The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 963

"Out?" Liu Hui was puzzled and asked, "who is the extermination?"

Lin Feng was not easy to explain to him. He said, "Mie is one of my enemies. He should be lurking in the Lin family. He doesn't want me to find him too early. Therefore, he wants to send someone to kill you and Wenwen, so that you won't have a chance to mention my father's matter, and I won't go to the door!"

"But now, I already know that it's in the Lin family, so it's meaningless to kill you. So you and Wenwen are safe for the time being. You and Wenwen should be on guard against Lin Zhengkai, because he is afraid that you will disclose what happened at that time, and he can't touch you."

Liu Hui frowned and asked, "are you sure Lin Zhengkai is not destroyed? Didn't he send someone to kill us

"Lin Zhengkai is not exterminating!" "He is not qualified!" said Lin Feng

Liu Hui's face is at a loss, and she doesn't know what Lin Feng said. However, she believes Lin Feng's words very much.

Lin Feng went back to his house.

There was one thing that the mouse didn't understand. Now there were only two of them in the room. The mouse asked, "boss, this time, we can install a bug for Lin Dong secretly, and then let him be our tool man to search for some information in the Lin family. But why did you choose to hurt him? This may affect your subsequent plans

Lin Feng laughed and did not speak.

He really wanted to use Lindong as a tool to eavesdrop on the secrets of the Lin family, but after seeing Lin Dong, he suddenly changed his mind.

This Lin Dong is arrogant and domineering, and he has to fix Liu Wenwen.

After Lin Dong was injured this time, it is estimated that Lin Dong will lie in the hospital for several months, so he can no longer eavesdrop on those news. Lin Feng also takes advantage of the time when people are not paying attention to remove the eavesdropper installed on Lindong's mobile phone.

It's just that the mice don't understand this kind of behavior. If we can get to know the Lin family as quickly as possible by eavesdropping on Lin Dong, but now, isn't the eldest brother equal to cutting off his fastest way?

Lin Feng seemed to know what the mouse was thinking. He patted the mouse on the shoulder and said, "I always have my own ideas for doing things, so you don't have to worry about the next step. The Lin family will invite me to the door. This is the way I want to do it!"

Lin Feng wants to compete with the people of the Lin family, which is why he suddenly changes his mind.

The mouse is crooked head, a face puzzled looking at Lin Feng said: "impossible, you hit the people of the Lin family, they will ask you to come?"

Lin Feng said: "it's because I beat Lin Dong, and I've torn my face with Lin Zhengkai, so they invited me to come."

The mouse did not understand, and asked: "boss, can you tell me in detail? I can't keep up with your brain circuit!"

Lin Feng said: "if they are smart enough, they will know that it is meaningless to send killers to assassinate me. My resume is the king of mercenaries. Let alone the strength, it is just the ability of anti reconnaissance, which is enough to deal with their assassination. So when they know my resume, they will choose another way! "

"What can I do?" Asked the mouse.

"Please enter the urn or feast at Hongmen!" Lin Feng Road.

"What are the tricks?" The mouse asked blankly.

Lin Feng patted the back of the mouse's brain and said with a smile, "you should have read more."

Then he explained to the mouse: "it's very simple to ask the monarch to enter the urn. They will find a reason to invite me to the urn. When I go there, they will enter a trap set by them in advance. They will trap me in it, that is to ask the emperor to enter the urn!"

The mouse suddenly realized: "Oh, I know. The next step is to catch a turtle in a jar, right?"

"You are a turtle Lin Feng patted the back of the mouse again.

Lin Feng couldn't laugh or cry about this natural rat.

"Boss, boss, it's my slip of the tongue!" When the mouse knew that he was wrong, he quickly made up his smile and then asked, "what is the Hongmen banquet?"

Lin Feng said, "the Hongmen banquet is more simple. They put up a banquet for me to attend. Then, in this banquet, they either killed me or designed to frame me!"

Finish saying, Lin Feng pick eyebrow a smile: "with this group of people's intelligence, should be these methods!"

Another reason why Lin Feng is so determined is that in this way, all actions are controlled by their Lin family. Even if something happens to him, the outside world will not receive any news, which is very safe.

Sure enough, the two people had a rest for one night. At noon the next day, they received an invitation letter, which was actually an invitation letter from the Lin family's 70th birthday, inviting Lin Feng to attend.

When the mouse saw the invitation, he immediately startled Lin Feng: "boss, you guessed too accurately. I feel that these people fight with you, just like a group of children playing with you. You seem to be able to master all their actions!"

Lin Feng said with a faint smile: "if not, how can I have the confidence to compete with his whole family with my own strength?"The mouse nodded heavily, no wonder the boss is full of confidence, not only because of strength, but also because of IQ!

IQ is a good thing, but I don't have it, but the boss has it!

"Are you going to take me to the party, boss? I'm afraid you can't handle it alone Said the mouse.

"It's enough for me to go alone!" Lin Feng said: "you remember, you will always be my rear intelligence, I will not let you participate in such activities, you just need to wait for my news in the rear, I will not contact you until I have to."

The mouse nodded, suddenly moved.

It used to be like this, and now it's still the case. The boss always put himself in the most dangerous place and let them do things safely in the rear. The boss always takes his life to fight!

Every time the mouse thinks of these things, he feels guilty. But he also knows the temperament of the boss. He has to do what he says. He has no way to change his mind.

"By the way, mouse, take time to find out the whereabouts of the pharmacist. The guy seems to have no news since he disappeared last time. I'm worried about him." Lin Feng said.

"Yes, boss. I'll try my best to find out!" The mouse nodded.

Then, Lin Feng sat in front of the window, lit a cigarette, looked out of the window, murmured: "come to Kyoto for such a long time, we finally have something to gain, Lin family, we finally started the formal war, extinguish, you wait, soon, I will find you out!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!