The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 981

Lin Feng didn't want to take care of it, but he couldn't see it. It was the stewardess who went to the infirmary to get the medicine and give it to the girl. Only then did he get relief. As a result, the young man took advantage of the opportunity to knead his hands. Just as the girl woke up, the credit was all his?

This is too much to say, all the credit, should be the stewardess, this young man is just pretending to force.

Take other people's life and death as a matter of no importance, only as a tool for him to pretend to be a hot girl. This kind of person doesn't need to be used to it.

Therefore, Lin Feng once said this matter, wants to let everybody sober up, gives the beautiful stewardess some encouragement and the praise.

As soon as Lin Feng's words were spoken, a faint smile flashed across the corner of her mouth. Her eyes opened slightly and looked at her.

When the young man heard Lin Feng say this, he immediately changed his face, rebuked Lin Feng and said, "what do you mean by this? You sit on one side and I come to help save people. As a result, you come to satirize me. You have a moral problem! "

"Am I satirizing you?" Lin Feng said faintly: "don't you think that you are too simple to save?"

"Simple?" The young man gave a cold smile, as if he had grasped the handle, and suddenly said in a loud voice: "you still blame saving people simply? Are you happy to let the girl die and die? Listen, everybody. What's his name? "

Around the people are also pointing, chirping, words are with the denouncement of Lin Feng.

The girl was very angry and said to the young man, "handsome boy, don't be wise with him. This kind of person is scum. He can't see others well."

Then, another face of tenderness said: "thank you for saving me, really good thank you!"

Seeing this scene, the stewardess rubbed her legs and looked very gloomy and pitiful.

Lin Feng shook his head with a smile and said to the young man, "I said it was easy for you to save people, but you even changed the concept with me. I asked you, what is her symptom? Tell me about it!"

"Shock The young man said, "acute shock!"

With that, he looked at Lin Feng complacently and thought, "you're an old man. The stewardess just said it was shock. You also asked me, this is worrying about IQ!

But Lin Feng said: "you say more in detail, there are many kinds of shock. What kind of shock is he?"

"What do you mean?" Asked the young man.

"You don't know what it is, how do you know how to save people?" "So you have to tell me what kind of shock it is!" Lin Feng said

Young people hate the teeth itching, the heart said how this person is so difficult, he would like to scold Lin Feng a meal and then ignore him.

However, the people around you are looking at it. How can you look professional!

"Acute shock!" The young man thought about it and said, "I was scared just now, so I was scared to faint in the past."

Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa!

Lin Feng clapped his hands and said, "that's right."

The young man with a proud look on his face said: "of course, or how to save people!"

Lin Feng's face suddenly changed: "give you a pole, you really dare to climb up? Of course you're right. People roll their eyes. What is acute shock? As long as you're not stupid, you can see it, OK? Do you need to say that? "

"You..." the young man was embarrassed.

This is to amuse the one side of the beauty can not help laughing, but the beauty is very solemn and serious, soon, and back to smile.

Seeing this scene, the young man was so angry that his lungs almost burst. He roared to Lin Feng: "you and he can't even save people. What professional are you playing with me here?"

Lin Feng fan eyes a smile: "how do you know I am not professional?"

The young man said, "if you are professional, tell me, what is his symptom?"

The young man's anti general is a high chess player. Everyone secretly exclaimed that the young man was smart. When asked, the hanging silk must have revealed its true shape and would not continue to play around here.

The girl also looked at Lin Feng with disdain, waiting to see Lin Feng's jokes.

The beauty on one side, however, looked at Lin Feng with great interest, but with a different meaning in her eyes.

Lin Feng laughed and said, "the girl is suffering from acute ischemic shock, which is due to her emotional excitement and surprise. As a result, the blood is concentrated and supplied to the heart. The blood in other parts of the body will be less than usual, especially in the brain. Without blood, oxygen is not enough, leading to the brain out of the state of emergency shock coma. At this time, we must be urgent Provide blood activating drugs and brain tonifying and dredging drugs, and make the surrounding environment stable. In this way, patients themselves are no longer nervous, blood flow is stable, coupled with the role of drugs, patients will be treated! Otherwise...

"otherwise, how about?" Asked the girl's mother.

"Otherwise, he will have brain necrosis due to severe brain hypoxia, and people will have no hope! And delaying treatment will make her a vegetable Lin Feng said with a loud voice: "so, you two should thank this beautiful stewardess, she is in the plane bumpy so severe, to bring you medicine treatment in time, when the plane is stable, your daughter slowed down, in fact, all this is the credit of the beautiful stewardess, and no relationship with others!"After hearing this, the mother of that return thought that Lin Feng's words were very reasonable indeed.

"You're talking nonsense!" The young man was very angry and pointed to Lin Feng and said, "are you making it up? In which magazine did you see this symptom and tell it directly, cheating or would you cheat? "

"If you cheat, I'm much worse than you. You don't have to be modest!" Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Are you him..." the young man said in the middle, but due to the image, there was no more rude words, he stopped and said: "you are deceiving people, don't slander me, how can you prove that what you said is right?"

Lin Feng scratched his head and said impatiently, "boy, you really don't give up when you come to the Yellow River. Do you want me to let me strip you all to see, are you satisfied?"

"Don't brag. You have the ability to show your evidence." The young man felt that he had caught Lin Feng's pulse, and then his voice was a little loud.

"Then I'll let you die!" Feng said, turning to the girl's mother asked: "your daughter, is there serious anemia?"

"Yes The girl's mother was surprised: "how do you know?"

Lin Feng said: "this kind of acute ischemic shock, the risk of common people is very low, usually occurs in patients with anemia, so I concluded that your daughter has anemia!"

As soon as this conclusion was made, people around him looked up to Lin Feng.

Can judge the other party's shock symptoms in time, but also from the shock to push the other side suffering from anemia, this person has two sons!

"That's it? That's how you're right? The argument is not enough! " Said the young man.

Lin Feng smile, but did not pay attention to the male youth, but to help the stewardess: "beauty, your leg is injured, quickly back to the infirmary bandage, or it will be infected!"

Feeling the care of Lin Feng, as well as Lin Feng just for her, she was already tender at this time, and had a very good impression of Lin Feng.

She laughed and said, "no problem!"

At this time, the young man behind him yelled: "look, this guy has insufficient evidence, and then he chose to escape. Instead, you take out the evidence to prove that you are right!"

Finish saying, return a face of provocation and derision.

Lin Feng smiles at the stewardess, and then the air hostess feels empty handed.

However, it was the medicine in her hand, which was taken by Lin Feng. Raymond Lam as like as two peas,

, airline, and then he put the two boxes of medicine in front of the young man and said, "the blood activating drugs on the left are the drugs for activating blood circulation, and the right side is the medicine for dredging the meridians and collaterals." yes, there is still a tranquilizer in the airline stewardess's pocket. This is exactly the same as I said. Is there enough evidence this time?

The young man was speechless. , the fastest update of the webnovel!