The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 976

Lao Hu said, "you boy, if it wasn't for these things, you wouldn't come to see me!"

"Oh, I'm busy!" Lin Feng said with a smile, "tell me quickly, what's the situation?"

Lao Hu asked people to make tea, then sat down and said slowly, "the story starts with the fact that I helped the relevant departments to exterminate a group of drug lords recently..."

"there is no need to say the extra words, ha, please go straight to the theme!" As soon as Lin Feng saw that Lao Hu wanted to tell a long story, he quickly helped him sort out the rhythm.

"Stinky boy, it's very concise every time!" Lao Hu said, "the real culprit behind the frame up of your brothers has been found!"

"Who is it?"

Lin Feng's two eyes are out, the side of the mouse is not calm.

The real murderer that Lao Hu said is the behind the scenes who set up their brothers who could not return home.

Over the years, Lin Feng has been urging Lao Hu to inspect the traces of the real murderer behind the scenes, and Lao Hu finally has news.

"Recently, I worked for the relevant departments and caught the leader of a criminal gang. When he was forced to confess, he said a lot about their internal relations, including the members of your Rubik's cube team in those years!" Lao Hu said.

"Mm-hmm!" Lin Feng and the mouse nodded together and listened very carefully.

If we can find the real murderer, arrest him and get rid of his brothers' crimes, his brothers will be able to return home.

Lin Feng also received a phone call from Lao Hu on his way to the Lin family's birthday party, so as soon as the banquet is over, come to Laohu quickly.

Lao Hu said: "once upon a time, your brothers went to carry out the task. Among the group of people arrested, several of them were subordinates of the leader. The leader was afraid that those subordinates would disclose him, so he sent someone to kill people."

Lin Feng nodded. They also found out something about that year. What Laohu said should be the most real situation.

Speaking of the events of that year, Lin Feng is still vivid.

At that time, Lin Feng led the best team of the international top mercenary corps, the Rubik's cube team, to carry out the most cutting-edge tasks around the world to punish the most cunning and vicious criminals.

However, on one occasion, when Lin Feng was on vacation, Lao Hu received an urgent task: to go to Siam, south of the border of Yunnan Province, and arrest a gang of drug lords, including not only Siamese but also Xia Chinese.

It was a very simple thing. Lin Feng didn't take part in it. The mouse asked for leave. The rest of the people went out to Siam with the mentality of playing. They were very happy to finish the task and play in Siam.

However, they did not want this mission, leaving them a bad name.

Before leaving, Lin Feng reminded them again and again that if it was a simple task, the relevant departments would not want to let the Rubik's cube team come out and remind them to be careful.

But at that time, his brothers were already top experts in the world, and they didn't pay any attention to the criminals.

At that time, the task content was: take the owner of the criminal gang back to the territory of Southern Yunnan in secret, and then interrogate and punish the group of people by the relevant departments.

Because these people are involved in a lot of criminal clues and interests. If they are caught and tortured, a large number of criminals will be found out.

Members of the Rubik's cube team came to Siam and found the group according to the address given.

Then, as expected, they had a thrilling battle, but in the eyes of the Rubik's cube players, it was like a pediatrician.

Under the barrage of bullets, the Rubik's cube team captured all the people on the list. They went through the tropical jungle, broke through the heavy encirclement of criminals, crossed the minefield, and came to a small city more than 200 kilometers away from southern Yunnan.

Small town is a tourist city, with a very mature entertainment and gray industry, the people in the small town are also mixed, there are people of different colors and languages from all over the world.

Rubik's cube team members have a big heart to play, and they will stay here on the same day and plan to return to the country the next day.

However, it was this night's stay that caused unnecessary trouble.

They sent people to watch over the captured criminals in turn that night, but because they were too indulgent, they woke up the next day and found that all the criminals were dead.

The members of the Rubik's cube team also corporal punished these criminals for disobedience, but none of them was fatal. Unexpectedly, they all died one night.

At a time when we were not clear about the situation, some local security forces came after them and said that the members of the Rubik's cube team were in their territory and executed these people without permission, thus violating their laws and ordering them to accept punishment.

Red scorpion and pharmacist are both medicine experts. Red scorpion is good at killing people, while pharmacists are good at saving people. They basically concluded that this group of people were harmed by a kind of poisonous drug, which was colorless, tasteless and hard to detect. Now too much time has passed and it is too late to treat them. However, this is not the killer of their magic cube team.

But the local security forces had to ask the Rubik's cube team to accept punishment, because the forensic examination they brought showed that there were no signs of poisoning on these people, only the scars on their bodies and the bleeding wounds left during the gunfight.Therefore, they concluded that it was the people of the magic cube team who killed people and refused to admit it. They tried to use some poisonous drugs to prevaricate in the past.

Red scorpion contact Lin Feng, said the situation at that time and asked Lin Feng to give instructions.

Lin Feng means, don't act rashly, obey the local people's arrangement first, and then he will try to help them clear their charges.

The people of the Rubik's cube team attached great importance to Lin Feng's orders. They put down their resistance and planned to cooperate with the local people.

However, the local people said that things had suddenly worsened and even escalated to the international level. They said that people from Xiahua kingdom came to their territory to kill people for no reason and make trouble maliciously, and asked Xia Huaguo to give an account.

All the members of the Rubik's cube team were from Xiahua country. They were angry when they heard that the local people were threatening their motherland behind them.

There is not a lamp in the Rubik's cube team that can save fuel. If it wasn't for Lin Feng's appeasement, I'm afraid that they would have risen.

In this case, King Kong is the first to be angry and scold the local people for their IQ problems and wronging them.

The local public security team also tit for tat, saying that the people in the Rubik's cube team were scoundrels. Because of their emotional excitement, the two sides even started a war.

But they all make the team drink.

As a result, seven or eight members of the public security team were injured, and the rest of them had already cried for mercy.

The Rubik's cube team is not a murderer. When they see each other's advice, they don't pursue it any more. Instead, they choose to leave.

However, the local people are very cunning. Through some media, they directly press public opinion on Xia Huaguo, and then slander that the people of the Rubik's cube team have provoked trouble, causing serious consequences, causing them heavy casualties and so on. They said that the people of the Rubik's cube team were heinous, and then they forced Xia Huaguo to give an account.

When people from the relevant departments knew about it, they complained about old Hu. They killed all the prisoners before the task was completed, and then beat the local security team. This is not a matter of provocation!

He didn't believe that the criminals were killed by others because they were poisoned by poisonous insects. He thought it was this group of people from the Rubik's cube team who made heavy efforts, which made them not survive that night.

Lao Hu was also helpless and asked how to deal with it now.

The people from the relevant departments said: "all the people in the Rubik's cube team can't stay. They should kill all of them and abandon the car to be commander-in-chief." , the fastest update of the webnovel!