The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 971

"Lin Feng, what do you mean?" Lin Junlong is somewhat calm. He asks Lin Feng.

"What do I mean? Ha ha Lin Feng sneered: "if I want to bring a bomb to kill you, I think it will not be so bad?"

People are confused, do not know what Lin Feng means.

Lin Feng continued: "you don't think about it. If I bring a time bomb, why should I bring a bomb with such a loud sound? Is it meant to be heard by all? Give you time to escape? "

"What's more, when I came in, I searched myself twice. Can't I find this big bomb in my backpack?"

"What's more, the bomb will detonate in more than four minutes. If you want to kill everyone, why wait so long? If the direct bomb is installed, I'll go outside and detonate it. Is it for you to dismantle the bomb to make a time bomb? "

These are a series of questions that no one can explain.

Indeed, Lin Feng has no reason to do so!

"So you mean this bomb is not yours?" Lin Junlong road.

"Of course, it's obvious. I've been framed, OK?" Lin Feng rolled his eyes.

Being so framed, Lin Feng is still so calm, but Lin Junlong has some admiration.

"Gee, it's not the time to talk about this. The bombs are going to explode. Evacuate the crowd. Dad, you and your brothers and sisters, get out of here Lin Zhengkai said anxiously.

"What are you going out for?" Lin Feng said: "this bomb is easy to dismantle. Why do you have a big fight? At Mr. Lin's party, a group of guests rushed out in a hurry, which made the headlines today? Mr. Lin, don't you think of embarrassment? "

Lin Junlong thought about it, and he quickly said, "Lin Feng, everything is easy to discuss. Help me dismantle the bomb quickly. I will thank you very much."

Lin Feng said with a smile: "I don't dismantle it!"

Then, he stood up and suddenly grabbed the time bomb from Lin Zhengkai's hand. One of them flashed to the door and closed the door tightly. He said, "no one wants to leave today. The person who hid the bomb in my bag is in this box. Please come to me to dismantle the bomb. Otherwise, everyone will die at once!"

With that, Lin Feng looked at everyone.


Suddenly, some timid people almost peed.

Although this Lin Feng is in lifelike fierce come out, but this kind of method, also too spell?

It is said that Qingfeng is a desperate Saburo. This Lin Feng is not afraid of death!

However, at this time, Qingfeng looked at Lin Feng with great significance. After a sip of wine, he nodded and said with approval: "I really did not see the wrong person. This boy is more daring than me!"


the time bomb is going to explode in three minutes, and everyone's eyes are almost red.

"Damn you, get out of my way, you want to die, we don't want to accompany you!" Lin Yifeng is going to rush over from front of him.

But Lin Feng pressed his hand on the three wires and said, "if you dare to take another step, I will directly pull out the wire to detonate the bomb, or you can take another step to try it!"

Tang Zhen's feet were filled with lead, and he did not dare to move another half step.

Lin Feng ha ha smile, suddenly turned to look at Lin Zhengkai: "comrade a Kai, I heard that you will dismantle the bomb, or, you help everybody dismantle it!"

At this time, Lin Zhengkai's back was soaked with cold sweat.

He ordered the waiter to put the bomb into Lin Feng's bag.

Obviously, Lin Feng knew that he was the culprit.

He didn't expect Lin Feng to be so smart.

According to Lin Feng's request that the people who framed him come out to dismantle the bomb, there are only two consequences for Lin Zhengkai:

first, to dismantle the bomb at the last moment. However, if the plot is exposed, he will become an eternal criminal of the Lin family and a bastard that everyone will despise.

2、 For the sake of his reputation, he kept silent, but he was likely to lose all his life and shame the Lin family.

Most of all, he didn't want to die himself!

Fortunately, Lin Feng gave him a step to dismantle the bomb. He quickly changed his attitude towards Lin Feng and said with a humble smile: "yes, yes, I learned how to dismantle bomb. I will dismantle it!"

Of course, he knew how to dismantle the bomb he had sent!

"When did you learn this?" Lin Junlong was very surprised, but he didn't care to ask more questions. He urged, "if you can dismantle it, dismantle it quickly!"

Lin Zhengkai walked over and saw that the bomb still had one minute to explode. He took a deep breath and said, "997tb series is a kind of bomb circulating in the underground market. There are three red, yellow and green leads. All of them are pulled out, and the bomb will explode immediately. Generally, two of the three leads are immovable devices. Once broken, the bomb will explode immediately. Only one lead wire will be cut off Stop the bomb

He is very professional with his eloquence!

Go over and grab the green lead and pull it out!

"Hiss"Everyone took a breath.

However, after the wire was pulled out, the bomb did not make any sound in an instant, and the number that had been beating on it was also extinguished.

"It's done!" There was a cheer.

Then everyone was relieved, and suddenly there was a feeling of relief for the rest of our lives!

Lin Junlong's face was extremely ugly. He yelled at the waiter at the door: "lock the door of the inner compartment for me. No one is allowed to go out. I want to see who put the bomb in!"

Lin Junlong lost face because of this incident. If you don't find out who did it, he can't plan his birthday.

But Lin Feng threw the bomb on the table and said, "you believe it's not the bomb I brought here, right?"

"You're right about that. You won't bring this bomb in from outside!" Lin Junlong road.

"Well, it seems that I didn't send you the basin wrong. You are sober up!" Lin Feng laughed and said, "so, who framed me? Who let everyone go through a life and death test? Now stand up, maybe master Lin will give him a chance to admit his mistakes

He also looked at Lin Zhengkai.

Lin Zheng Keaton was scared out of his wits because he could see from Lin Feng's eyes that Lin Feng had already recognized that he had done it, otherwise he would not have let him dismantle the bomb.

This Lin Feng is too smart, even this can see through, Lin Zhengkai at this time regret to die, he regretted that he has been looking down on Lin Feng.

"If you don't give it back to him, please come forward to me." Lin Junlong all scolded.

Lin took a deep breath and winked at the waiter next to him.

"I'm wrong, I'm wrong, sir. I put the bomb in!" The waiter at the door quickly knelt down and kowtowed to Lin Junlong.

"You?" Lin Junlong looked surprised: "why did you bring a bomb? Do you want to kill everyone? "

"Master, please don't be angry. I just want to make a joke with you." The waiter said far fetched.


Lin Junlong's mouth was hard on the waiter's face, which made half of the waiter's face swollen.

"Are you kidding me? What is the occasion today? " Lin Junlong roared angrily. Then, he took a deep breath and calmed down his mood. He asked the waiter coldly, "this is not a joke at all. Who ordered you to do this?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!