do business after eating!" Lin Feng said.

"What business?" Lu Yun asked in surprise.

"I've come to see you." Lin Feng put a steamed stuffed bun into his mouth, his gills puffed and ate.

"Looking for me? I don't know you Lu yundao.

"I didn't know you before!" Lin Feng drank a mouthful of soybean milk, and then picked up a fried egg. He raised his head and said to Lu Yun, "but it doesn't hinder me from coming to you!"

Lu Yun frowned, thinking that the boy dressed strangely and acted strangely. Was this man mentally ill?

He said impatiently, "I have nothing to say to you!"

Then he waved to the security guard next to him: "after the little brother is full here, send him out!"

Then, turning to yebeili and LinQin, he said, "Lord, Mr. Lin, let's get busy with business."

Night north from swept Lin Feng one eye, stood up and said: "good!"

The three were about to go outside. At this time, Lin Feng belched and clapped his stomach with laughter: "not bad, not bad. I thought I was going to talk with you on an empty stomach. Now I'm full, and my mood is much better. You're lucky!"

Lu Yun looked back at Lin Feng with some anger: "are you talking about me?"

"Yes, it's you." Lin Feng Road.

"What makes you feel better? I'm lucky." Lu Yun looks at Lin Feng.

"I don't understand, do you?" Lin Feng picked up a toothpick and held it in his mouth: "you'll understand it immediately." , the fastest update of the webnovel!