The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 965

All of a sudden, people are a burst of surprise.

Is Lin Feng here?

Lin Feng was also invited to the banquet?

Lin Junlong said to the waiter at the door, "let him in!"

"What? Let him in the trunk Lin Zhengkai said reluctantly, "Dad, here are all high-ranking officials and dignitaries. They are all places where our senior people stay. What do you want him to do as a young boy?"

Lin Junlong said, "he is late. I will punish him for toasting us."

Lin Zhengkai was stunned. He didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in the gourd.

But before the words were finished, a head came in through the crack of the door. His eyes ran around and looked around. He laughed: "Wow, there are so many people here. It's so busy. I'm right."

The speaker is naturally Lin Feng.

The waiter wants to stop Lin Feng, but Lin Feng walks into the room first: "tut Tut, there are so many old acquaintances! Sorry, I'm late. There's a traffic jam

Lin Feng said, casually found a position, pulled a stool and then sat up: "come on, wine ah, this road has made me thirsty!"

People look at me, I look at you, are a look of amazement.

Is this guy too familiar?

"Lin Feng, you dare to be late for my father's birthday party. Don't you take my Lin family seriously?" Lin Zhengkai seized the opportunity and said.

"What you said is that I won't go to the birthday party of ordinary people, which has already given you enough face!" Lin Feng said with a smile.

When they heard this, they talked about it in succession. They all felt that Lin Feng was really boastful.

How can he de dare to despise the Lin family?

Lin Zhengkai was furious and said, "Lin Feng, if my father didn't give you the chance to come to the party, do you think you're just a kid who's just arrived in Kyoto, can you have such a chance?"

People also feel that this is reasonable, have to look at Lin Feng, eyes full of disdain.

However, Lin Junlong waved his hand and said, "Kai'er, don't be rude!"

As soon as the old man spoke, he choked back what Lin Zhengkai had to blurt out.

Lin Junlong said, "as far as I know, Lin Feng is the grandson of Hu in Kyoto, isn't he?"


Everyone was surprised!

Mr. Hu of Kyoto, that's a famous figure!

He is well-known in the world for his "black and white everything". With so many families, ancient martial societies and big chambers of Commerce in Kyoto, all of them want to sell Hu's noodles.

At this time, all the talents knew Lin Junlong's intention of inviting Lin Feng to come!

Mr. Hu's grandson, he is a famous figure!

Even shangguanhong and Chen Lao of wuwangzong didn't expect that Lin Feng had such a relationship. The two of them had been very optimistic about Lin Feng, which made him feel that Lin Feng was an unfathomable young man.

With such a large background and backing, he didn't even mention a word. He was working on his own. This young man is extraordinary!

But Lin Feng said with a smile: "that's Hu ye who is joking with me. We just cooperated several times. I have nothing to do with them."

"Then you are modest." Lin Junlong and Lao Hu occasionally play chess together. He has known about Lin Feng's relationship for a long time.

At this time, Ouyang Zhenhua seemed to seize the opportunity and quickly said: "Lao Hu really loves talents. He and many young people are very good friends, so Lin Feng also has some skills, so he won Lao Hu's favor! However, I have to remind Mr. Lin that there are some relationships, which are only seemingly compatible and alienated, and interests are eternal! "

Ouyang Zhenhua's words are very euphemistic, but it is not difficult for people present to recognize his meaning.

In fact, he was beating around the Bush and said that Lao Hu must have seen that the boy was still good and wanted to use him, so he gave him a place.

After hearing this, they also accepted what Ouyang Zhenhua said.

Indeed, why does Laohu accept a dry grandson for no reason? Should such a large family property be left to this person who has no blood relationship with him?

This is absolutely impossible, this is to use this boy, but the boy is serious, what a pity!

Lin Feng didn't care what others said or looked at. He touched his stomach and said, "Oh, I'm in traffic jam all the way. I'm hungry and thirsty. What, I'm not polite to you!"

With that, he pulled off a greasy chicken leg with one hand, and lifted the decanter directly with the other hand. He took a bite of the drumstick and drank a mouthful of red wine. It was very sweet to eat like that.

But this scene made everyone shake their heads and sigh.

Why does Lin Feng seem to have never seen the world? That's it. What about Lao Hu's grandson? This is a little country loser!

He thought it was something terrible. He dared to tear down the wedding ceremony of Ouyang family, and dare to go to the ancestral residence of the official family. What people heard about this guy doing was a big sensation. However, he really let everyone down!

I can't see that he has any ability, but he still dares to speak out and join the birthday party of master Lin is to give face!Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers. They don't know the height of the earth!

At this time, in addition to shangguanhong and Chen Lao, almost everyone began to despise Lin Feng.

Seeing this, Lin Zhengkai was very happy. What he wanted was this effect. He quickly took advantage of everyone's emotions and said, "Lin Feng, this is not the place for you to stay. Please go to the outer compartment for dinner."

"Oh? Why do I have to go outside? Isn't everyone equal? Why are you still graded so that you look down on people? " Lin Feng mouth to eat oil, head does not lift, eyes do not open to say.

"Ha ha!" Lin Zhengkai said with a sneer: "in this room, except for my Lin family, all the people in this room are the heads of major departments, representatives of major chambers of Commerce, family heads and officials. Who are you? It's shameless to dare to sit on the same level with others

Lin Feng also shook his head and chuckled. He was too lazy to explain. Don't mention these people. Even if it's a high-n-level magnate, he is still indifferent.

Those important officials at home and abroad have never seen Lin Feng and heard of Shura. Who mentioned Shura without thumbs up?

What's more, he paid no attention to how many important officials and magnates vied for him to eat.

These people thought he was rubbing Lao Hu's light when he was the grandson of Lao Hu. Who knows that Lao Hu is famous in the world because of Lin Feng's existence.

Of course, Lin Feng never mentioned these things. He thought he didn't hear Lin Zhengkai talking and continued to eat and drink.

"Pa!" Lin Zhengkai patted the table and yelled: "I order you to get out of this and not to disturb my distinguished guests."

"Kay, don't be so rude?" Lin Junlong gave a big drink.

After all, it's his birthday party. It's so noisy that I can't face it.

"Dad, big brother is right. This guy really can't have dinner with us!" Lin Zhengqing said.

"Yes, it's out of tune." Lin Hongxia also interrupted.

Lin Junlong does not understand this truth, but his eyes are flashing a ray of light, carefully looking at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng did not pay attention to Lin Junlong's eyes, because at the moment, he was extremely indignant.

History is always astonishingly similar. In those years, these people framed and expelled their father, causing him to be expelled and displaced.

Now, unite again to insult and drive him away?

Bully, how do you want to bully?

Do you really think we were born to bully and insult you?

Lin Feng put down the drumsticks and red wine, raised his head to look at Lin Zhengkai and said, "today, I can't go out yet!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!