The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 977

Lao Hu and Lin Feng said this, and Lin Feng was angry at that time.

He said, "we worked for you. As a result, you didn't even understand the problem. Some of them thought it was our fault, and a wave of a big hand would kill us. This is not a bodyguard who abandons the car. It's obviously killing the donkey. This is too much.

Lin Feng took the initiative to end the holiday and rushed back to deal with the matter. He believed that as long as Lin Feng was there, no one else could touch his brother.

Lao Hu knew Lin Feng's temper and quickly dissuaded him. He promised Lin Feng that he would handle this matter through his own relationship.

Then, Lao Hu went around, found many relationships, spent a lot of money, and finally settled the matter. However, these members of the Rubik's cube team have been removed from the list by Xia Hua and restricted from entering the country.

The significance of this is to clear the relationship with the Rubik's cube team. No matter what public opinion or condemnation, we should go to the Rubik's cube team. It has nothing to do with Xiahua and the relevant departments.

In the end, Lao Hu also compromised. After all, he was only removed from the list, and his promise to Lin Feng was fulfilled and his Rubik's cube team was saved!

Then Lin Feng was very dissatisfied. He said, "right and wrong have their own justice. We will never back the pot. Either give me time to find out the truth behind this, or you can go to investigate it and choose one of them!"

Laohu knew that there were more cutting-edge tasks waiting for him behind Lin Feng, so he said, "I'll take this matter. After all, I have accumulated a lot of contacts over the years. It should not be difficult to find out who killed that group of prisoners. You can do your job at ease."

Then, Lao Hu has been investigating to this day, it can be regarded as the real murderer behind the scenes.

So Lin Feng and the mouse are very excited. If we find out the real culprit and prove that the person was not killed by the members of the Rubik's cube team, and clear the grievances of the brothers, they can contact the ban and let them come back.

Lao Hu also understood Lin Feng's mood, and did not beat around the bush. He said directly: "among the group of people captured by the magic cube team, there were two leaders who worked under Haka. Haka was a local criminal leader with huge power. He was afraid that the two leaders would leak the news, so he paid a lot of money to hire poison masters and secretly poisoned the group of people!"

"Then, Hakka paid for the local security forces and deliberately put the charges on your brothers!"

Lao Hu finished and looked at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng thought for a moment and then said, "so, the criminal leader you mentioned recently is Haka, right? You got hucka. Huck confessed? Say that? "

"Yes Lao Hu said.

"So, since haqqa said that he set up my brothers, why don't the authorities concerned untie the ban now?" "Isn't it all clear?" Lin Feng asked

Lao Hu shook his head helplessly and said, "they said that they wanted to untie the ban, but they can't use the one-sided statement of hakaji as evidence. There is no evidence to prove that your brothers did not kill the group of people, so..."

then, Lao Hu looked at Lin Feng again, and he was sorry, he felt that Lin Feng may be very excited or angry.

But to his surprise, Lin Feng's face is as plain as water and has no waves.

Lin Feng said faintly: "so, if I find out the person who poisoned him personally, let that person say it is the group of people that he poisoned and killed, so it is OK, right?"

"Yes Lao Hu took a deep breath: "it's impossible. After all, they have to pay attention to evidence in everything they do. Just relying on Haka's words, they can't prove anything."

"The relevant departments can say that Haka's words are not believable. Haqqa may reach an agreement with the Rubik's cube team. He helps the magic cube team wash the white, and then the Rubik's cube team returns to the territory to save it!"

"Ridiculous!" Lin Feng sneered.

"No matter how ridiculous things are, the relevant departments can think of them. You are not a strange thing!" Lao Hu raised his eyebrows.

Lin Feng said with a smile: "it doesn't matter. It's already very good when it comes to this stage. Now you tell me the person who poisoned me, and I'll go to find him to settle accounts."

Lao Hu said, "are you sure you can deal with a Medicine Guru? Gu masters and martial arts practitioners also have practitioners, but they are totally different. They kill people invisibly...

Lin Feng laughed and interrupted Laohu: "it seems that you don't know much about my recent situation!"

He and Huoling went to southern Yunnan to fight the moon worship cult, the great monk who killed the ghost generals, and received a high-quality demon beauty, Yu Wenji, and got a precious Wugu Cuan. If you take one of these things, it will be enough to stir up the witchcraft world.

Lin Feng didn't seriously practice witchcraft. If he did, he would have achieved little.

He said to Lao Hu, "you don't have to worry about me. Tell me who that man is. I'll go to him."

Lao Hu nodded and said, "have you heard of the four major gates in Kyoto?"

"I've heard a little bit about it!" Lin Feng said, "is this still related to them?"

"Yes Laohu said: "the four major gates of Kyoto, wuwangzong, baihutang, xuanming mansion and shenhemen, although they all study martial arts, they have their own characteristics. Among them, shenhemen is better at refining medicines and studying poisons and poisonous insects!"Hearing this, Lin Feng understood: "is it the people of the God crane gate?"

"Smart!" Lao Hu said.

"However, the God crane gate was in Kyoto, and the place where the incident happened was in the south of Yunnan Province, which was nearly ten thousand miles away. Why did Haka choose people from Kyoto to help? Is Huka lying? " Lin Feng analyzed.

"You have a point!" Laohu said: "but, you should know, the shenhemen is not only a base in Kyoto. I've asked people to check. There is also a branch of shenhemen in southern Yunnan. Because South Yunnan is the birthplace of witchcraft, shenhemen has set up a branch there to study medicine and Gu."

"Oh, that's reasonable." Lin Feng said: "therefore, the South Yunnan medicine Gu is famous in the world, and Haka hired the medicine poison master of the God crane gate to work in the south of Yunnan!"

"It should be so!" Lao Hu then frowned and said, "as far as I know, the God crane gate is not a kind of mercenary sect. They are committed to the cultivation of martial arts and the refining of medicine. They should not accept such things that others spend money to kill them."

"So?" Lin Feng raised his eyebrows.

"So, that man should have done such a thing on the back of the God crane gate!" Lao Hu said, "the people of the God crane gate don't know about it!"

"Oh, in this way, the man is still hiding a lot!" Lin Feng nodded and said with a smile, "tell me, what's that man's name?"

"That man is Lu Yun, Minister of the South Yunnan branch of shenhemen!" Lao Hu said.

"Lu Yun!" Lin Feng repeated that he had never heard of or seen this man.

"In that case, I will leave for Southern Yunnan tomorrow and meet this man!" Lin Feng said.

"In such a hurry?" Lao Hu asked, "didn't you make an appointment with the Lin family to be a guest? Did you come to the south of Yunnan? "

It is obvious that Lao Hu's news in Kyoto is extremely well-informed. Lin Feng just said at the party that he was going to visit the Lin family, and Lao Hu knew it immediately.

"Certainly in time!" Lin Feng said: "as long as I find that person, I will have a way to deal with him. Then I can fly back and forth for two days. When I come back, I can have a rest day before I go to Lin's house. This trip is just right!"

"By plane? That's so expensive. If you have time, you'd better make a train. You can save it Lao Hu played his usual style of extravagance and plain living.

Lin Feng said with a smile: "expensive, I don't care, after all, this money is not out of me!"

"Who will come out?" As Lao Hu looked around, an ominous premonition came to his mind.

"Lao Hu, the blue and white porcelain on your desk is very good. Should it be expensive?" The blue and white porcelain of Lin Mi Feng is caressing.

"Stinky boy, I'll pack the ticket for you. You'll let go of my blue and white porcelain!" Lao Hu said in a huff.

"OK, hehe!" Lin Feng smiles. , the fastest update of the webnovel!