The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 970

"You make fun of our Lin family's banquets and talk a lot. You don't pay much attention to our Lin family. Besides, my father is so old, you dare to speak ill of him. Lin Feng, do you really think my Lin family is nobody?" Lin Zhengkai angrily said: "today, I want to represent the Lin family and destroy you, a boy who knows nothing about heaven and earth!"

"Stop it!" Lin Junlong is a big drink.

His eyes were red and his hands were shaking. He didn't know whether he was angry or sad.

He stopped Lin Zhengkai with one hand, and then said to Lin Feng with a straight face: "Lin Feng, you remind me that you are right. I take this gift from you."


Everyone present was surprised again.

People can't understand the situation in front of them. Originally, it was just an ordinary banquet for a large family, but it shocked these people again and again.

The people and things on this occasion were unexpected.

The Lin family has a high status in Kyoto. Mr. Lin is highly respected and respected by thousands of people. All the people who come to the banquet today are also following the reputation of Mr. Lin.

However, who would have thought that an unknown boy would dare to send a basin of face, but also utter wild words to remind Mr. Lin to be sober and sober.

What is more surprising is that Mr. Lin accepted it completely.

Besides, he was very excited.

This special, what is the situation, do not play according to the common sense?

For a while, everyone put down their chopsticks and felt that the world had changed. They could not understand the world.

Old man Lin's eyes were red. He thought about his past because of Lin Feng's words.

At the beginning, when he drove Lin Zhengtian away, he looked at his eldest son Lin Zhengtian's depressed back. He was as heartbroken as a thousand arrows.

However, Lin Zhengtian had a wife and had an affair with a servant girl, so that the servant girl was pregnant. He could not help but investigate the matter.

If Lin Zhengtian is let go, where is the dignity of family law?

However, from small to large, Lin Zhengtian is so sensible, Lin Zhengtian seems to be a piece of his heart, but now, he has no way to keep Lin Zhengtian by his side, which is really a very tangled and heartbreaking thing.

After that, he was depressed.

All of a sudden, one day, he heard the servant girl talk about him in private, saying that the master was afraid that he was a fool, how could he drive away the eldest young master, who was the most upright person in the family.

Lin Zhengtian thinks that the servant girls are right. Lin Zhengtian has always been very upright. If there is no such thing, he will not drive Lin Zhengtian away. Therefore, he did not investigate the gossip of those servant girls.

In the year or two after Lin Zhengtian's departure, this kind of voice often appears around Lin Zhengtian. Once something happens, someone will say, "why don't you let the eldest young master come back? If the eldest young master is there, this matter will be easily settled. Alas, the master should wake up and sober up!"

However, a few years later, when Lin Zhengtian changed his mind and tried to recall Lin Zhengtian from Jincheng to Kyoto, an accident happened to Lin Zhengtian. His family of three disappeared.

The blood jade inherited by Lin Zhengtian also fell into the hands of outsiders.

From this, we can infer that Lin Zhengtian's family is more dangerous than lucky!

After learning this, Lin Junlong was ill for two months. He had a heart attack!

But during this period, he also issued orders to trace the whereabouts of Lin Zhengtian's family and see who persecuted his son.

When he was ill, he left it to his sons and daughters.

But Lin Zhengkai, Lin Hongxia and others, after all, did not find out any results.

After he recovered, some discordant voices came out, saying that the master should be sober and sober.

Lin Junlong at this time seriously face up to this sentence, he intends to find out, is there something he has been kept in the dark? Why does someone always say that he is stupid behind his back!

However, he wanted to find servant girls to ask, but found that those maid girls who said he was confused secretly left the Lin family one by one.

Lin Junlong feels strange, but the great cause of the Lin family needs him to manage. However, most of his energy is still focused on the development of the Lin family. This matter has gradually faded away.

But, desalination is only appearance, in his heart, this matter has been his heart disease, until the emergence of Lin Feng.

There are some rumors that Lin Feng and his eldest son Lin Zhengtian have some relationship, so he plans to check Lin Feng's life experience.

This time, he chose to send his own people to check, and failed to pass his son and daughter. It was because of this that he found some unexpected things.

He learned from Lao Hu that Lin Feng was actually the flesh and blood of his eldest son Lin Zhengtian, and that Lin Zhengtian and Qin Huilan's husband and wife were already missing and their lives were unknown.

Lin Junlong was very angry when he knew about it.

He felt that he had been cheated by his children and servants for so many years that he could hardly distinguish between loyalty and treachery. He might have wronged his eldest son, Lin Zhengtian.But he is also a man of great skill. If we investigate him now, he may shake the foundation of the Lin family. He decided not to mention these things for the time being and pretend to know nothing about it.

He wants to see what's wrong with his Lin family and who is doing it here!

Therefore, in the face of Lin Feng, he wanted to recognize, but could not.

At this time, Lin Feng's sentence "let you sober up", like a needle, deeply pierced into Lin Junlong's heart. Lin Junlong looked at Lin Feng with red eyes and solemnly repeated Lin Feng's words again: "I should be sober up, Lin Feng, what you said is too right!"

Suddenly, the whole audience was dumbfounded. What happened to the old man?

However, Lin Zhengkai's heart is extremely panic.

He feels that the old man is slowly understanding some things, and, Lin Feng and the old man's channel, seems to be docking up!

Lin Zhengkai suddenly stood up and suddenly said, "listen, what's the sound?"

The crowd was in a daze, and suddenly there was silence in the inner compartment.

"Di, Di, di..."

a burst of rhythmic sound came from the closet.

"What?" Lin Zhengkai continued to ask aloud.

"It's a time bomb." Lin Feng is not warm, not fire said.

"What? Bomb? "

This time, however, scared everyone, even Lin Junlong was a little surprised.

This is the restaurant of the Lin family. How can a bomb be installed in such a heavily guarded interior?

"Where is the bomb?" Lin Zhengkai asked aloud.

"In my backpack!" Lin Feng smiles.

After hearing this, Lin Zhengkai darted to the wardrobe. The wardrobe opened and took out Lin Feng's backpack directly. The voice was heard from Lin Feng's bag.

Lin Zhengkai pulled out the bomb and swore at Lin Feng: "Lin Feng, you came in with the bomb on your back, trying to kill all of us, right? You are so vicious

When they saw that Lin Zhengkai was holding a bomb, the number on it was still jumping, and there was about five minutes to go before the explosion.

"Everybody, get out of here!" Lin Zhengkai gave a big drink: "second brother and third brother, take Dad out quickly, quick!"

At this time, everyone was flustered and got up to run outside.

However, Lin Feng was holding a red wine cup and shaking the red wine inside. He said casually: "we don't need to be so alarmed. If this bomb wants to explode, you would have died earlier, and we can't wait for now!"

With that, he raised his head and drank the wine. , the fastest update of the webnovel!