The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 975

The behavior of this breeze, let everybody all don't understand.

And Lin Feng's vigorous and vigorous manner also makes everyone dumbfounded.

They felt that the boy was in a state of no one at the Lin family's birthday party. He not only came and went freely, but also clapped the Lin family in applause.

Even, at the end of the day, the Lin family had to give a play. Lin Zhengkai was so proud that he even condescended to take his brothers and sisters to perform for Lin Feng. This is unprecedented and astonishing.

At this time, people in the inner room gave different comments on Lin Feng, but they were more surprised at Lin Feng. He seemed to be ordinary, even some vulgar people's shadow. However, what he showed at the critical moment was beyond everyone's imagination.

What's more, no one knows how capable Lin Feng is and how deep he is hiding.

But after seeing him this time, people's more intuitive impression of Lin Feng is that this guy is a man with a story!

Outside the forest hotel, the mouse has come to help Lin Feng drive.

Lin Feng looks for the parking boy of the hotel to drive his car out. The car key is given to the mouse. He is getting ready to get on. However, someone behind him says, "Stinky boy, do you want to drink more with me?"

Lin Feng rolled his eyes and didn't have to look back to know that the breeze was coming.

"It's a good thing to drink with my predecessors, but I don't have so much time now. I have urgent matters to deal with!" Lin Feng said.

"Well, then go and deal with your emergency first. After that, it's not too late to drink with me." Qingfeng put one hand on Lin Feng's shoulder, and his head stretched out from the other side of Lin Feng's shoulder and said with a smile.

"Your hands are misplaced!" Lin Feng said.

"Oh, I'm sorry! As soon as I see you, I want to be close to you. I want to be close to the people I like! " The breeze laughs.

Lin Feng felt a little sick when he heard this. He said to Qingfeng, "senior, I want to make it clear to you in advance. First, I don't have a good feeling for you, and I respect you for your great seniority. Secondly, I have normal sexual orientation. Some of your behaviors may not get along well with me. Thirdly, you come out of the dungeon. It's your own business. It has nothing to do with me I don't have much credit for it. I hope we're all well and forget each other in the world. Thank you

With that, Lin Feng opened Santana's door.

"Little brother Lin Feng, you misunderstood me!" Qingfeng even opened the door and directly sat in the back seat: "I am a pure recognition of your morality and feelings. I haven't seen such a heavy love and righteousness person for a long time. Besides, you're a good boy, you're a good boy!"

"Is my skill just good?" Lin Feng squinted at the back: "how can I remember? You didn't do me any good when we fought."

"Cough! That's good, all right? " The breeze coughed twice: "that what, that's also my mercy!"

"Is it? Or don't be merciful to your staff, let's find a place to show off! " Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Oh, you and I don't always meet each other in war. You are handsome, and people attach great importance to love and righteousness. I just like you." Qingfeng said: "by the way, I saw your courage just now. You have a great courage. Young man, you are a friend. I've made it!"

"Who is going to make friends with you?" Lin Feng rolled his eyes: "old master, I have to go to work, please get off first!"

"I have no place to go when I get off the bus. I've been living in the bridge cave these days!" Said the breeze.

"You are so capable that you can't afford to live. There are many people who want to attract you?" Lin Feng said.

"Alas The breeze sighed heavily, and suddenly took out his mobile phone to play the erhu tune "Er Quan Ying Yue".

The melody rises slowly. In this sad and profound music, the expression of the breeze suddenly shows sadness and sadness.

"With the decline of the world, people are fighting for fame and profit, but they forget their original intention. In this impetuous society, all you can see are smart people who cheat for small profits. However, there are few people with great wisdom."

Qingfeng these words, with that melodious ditty, said very artistic conception.

Lin Feng can't help but take a few more eyes at this old guy.

A leather hat, a green coat, under the corner of the clothing that the iconic red trousers, and then, on the feet of a pair of dirty cotton slippers.

This guy's unconventional dress up matches his character very well.

To put it mildly, it may be a performance art. If not, he is a beggar.

However, Qingfeng's words between the lines are thought-provoking. Today's society is impetuous, and Lin Feng agrees.

Qingfeng continued: "those who want to win me over are those who have no good intentions. I will not be with them. I will not bend down for the sake of five bowls of rice, and I will not waver for the fame and wealth of the world. I will come with a light body and go with a light body. I don't want to be contaminated with any thoughts in the world. Therefore, I prefer to live in the bridge hole rather than live in others My villa, do you understand meWith that, Qingfeng's eyes flashed a little light. Lin Feng looked at the past carefully and found that this weather beaten old man had a pair of crystal clear eyes.

Lin Feng can't help but feel a little moved. Now he can understand why Chen Laodu of wuwangzong admired Qingfeng so much.

They don't necessarily admire Qingfeng because of its seniority and strength, but the cultivation of Qingfeng is admirable enough.

Is it too harsh to regard him as a fag all the time?

"If you really don't have a place to go, I can find you a place to stay for a few days." Lin Feng said.

"That feeling is good!" Qingfeng looked forward to looking at Lin Feng: "can I stay with you at night?"

"Damn it!" Lin Feng rolled his eyes.

This he just a little respect for him, the moment, disappeared.


after settling the breeze in their own residence, Lin Feng and the mouse drove to Lao Hu's villa.

Stop the car, Lin Feng and the mouse came to Laohu's reception hall.

"Lao Hu, where are the people? Come out to meet the guests Lin Feng called.

When he came to Laohu, he followed up his own home. He didn't need to be entertained. He came and went freely. He would call Lao Hu into the hospital.

"Oh, I heard you shouting all the way!" Lao Hu came to the reception hall from the back hall in his pajamas.

At this time, it is more than six o'clock in the evening. When the lights are on, Lao Hu does not play mahjong. He habitually changes into his pajamas, which is more comfortable.

"Can't you tell me in advance if you come here?" Lao Hu was playing with a pair of walnuts in his hand, and said with dissatisfaction: "every time we make a sudden attack!"

"Oh, I'm just like my own home. Do I have to make an appointment in advance when I go back to my home?" Lin Feng said.

"Well! You have a point! " Lao Hu nodded and said with a smile, "are you here for that?"

"Of course Lin Feng said with a smile, "tell me the details, I can't wait!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!