The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 979

"Brother, I think you are dressed in ordinary clothes. Did you buy the first class ticket yourself?" Asked the young man suddenly.

"It's bought by others. What's the matter?" Lin Feng said.

The young man laughed. He had already guessed that a man dressed in floor goods could have the money to fly first class, but he did not borrow the light of others.

But this kind of person, had better deal with, oneself does not have the money to return Xihuang to pretend to force, uses the money completely to make him.

"I'll give you more money. Can I change it?" Said the young man.

"How much is it?" Asked Lin Feng.

As soon as he said this, he obviously felt a look of disdain coming from a beautiful woman.

"Here you are!" The young man took out a bright red hundred yuan bill and shook it in front of Lin Feng.

Lin Feng fixed his eyes, only 100 yuan?

He took back his eyes and suddenly said with righteous words: "cough, little brother, what are you doing? Do you know there are things in the world that money can't do? I like my seat very much. I can't exchange it with you. Please take back your money

After that, Lin Feng also turned his head and said with a smile to the beautiful woman at the other end of the corridor: "tell me, how can you do anything with money? Really, ha ha

The beauty also smiles politely to Lin Feng, her eyes show a trace of admiration.

At this time, the young man said behind Lin Feng, "five hundred!"

"I'm not interested in money. Please don't insult me!" Lin Feng said.

"A thousand!" The young man gritted his teeth and pulled out a stack of money from his wallet.

"In fact, sometimes money can't solve the problem!" Lin Feng said.

"Two thousand!" The young man's face was a little painful, but for his "don't want to fight" plan, or bite teeth to go out.

After all, what you do must pay first. Young men understand this truth.

"Money is not everything. I regard money as dirt." Lin Feng continued: "what's more, I didn't even see the money, even worse than the manure!"

Young men are also very smart, understand what Lin Feng said, he quickly took out money from his wallet, he had more than 2000 cash.

He counted 2000 and swayed in front of Lin Feng!

Lin Feng suddenly lost his eyes and said with a smile: "seats can be changed, but I'm not for you that 2000 yuan, you know? I am for the convenience of others. After all, this society needs warm-hearted people! "

With that, he snatched the young man's two thousand yuan and counted them up.

In this scene, the beautiful woman shook her head.

Just now he kept saying that he was not interested in money and that he could not buy his personality with money.

As a result, two thousand yuan, the seat was let out!

The young man stood up and waved his hand to Lin Feng: "stand up and sit in the past."

Lin Feng looked at the wallet in the young man's hand, pointed to the way: "you still have 200!"

"What's the matter?" Male youth a Leng, do not understand what Lin Feng means!

Lin Feng smile: "you just bought my seat. If you let me change it, there will be moving fee. 200 yuan will be used as mobile fee. I will go there."

The young man's heart is so angry. Is this boy open to money? Really special can search!

But at this point, he is not short of two hundred!

The young man took out the last two red bills in his wallet and threw them to Lin Feng with disdain: "here you are!"

Then he mumbled: "I haven't seen money before. It's silly to hang!"

Lin Feng ignored him. He picked up the money and put it into his pocket with a smile. He moved it to sit in it.

The young man sat out on the seat outside. First he tidied up his collar, then took out a book. It looked like business management. After reading for a while, he suddenly said to the beauty in the aisle: "this book is really wonderful, but there are some difficult things to understand. Beauty, I think you are a high-level leader. Can you help me answer some questions?"

This is a very obvious chat up, the routine is old-fashioned, and the beauty has heard the chatter of trading here, naturally know what the boy an is in.

"I'm not a corporate executive, you misunderstood me," she said without expression

"Oh, beauty, you have sharp eyes and a dignified face. At first glance, you have a lot of momentum, and the more you look, the more beautiful you are. I thought it was the senior beauty president of some enterprise. I missed my eyes. I'm sorry!" The young man said with a smile.

This remark seems to be an admission of one's own mistakes, but in fact, he is a flatterer who changes his ways. This young man's technique is very sophisticated. It seems that he often makes girls. If it is put in the ordinary women's place, it is estimated that he can't resist several rounds of his attacks.

But this beauty, however, seems very calm.

She said, "thank you for the compliment. You've lost sight of it."

With that, he turned his head and chatted with the young man in black suit, ignoring the young man.

The young man clenched his fists and clenched his teeth. Obviously, he was a little impatient. But he also knew that he could not be too quick. He could take his time for several hours on the way.As long as you get off the plane, you can ask for a phone call and make an appointment to have dinner together.

He is familiar with this.

Thinking of this, the young man took back his eyes and continued to pretend to be reading. Then he took out a pair of glasses and put them on, which made him more polite.

There is a girl in the front seat who has been staring at the young man for a long time. Seeing that the young man doesn't talk to the beautiful woman, the girl turns back and says, "I happened to read this book. If you have any questions, you can discuss with me. I have read this book thoroughly."

The young man took a look at the girl in the front row. Her appearance was plain and her figure was quite regular. Then he said with a smile, "thank you. I'll think about it myself."

I don't want to talk to you.

On hearing this, the girl laughed awkwardly, looking rather depressed.

At this time, Lin Feng chuckled. He saw a joke in the free magazine of the plane, which made him laugh.

The girl immediately blushed and thought that Lin Feng was laughing at her. She glared at Lin Feng and said, "are you sick?"

Lin Feng a Leng, counter asked: "I smile there is a problem?"

The girl was embarrassed and angry. Seeing Lin Feng's innocent face, she became more angry and raised her voice by several points: "is it interesting to laugh at others? What are you pretending to be innocent? "

"Elder sister, I am reading a joke!" Lin Feng said.

The girl heard, more angry: "who is your elder sister, you do not look at the mirror, you can be my uncle!"

Then, the more she thought about it, the more angry she turned to Lin Feng and called out: "you are a joke. You are still in the first class class. As a result, the clothes you wear are fake. If you can't afford to wear genuine clothes, don't pretend to wear such fake clothes? Can't you see the four different trademarks? How ridiculous

The girl completely misunderstood Lin Feng. She thought that Lin Feng was watching her when she told a joke.

Sometimes people are like this. They feel guilty and feel that others are aiming at her.

As a result, Lin Feng was lying down. , the fastest update of the webnovel!