The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 964

Time passed quickly, and a week passed in the blink of an eye.

Today is the 70th birthday of the Lin family. Lin Feng didn't prepare any congratulatory gifts. Instead, he carried a small backpack and drove on the bonus Santana and set off.

Mr. Lin's behavior is relatively low-key, and his 70th birthday can reasonably choose a landmark building in Kyoto, which will make a great impact.

However, he chose to hold it on the top floor of the forest hotel of the Lin family, and only invited some celebrities in the circle and his good friends.

There are only dozens of tables in total.

But in this group, it's hierarchical.

For example, some high-ranking people will go to the inner compartment with Mr. Lin for dinner. The rest of the small fish and shrimp are all in the hall outside, that is, the outer compartment.

However, Lin Junlong is a very decent person, and naturally he will not ignore these people in the outer room.

Therefore, he planned to get acquainted with everyone in the outer compartment, and then go to the inner chamber to accompany his distinguished guests.

The guests who come to the party also know this truth, so no one will make trouble. If they can be invited to attend, it shows that the Lin family attaches great importance to them. As for why they are arranged in the outer compartment, that is why they still need to continue to work hard.

Soon, a large group of guests arrived, and the birthday party started at 10:00 a.m.

Mr. Lin, dressed in a black Chinese tunic, appeared in public view.

On the big stage behind him, there was a big golden peach. The old man Lin had white hair and beard. He was leaning on a stick in one hand, which was quite a fairyland.

However, if people observe carefully, he is not very happy.

Even, there was a trace of loss in his eyes.

Yes, that's because the person he invited didn't come!

Lin Feng, I'm late again!

In the eyes of Mr. Lin, maybe he won't come.

Therefore, in the heart of master Lin, there is some loss. However, he will not neglect everyone because of Lin Feng's absence. This is the most basic etiquette.

With a smile on his horse, Mr. Lin nodded his head to say hello to all the guests. Then he picked up the microphone and made an opening speech.

"Our Lin family has always been very hospitable since ancient times. Today, on Lin Junlong's 70th birthday, I invited all the guests to dinner. I didn't expect that everyone would give me face. I'm very happy and thank you all for coming. I'd like to propose a toast to you first!"

Lin Junlong took a small glass of white wine from his attendants and drank it down.

"Master Lin is a good drinker."

"It's cool, it's amazing!"


the following flattered me in twos and threes.

After all, the Lin family has a great cause. If they can keep company with the Lin family, the pheasant can become a Phoenix.

Lin Junlong then added some words of gratitude, and then went down the steps to have a close contact with the guests, toast and talk.

Of course, these activities are accompanied by bodyguards throughout the process, and the process is extremely short.

It's not good to say, it's just a show.

After all, being close to the people is a good word. With the seal of being close to the people, this person will be grounded from now on, which makes people feel approachable and gentle.

After Lin Junlong finished the scene, he saw that the atmosphere was almost complete. He told everyone that there were still guests to entertain, so he went to the inner chamber.

In the inner chamber, this is the main battlefield.

In the past, there were only two big tables.

At one of the tables, there are famous and good people, half of them are local relevant department personnel, some are powerful chamber of Commerce and family leaders.

Ouyang Zhenhua of Ouyang family and Shangguan Hong of Shangguan family are all here, but no one from Tang family comes this time. However, in order to express this idea, Tang family sent a huge golden longevity peach. The one on the stage behind the hall is sent by Tang family!

Pure 24K krypton gold, more than one person high, showing its weight.

Of course, that's impossible!

The other table in the inner room is Lin Junlong's family and his best friend.

Old Chen of Wu wangzong was also among them.

"Today is my 70th birthday, thank you for coming to celebrate my birthday, I am extremely honored!" Lin Junlong raised his glass.

He was still that sentence, or so humble attitude, attracted people in the house repeatedly exclaimed: "Oh, old Lin, you are too modest ah!"

Lin Junlong said: "I am not modest. All of you here are masters of one side. I am very honored to be able to come here because of my face! I have nothing to repay. I can only treat you well today

"Mr. Lin is so polite." Ouyang Zhenhua said: "you old Lin sneezed in Kyoto. We have to shiver. It's our honor to come to your birthday party."

"Ouyang is joking Lin Junlong said with a smile.

"Oh, no kidding!" Ouyang Zhenhua said with a face of embarrassment: "my Ouyang family is in decline now!""What's the matter?" Everyone looks at Ouyang Zhenhua!

"Don't pretend to be confused if you understand it!" Ouyang Zhenhua said with a bitter face: "some time ago, at the wedding of my grandson Ouyang Zhenhua, my family was injured by a boy named Lin Feng. Do you know this?"

When they heard this, they were silent.

Who doesn't know about it? It's all over the city.

However, no one is willing to say this. It is to give Ouyang family a face. Why should Ouyang family expose their shortcomings in public? And then in front of so many people called their family lonely?

See no one to respond, Ouyang Zhenhua's face some hang up.

Lin Zhengkai quickly stood up and said, "there is such a thing, but Ouyang's family is so big that a stinky boy can't do anything to you, can't you?"

Lin Zhengkai didn't want his father's party to be cold, so he stood up and said a word.

Ouyang Zhenhua quickly said, "nephew Lin, you are wrong! Lin Feng is not an ordinary loach. If you give him a door, he dares to cross over to be a dragon

"That exaggeration?" Questions have been raised.

Although we have heard of the incident, many people have never seen Lin Feng, because they don't take Lin Feng seriously. They think it's just that Ouyang family accidentally capsized.

Ouyang Zhenhua said: "the boy is very aggressive. I heard that he not only makes trouble in Ouyang's house, but also makes a big noise in the official family, isn't he? Shangguanhong

Shangguan Hong did not like Ouyang Zhenhua because he knew Ouyang Zhenhua. He was a man who could do everything to achieve his goal. However, with so many people there, he didn't give face. He said, "he did stay in Shangguan's house for a period of time. No, it's not noisy. I think that young man has something to make!"

After hearing this, Lin Junlong nodded with a smile, as if he felt more comfortable.

However, Ouyang Zhenhua said, "well, it's not like this. The boy said behind his back that he wanted to pick out all the dignitaries in Kyoto. I heard that Lin Dong, the grandson of old Lin, was beaten by him a week ago? Ouch, it was a terrible fight. I broke my hands and feet! "

On hearing this, Lin Junlong became angry.

What do you mean by saying that on this occasion?

However, Lin Zhengkai agreed: "yes, my son Lin Dong was beaten badly by him! Uncle Zhenhua is right. The boy is ambitious and wants to give us a nest! "


All of us were surprised, a little boy with such a big voice?

"So, let's all pay attention to it. He even dares to move the grandson of the Lin family. What else does he dare not do?" Ouyang Zhenhua said.

Other people listen, are all sigh, this is called Lin Feng boy, which stone jumped out?

Is it possible to reverse heaven?

At this time, he saw the inner door open, and a waiter came in and said to Lin Junlong, "old Lin, here comes Lin Feng!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!