The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 974

Lin Feng pointed to his legs triumphantly: "come on, my legs are so wooden!"

Lin Zhengkai suppressed his inner temper and said, "OK, I'll knock it for you."

He stepped forward and helped Lin Feng kick his leg.

People eat and drink, suddenly see this scene, the moment are shocked.

Let the young master of the Lin family knock him on the leg?


however, at this time, everyone seems to have been shocked by the surprise of Lian San. If Lin Feng does anything else, they will not be surprised.

All as a routine operation is!

However, Lin Feng seems to challenge the bottom line of people's surprise.

He even opened his mouth and said, "by the way, other brothers and sisters of the Lin family, see how considerate your elder brother is to treat guests. Do you have to learn from it? Oh, it's cold these days. I've made a bit of scapulohumeral periarthritis. What, that big brother, come and rub my shoulder

Lin Feng pointed to Lin Zhengqing and said.

Then, he thought again: "by the way, another person rubs my arm for me, do the whole set of things!"

He looked at Lin Zhengming.

The brothers and sisters of the Lin family are like a mirror in their hearts. They united and framed Lin Zhengtian. Today, Lin Feng comes back to settle accounts with them. This is a matter of fact.

But outsiders do not know, outsiders only think that Lin Feng is in a joke.

These children of the Lin family have been walking sideways in Kyoto these years. When did they suffer such humiliation, Lin Zhengming took the lead in getting angry: "Lin Feng, you're making trouble at home. Is it too much to make us servants?"

"Servant? Who is the servant? " Pointing to Lin Zhengming, Lin Feng said with a smile, "are you a servant? I didn't say that

"Let us serve you, not servants. What is it?" Lin Zhengming said angrily.

"Oh, this is your fault. People are all equal. How can there be a hierarchy?" Lin Feng said, "haven't we learned from the lessons of the inner and outer compartments just now? According to your opinion, are all servants in the service industry? I'll help you spread this sentence. Believe it or not, you will receive a real name letter tomorrow. It must be a consolation to you when you died! "

"You..." Lin Zhengming found that Lin Feng was really sharp mouthed. He couldn't say anything about Lin Feng.

But at this time, he heard Lin Zhengkai's angry voice: "we Lin family, treat the distinguished guests sincerely. Since Lin Feng's little brother is in a bad health, we'll give him a massage. What's the matter? Where's all that crap coming from? Come here

He doesn't want to make any trouble at this time. Today, even if Lin Feng wants to be their grandfather, he has to agree.

Lin Zhengqing and Lin Zhengming are reluctant to see their big brother speak, but they are still brave enough to come over.

Lin Feng leisurely lying on the chair, with a cherry in his mouth, while eating, he kept commanding: "press here, here, ouch, use some strength on the shoulder, oh, roar, it's so comfortable, hehe, hehe!"

Lin Junlong could not hold his face any longer. He said to Lin Feng, "little brother Lin Feng, enough is enough. Even give me old man Lin a face!"

Lin Feng squinted at Lin Junlong and said, "Oh, well, I think you're old. Since you've all spoken, I'm not going to see you as sons."

Said, Lin Feng a twist body, sit upright, a face serious way: "but I have a request!"

"What request, you say!" Lin Junlong said.

"I heard that the Lin family is one of the largest families in Kyoto, and I am also the Lin family name. So I would like to visit your beautiful Lin family some other day and have a good talk with all the Lin family members. Is that ok?" Lin Feng Road.

"Lin Feng, if you want to talk freely, you can do it anywhere. Today, you can also talk freely with the old man's birthday party." Lin Zhengkai said.

"No, I'll go to your Lin family's mansion and meet all of them. I'll have a look at the demeanor of the big family." Lin Feng said with a smile, "can't it be?"

Of course, Lin Zhengkai didn't want Lin Feng to appear in the Lin family, but now he didn't dare to refuse. He said with a strong smile: "yes, of course. It's just that my father is in charge of the Lin family. It's up to my father to decide this matter."

Lin Junlong is quick words way: "this matter sentiment is good, you come, my Lin family receives ceremoniously at any time!"

"Good!" Lin Feng smile, eyes far-reaching, meaningful said: "at that time, also hope we can have a meaningful day together ah!"

"I hope so!" Lin Junlong said.

But at this time, Lin Zhengkai and other people's eyes are shooting. He knows that Lin Feng wants to enter the Lin family and uncover what happened at that time.

But the old man agreed, and he had no way.

Lin Feng was squinting and smiling: "by the way, do you remember to receive me ceremoniously, when the time comes, I will bring the distinguished guest to the door!"

"Distinguished guest?" Lin Junlong and Lin Zhengkai are both somewhat surprised.

"Yes, my dear guest, it may be an old friend of someone in your family." Lin Feng said.

"Is it Lao Hu?" Lin Junlong asked, "I haven't seen Lao Hu for a long time.""I don't want to play with him. I know it all day long!" Lin Feng said: "don't make a blind guess. There are more than one distinguished guests. You will know who they are by then."

Lin Junlong said with a smile, "that's a good feeling. We'll certainly give a warm welcome."

"But I have one more request!" Lin Feng laughed and drank a glass of wine.

"What else is required?" Asked Lin Junlong.

"I want you Lin's younger generation to work together to give me and my guests a play!" Lin Feng said.

"Play a play?" Lin Junlong couldn't react. What's the meaning of this play?

Lin Feng said, "I'll bring you to our house. You Lin family warmly welcome you. Don't you have to show some sincerity, master. You're the head of the family. Of course you don't have to take part in the performance. But you sons and daughters, I think we should put out some programs. The atmosphere needs to be set up."

Then he looked at Lin Zhengkai and said, "ah Kai, do you think so?"

Lin Zhengkai looked sad and helpless: "we are not drama actors. What kind of play do we play? Not at all

"Oh, I've long said that you are not sincere. I've been giving you a warm welcome, and I'll let you make a show to grind and haw!" Lin Feng said impatiently.

"My Lin family can spend money to find the best actors to perform on stage!" Lin Junlong said.

"No, no, no, I just want to see them play!" he said

Lin Feng points to Lin Zhengkai and others.

"Lin Feng, don't overdo it Lin Zhengming felt that Lin Feng was insulting them. He stood up and said to him.

"Third brother, sit down!" Lin Zhengkai had a big drink, and suddenly with a smile on his face, he said, "it's just a drama. We can do it. How can we say that Lin Feng also brings a distinguished guest to the door?"

"Big brother..." Lin Zhengming also wants to stop.

"It's settled!" Lin Zhengkai said: "we brothers and sisters, to Lin Feng younger brother and his guests, a performance, talk about my Lin family's enthusiasm."

"It's worthy of being the eldest young master of the Lin family. He has self-restraint. Well, I'll give you the script. Remember to be familiar with it." Lin Feng smiles.

Then, he stood up and said to Lin Junlong, "today's birthday party, what I should do, what I should say, and the gifts and blessings that I should give are all in place. So if I don't disturb everyone's interest, I'll leave first. I'll go to the door another day. Goodbye!"

Lin Feng finished, to the wardrobe to carry the backpack, push the door and go.

"Oh, hey, you boy, you haven't had a good drink with me, wait for me!" Qingfeng picked up a bottle of wine and chased Lin Feng out. , the fastest update of the webnovel!