The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 982

The people as like as two peas looked at the medicine carefully, though the names were very round, but the following functions were the same as those Raymond Lam had said.

Lin Feng did not see those drugs in advance, all by his own judgment, now the drug and Lin Feng's judgment coincide, young men want to sophistry also have no reason.

Even the girl is also confused, she does not want to believe the facts in front of her, but also have to believe that Lin Feng's judgment and words are facts.

"Are you a doctor?" The girl asked Lin Feng, although she felt uncomfortable, she had to admit that Lin Feng was right.

"I'm not a doctor!" Lin Feng said, "but it is better than those who are not doctors but also doctors."


the young man blushed and knew that Lin Feng was talking about him. He was so angry that he could not speak.

Such a successful disguise forced, but Lin Feng to ruthlessly debunk, now he felt ashamed, do not know how to face that beauty.

Of course, the beauty from the beginning to the end did not take him seriously, is he in the amorous.

The beautiful woman has sharp eyes and cold eyes. She looks relaxed, mature and dignified. She is a queen level woman.

She's seen so many beautiful young people, all kinds of styles, all kinds of styles, and they're quite capable.

But she is unmarried and has no boyfriend, which shows how demanding she is to men.

This young man is not qualified at all.

At the end of a farce, everyone changed their thinking and praised the stewardess most sincerely due to his preaching by Lin Feng.

The girl's mother also repeatedly thanks the stewardess for saving her life. A group of people praised the beauty of the stewardess, and praised the good people of the stewardess. The stewardess were amused and the injuries on her body were no longer painful. She felt that everything was worth it.

At the same time, she also does not live to look at Lin Feng, want to clearly remember this man who speaks for himself at the critical moment.

Lin Feng's face was light and light, as if nothing had happened. He sat in front of the window and continued to squint.

The young man was gnashing his teeth, and his face was livid with anger. But now no one wants to see him, and everyone no longer looks at him.

This made the young men feel a deep shame.

He picked up the mobile phone, turned on the phone, and sent a message out: "the operation failed and was destroyed by a fool. Please indicate how to proceed next?"

"Oh, I can't turn on the plane, don't you know?" There was a message from a young man nearby.

"Shut it down quickly. How can you be so ungrateful?" People began to attack young men.

Male youth hate teeth straight itching, but helpless, or turn off the mobile phone.

Just sent that news, Lin Feng all see clearly, heart can't help but smile way: "know you kid already had premeditation!"

But he did not tear it apart, and hummed a tune leisurely and leisurely.

It was the beauty who spoke first. He looked over the young man and said to Lin Feng, "Sir, can I ask you a question?"

"Oh, ask!" Lin Feng Road.

"You are not a doctor. How do you know about pathology and pharmacology?" The beauty spoke faintly and added a sentence: "of course, I'm just curious!"

Lin Feng said with a smile: "it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if I tell you. In fact, I was born in a medical family, and I've been influenced by it since I was a child."

What he said is true. His mother, Qin Huilan, is a traditional Chinese medicine family.

The beauty suddenly seemed to be very interested. She crossed over the young man and talked to Lin Feng, who was in the seat. "You must know something about medicine, then?"

"A little bit, a little bit!" Lin Feng said with a smile.

"You are modest. If it is convenient for you, please leave me a contact information. I am also engaged in the pharmaceutical industry. In the future, some problems in the industry can be discussed!" Said the beauty.

"Oh, that feeling is good!" "But I don't usually leave the phone to others, or you leave it to me," Lin Feng said

The beauty was stunned.

Her phone number? Generally, it is not disclosed.

But, as far as this is concerned, it's OK.

She called Lin Feng.

In this scene, the angry young man's face turned green.

He tried his best to change seats with Lin Feng, just to get rid of the beauty. As a result, all his operations were worthless.

On the contrary, it cost more than 2000 to change seats.

It's too irritating for him.

On the contrary, Lin Feng has the money and the beauty's contact information. This is a double harvest!

But Lin Feng and Lin Feng don't think so.

That beautiful woman looks, also be regarded as Gao lengfan, she unexpectedly because of a few words, take the initiative to contact oneself, this seems, some unreasonable.

But it doesn't matter whether he is an enemy or a friend. There are always times when the truth is revealed. With his ability, he does not need to guard against anyone.

Because no one can easily get benefits from him.At this time, Lin Feng was still playing. He took out the two thousand yuan he had just received and divided it into three parts on the table. He said to himself, "this one goes to drink, this one goes to the nightclub, and this one, when he has time, he asks beautiful women to have dinner together

The whole young man is going to explode.

Take his money, go to the beauty he wants to bubble, and humiliate him by the way. This boy is really a scheming black man!

Originally, he thought this was a hanging wire, and he paid for it. But he didn't expect that the boy was so deep!

He gritted his teeth and looked at Lin Feng carefully. He thought that I remember you. I must clean you up in the future and let you pay the price for what you did today.


the plane landed safely on the land in southern Yunnan as scheduled.

Lin Feng walked out of the airport and said goodbye to the beauty and the man in the black suit. As it was getting late, he found a place to live.

At the same time, in an experimental garden in the suburbs of Southern Yunnan, various banners were put up, which welcome leaders to come and inspect.

It seems that the experimental park will usher in a big leader.

At this time, the sun is sinking, but it does not affect the welcome atmosphere of the park.

The park is thousands of square meters in size. There are not only white six storey office building, but also warehouse, garden and garden square. It is very complete.

Although it was winter at this time, it was full of vitality in this southern land.

The fragrance of flowers is overflowing and the breeze is blowing on my face.

In the conference hall on the first floor of the experimental building, a young man in Tang costume is having a meeting with a group of employees, as if preparing for the coming leader.

The man in Tang Dynasty looks like a man in his thirties. He looks pretty and handsome. After his speech, he asks everyone to prepare for it. Then he takes out the phone and takes a look at it. His brow is wrinkled tightly.

Suddenly, a person called Jiang Jun called.

He got up and closed the door of the meeting room tightly. Then he answered the phone and said with a gloomy face, "what's the matter? Don't you say it's safe? "

The other end of the phone said: "Mr. Lu, originally I thought there was no problem, and things were going smoothly, but I didn't want to encounter a ghost on the plane. He disturbed my plan and humiliated me in front of yebeili adults."

"Waste!" Tang costume man scolded fiercely.

"Mr. Lu, I've been pocketed more than 2000 yuan. I'm broke now. Can you take me in?" Jiang Jun pleaded.

"I can't finish the task. Do you want me to take you in? Go away Tang suit man finish saying, hang up the phone directly. , the fastest update of the webnovel!