The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 972

It has to be said that Lin Junlong is worthy of being the leader of the Lin family. He is not disorderly in the face of danger, and his thinking logic is very clear.

He knew that this matter was definitely not the idea of such a waiter. There must be someone behind him.

The waiter knelt on the ground and sobbed: "master, I really did it. When I put Lin Feng's backpack into the wardrobe, I put this bomb in his bag when he didn't pay attention to it!"

"Tell me, then, why did you do it?" Lin Junlong looked at the waiter coldly: "don't tell me that you are making fun of such nonsense!"

"Master, I really set off the atmosphere. I will dismantle this bomb at a critical moment. It will not hurt anyone, just to make the atmosphere more explosive!" The waiter said with a stiff mouth.

"Pa --"

Lin Junlong slapped the other side of the waiter's face!

"I don't hit the south wall and don't look back!" Lin Junlong said.

He also dares to say that Lin Junlong would like to hang up the waiter in public and beat him.

Lin Zhengkai said quickly, "Dad, today is your birthday party. I think we'll take him back first. When the birthday party is over, we'll interrogate him slowly."

"Well, I'm really confused with anger!" Lin Junlong thinks that Lin Zhengkai's words are very reasonable. No matter what, he can't torture his own people in front of outsiders.

He said to the crowd, "I'm sorry everyone. It's someone in Linlin who didn't prepare for safety, so this guy could take advantage of it. However, you can rest assured that when I go back, I will be severely tortured. We must find out the person behind the scenes and give you an account."

"Well, then we'll wait for master Lin's explanation." Someone said.

Lin Junlong clasped his fist and said, "sure!"

Then he turned and said, "take him back to me!"

"Yes Old Du called the man behind him and took the waiter away from the inner compartment.

Lin was relieved to see that the waiter had left.

As long as you don't blame in public, when you get the waiter back to the Lin family, and you and your brothers and sisters, the waiter will suffer a little flesh and blood, and then find someone to blame, or find a reason to prevaricate in the past, and then give the waiter some money as compensation, and the matter is settled!

Therefore, Lin Zhengkai is at ease.

However, his wishful thinking, a look up, but found that Lin Feng and his four eyes.

Lin Feng stares at Lin Zhengkai with a smile and says, "you drink, how can you look relieved? You must have been very nervous just now?"

When Lin Zhengkai saw that someone was looking at him around, he frowned and said, "Lin Feng, what do you mean? It seems that you are slandering people!"

Now his back is straight, because the waiter has been taken away, there is no evidence on the scene that he did it.

Lin Feng ha ha a smile: "I dare not slander you, it is your own guilty conscience!"

"What are you, Lin Feng?" Lin Zhengkai retorted: "I suspect it was the bomb you brought. You wanted to harm all of us. You colluded with the waiter and ordered him to install the bomb!"

As soon as this word appeared, the scene was silent, and everyone looked at Lin Feng.

Because Lin Zhengkai had said before, Lin Feng threatened to take them all over the place. This is really a rush to talk, so they also doubt whether the bomb was brought in by Lin Feng buying the waiter.

Suddenly, Lin Mingfeng used the gun very freely, which was just like Lin Mingfeng running back.

Take advantage of its unprepared, bite back.

If Lin Feng doesn't pay attention, he may die.

The reason why he publicized in advance that Lin Feng wanted to put everyone in a nest was to plant a time bomb.

However, Lin Feng felt very funny when facing his frame up. He said:

"if I collude with the waiter to bring the bomb in, why should I put it in my backpack, why not put it in someone else's backpack or another place, so that if it is found out, it can also get rid of the relationship!"

"Well, you want to put it somewhere else, but before you take it out, I hear it. You have no chance to transfer it!" Lin Zhengkai said.

"Ha ha! You can say it Lin Feng said, "you heard the tick of the countdown, right?"

"Yes Lin Zhengkai said, "I was the first one to hear it!"

"Well!" Lin Feng nodded: "who would be so stupid as to move the place when the countdown of didi ring rings? Isn't this an explicit way to let people know the existence of bombs? Are you kidding? "

Lin Zhengkai is stunned. Lin Feng's words are rough. He can't think of how to refute it for a moment.

At this time, Lin Feng continued: "what's more, the wages of waiters and waiters in your Lin's restaurants are not low? After all, the Lin family is a big family and a big business! "

"Of course, we are very generous to our employees. We are committed to building a high-quality team and service. If we don't pay enough, how can we have good quality?" Lin Zhengkai has been managing the woody restaurant. When he talks about it, his pride appears on his face."Well, in that case, your employees should be well paid. They also value the job and the position!" But Lin Feng said with a smile: "as you said, your employees' income is generally higher, so I want to buy off the staff of your hotel. Do I have to pay a lot of money?"

Lin Feng said that, Lin Zhengkai suddenly felt something wrong, an ominous premonition haunted his mind.

Sure enough, the next second, Lin Feng laughed and said, "I can only afford a washbasin to give a gift. I can't wait for a table full of good wine and food. How much money do you think I can bribe your waiter? Do your waiters earn more than I do? I'm not a vagrant yet! Ha ha ha


This time, people around me were amused.

Indeed, Lin Feng had never seen the world, they all saw it in their eyes.

It's just Lin Zhengkai's gnashing teeth. Lin Feng's ability of pretending to be forced is really first-class. I didn't expect that he would take this as evidence of his poverty after eating and drinking at his own dinner party!

People around him believed in Lin Feng's words. They felt that Lin Feng was not on the stage at all. The waiter still had a Tiansuo watch. Lin Feng didn't even have a express watch. They didn't believe that Lin Feng could buy the waiter.

At this time, Lin Feng said: "but I have some questions to ask young master Lin!"

"You ask!" Lin Zhengkai pretended to be calm.

Lin Feng said, "when did you learn to dismantle bombs?"

"Didn't you say I learned it?" Lin Zhengkai asked in reverse. It was Lin Feng who volunteered that he would dismantle the bomb and give it to him.

Lin Feng ha ha a smile: "I said you learned, you learned? I said that you had an affair with a servant girl and gave birth to a daughter. Then you framed the elder brother and drove away the maid mother and daughter. Have you ever done that? "

When Lin Feng said this, his eyes sent out a thrilling cold light.

"You..." Lin Zhengkai was said to be in a cold sweat and panicked.

Lin Junlong on one side was surprised to see Lin Feng. He felt that there was something in Lin Feng's words.

"If you have any questions, ask them directly. Don't go around and make mischief out of nothing. This is my father's party. I'll entertain other guests, not just you."

Lin Zhengkai means that when you are a guest, I will give you face to ask a few questions and seize the opportunity. I have no time to play with you.

Lin Feng said with a smile: "OK, this is what you said. Next, I will ask you seriously. Ha, I hope you can give me a serious answer!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!