The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 978

The next day, Lin Feng set out for Southern Yunnan.

Lin Feng has a more interesting idea at this time. He wants to untie the ban of his brothers and take them to the Lin family to watch the drama.

If the brothers can come back, he won't have to do many things by himself. The brothers will help him a lot.

And, Lin Feng feels the whereabouts of the blood jade stone and Jin Wan'er, and will soon come to light.

At this juncture, there must be an extremely heroic fight between the open and the secret. If all the brothers can come back to him, he will be even more powerful.

Therefore, Lin Feng is looking forward to their return.

This time he went to southern Yunnan, Lin Feng only gave himself three days. He must finish this matter within the prescribed time and go back to Kyoto.

After getting on the plane to South Yunnan, Lin Feng felt very bored. What he hated most was making airplanes. He used to carry out missions everywhere, and the plane almost vomited. Later, he wanted to buy an airplane. Lao Hu felt that it was too extravagant and wasteful, and let him keep a low profile. Otherwise, he must take his own private plane wherever he went.

This time, in order to be more comfortable, Lin Feng bought first-class cabin for Laohu.

This flight takes four or five hours, and the first-class cabin can stretch its legs to sleep. This is the main reason why Lin Feng chose the first-class cabin. What's more, Lao Hu has a lot of money, so he doesn't have a hole in his head!

At this time, the plane has not taken off, Lin Feng bored sitting in the position fiddling with the mobile phone.

This first class is very standard and ordinary. It has four seats in a row with an aisle in the middle.

Lin Feng was sitting on the seat beside the aisle. He was just a little sleepy and wanted to sleep, but he felt that someone touched him: "Hey, hey, let me in!"

Lin Feng looked up and saw that he was a handsome young man, more than 1.80 meters tall. He was wearing a luxurious suit and a famous watch. He looked like a successful white-collar worker.

But the young man's face was full of pride, and his eyes were full of scorn. He looked like he deserved to be beaten.

Lin Feng took back his legs to make way for the young man and said, "Oh, I'm sorry. I'm a little sleepy. Please come in."

The young man and Lin Feng sat in a row, which was the innermost position. He looked at Lin Feng scornfully and sat inside.

From the beginning, the young man put on a superior posture to Lin Feng. It may be seen that Lin Feng is wearing ordinary clothes.

Lin Feng didn't think so. He was used to wearing ordinary clothes at will. Maybe in the eyes of the young man, Lin Feng is a hanging silk that doesn't seek progress!

At this time, two passengers also came to the seat on the other side of the aisle.

These two people's arrival, but let Lin Feng spirit a shock.

These two men, a man and a woman, have delicate and elegant makeup. It seems that they should be over 30 years old. However, we can't see how old they are. The years have not left many traces on her face. What impresses us more is the solemnity and seriousness of his face and her beautiful appearance.

Lin Feng smashed two mouths: "tut Tut, beautiful rich woman!"

This also startled the handsome young man next to him. He also followed the voice and looked at the woman, with an imperceptible look of salivation on his face.

The man behind the woman is also quite handsome, which can be said to be heroic. He is dressed in a black suit, with a white face and a rather handsome appearance.

Just, another Lin Feng is surprised that this man is so similar to himself!

Lin Feng scratched his head and took a picture of himself on the screen of his mobile phone. Then he stroked his hair and carefully considered it. He was even more surprised: "the man looks like himself!"

Lin Feng even saw a trace of his mother's shadow from the man, because Lin Feng looks more like his mother, and the man looks like Lin Feng, which naturally reminds him of his mother.

For a while, Lin Feng lost his mind.

"Sir, will you put your bag over there?" A voice interrupted Lin Feng's thoughts.

It was the young man beside him, stabbing Lin Feng with his hand and pointing at the broken canvas knapsack on the ground with disgust on his face.

In fact, the bag was not in the young man's side, but the strap of the backpack passed a little bit.

Lin Feng pulled the tape back, put the bag under his feet and continued to look at the other side of the aisle.

But the young man thought that Lin Feng was looking at beautiful women. After all, the black suit man and the beautiful woman were sitting together, and Lin Feng's sight was naturally taken over.

Noticing Lin Feng's eyes, the men and beauties on the other side of the aisle look at Lin Feng one after another.

The beauty looked at Lin Feng and turned her head.

But the man who was somewhat similar to Lin Feng's was stunned. When he looked at Lin Feng, he was stunned for a few seconds.

But he quickly responded and turned his head to talk to the beauty of the same trade: "sister, do you want to have a rest first?"

"Not for the time being!" Said the beauty.

Here, Lin Feng takes back his eyes, but finds that the young man sitting next to him has been looking at him.

"What's the matter? I have gold on my face? " Lin Feng said half jokingly.Young men did not pay attention to Lin Feng's joke, but coldly with a bit of contempt said: "can we change seats!"

"Why?" Lin Feng asked.

"I'd like to sit by the aisle, and the air will be fresh!" When the young man talks, he looks at the beautiful woman in the corridor intentionally or unintentionally.

Lin Feng suddenly understood that the young man was interested in the beauty and wanted to sit down the aisle to chat up.

At first, he thought that the man and the girl were male and female friends, but just now the man called her sister-in-law, he decided it was a sister-in-law relationship, so he wanted to chat up.

That beautiful woman is really beautiful, bright eyes and bright teeth, outstanding temperament, not only has the spirit and vigor of young women, but also the demeanor and sharpness of mature women. At first glance, she is a woman of extraordinary status.

Which man doesn't want this kind of goddess with status and beauty?

In particular, the little white face who thought he was very handsome next to him didn't want to struggle for a long time. If he could handle such a "rich woman", he would not have to work hard in his life.

Besides, you can enjoy the beauty.

But Lin Feng turned his lips and said, "the air in the corridor is fresh. I also want to sit here. Why should I exchange it with you?"

"I can give you money!" "Give me your seat!" said the youth

The words reached the ears of two people on the other side of the corridor, and the beautiful woman looked at this end.

That beauty temperament is not really covered, this is just an eye lift, it is enough to describe with outstanding demeanor, and then look at her posture, I feel calm and sharp, as if she is a queen commanding thousands of troops on the battlefield.

Lin Feng sighed to himself that this woman was not ordinary.

Therefore, he felt that his seat seemed to be quite meaningful.

"No change!" Lin Feng asked, "I won't change it for me." , the fastest update of the webnovel!