The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 962

Lin Zhengkai is very depressed. Why does the old man have to see Lin Feng?

The old man doesn't seem to know the relationship between Lin Feng and Lin Zhengtian. Does he want to avenge his son Xiaodong? That's why I asked Lin Feng to come over and clean him up?

However, if you just want to clean up Lin Feng, you won't choose to clean up Lin Feng on such an important occasion as his birthday? You can send some experts to kill Lin Feng quietly!

Lin Zhengkai didn't know what medicine was sold in the gourd. However, one thing he could be sure of was that if the old man met Lin Feng, he would not be able to cover up and reveal his secret.

Therefore, he must not let Lin Feng appear at the father's birthday party.

He called Lin Zhengqing and Lin Zhengming. He also called his sisters Lin Hongxia and Lin Hongyu, and agreed to hold a family meeting.

The next morning at 9:00 a.m. in the Council Hall of the forest hotel.

The forest hotel is a five-star hotel under the Lin family, which is mainly managed by Lin Zhengkai. The selection of this meeting here is enough to show the degree of secrecy.

The rest of the brothers and sisters also know the elder brother's habits. Once they are asked to go to the forest hotel for a meeting, it must be absolutely confidential. Therefore, they did not bring anyone with them. They all came alone.

At this time, the door of the conference hall was closed, and two bodyguards with fierce faces stood outside.

In the conference hall, in front of the large French windows, a luxurious round wooden table is fat. Several people sit together, while Lin Zhengkai stands in front of the French window with a dignified face.

"About Lin Feng, I don't know what you have learned about Chengdu!" Lin Zhengkai said, "this boy is Lin Zhengtian's son!"

"What, Lin Feng is Lin Zhengtian's son?" Lin Zhengqing said with astonishment.

"Big brother, how did you find out?" Lin Zhengming was also very surprised.

At that time, the news they heard was that in Jincheng, Lin Zhengtian's family was destroyed, and the whereabouts of blood jade were unknown.

However, how come a son of Lin Zhengtian?

Even Lin Hongxia and Lin Hongyu were shocked.

All the news they got was that the Lin family had been destroyed.

It seems that someone secretly blocked the news!

As for who blocked the news and took Lin Feng away secretly, they don't know, and they don't need to know. What's in front of them now is how to deal with Lin Zhengtian's descendants.

The Lin family has always heard a rumor outside that the whole family of Lin Zhengtian in Jincheng was destroyed by the people of the Lin family in Kyoto.

The Lin family has been clarifying this matter over the years.

However, they felt that they had nothing to do with it, but Lin Zhengtian was expelled by them in the end. Anyway, they played a certain role in fueling the flames in this incident.

As a result, there are fewer and fewer actions to clarify later.

Of course, with the passage of time, this matter has gradually been forgotten.

Lin Feng's accidental appearance this time can be regarded as drawing this matter back to their sight again.

Lin Zhengkai smoked a good cigar and said, "the appearance of Lin Feng will push back the events of that year. Although we did not kill Lin Zhengtian, you all remember clearly how to deal with Lin Zhengtian. Therefore, when Lin Feng did not find the real person who killed his parents, we were his biggest enemy!"

"So what does big brother mean?" Lin asked

Lin Zhengkai said: "Lin Feng regards us as our biggest enemy, and we must regard him as our biggest enemy at present."

But Lin Zhengming said, "elder brother, do you take him seriously? Isn't it just a kid? Let's send someone to clean him up! "

Lin Zhengkai said, "if it is so simple, I will not call you here!"

He put out his cigarette, reached the front of the table, and said to everyone, "the old man wants to see Lin Feng on his birthday."

"What?" Everyone was surprised.

After all, because they wanted to get rid of Lin Zhengtian, they took great pains to set up Lin Zhengtian together. Now, if the old man and Lin Feng were allowed to contact and know what happened then, they would all suffer.

"Why do you want to see Lin Feng? Do you know the identity of Lin Feng Lin Zhengqing asked.

"It's not clear. The old man didn't say why he saw Lin Feng. However, since he wanted to see him, if we killed Lin Feng at this time, he would be suspicious." Lin Zhengkai said, glancing at the crowd, he found that Lin Hongxia and Lin Hongyu were both worried. He said, "but don't worry too much, because the old man told me about this. Let me call Lin Feng here, so we can change this matter completely."

"What does big brother want to change?" Asked Lin Hongxia.

"Let Lin Feng not see the old man!" Lin Zhengkai said, "this matter should be special and natural."

"How do you do it?" Lin Zhengming looks at Lin Zhengkai.

"I can't, I'll have a Hongmen banquet, or..." Lin Zhengkai said, his eyes lost.Cuiluan district.

Lin Feng sent Liu's mother and daughter home and stayed with them for a while.

Liu's mother and daughter originally made a meal and wanted to invite Lin Feng. They were afraid that Lin Feng would drink too much wine in the bar, so they chose to go to the bar to pull Lin Feng back. However, they did not want to have a dramatic episode with the Lin family. With Lin Feng's help, they actually got back 50 million yuan.

Liu Hui didn't know what to say. It was too dramatic. Moreover, with so much money, they all felt a little bit floating.

Lin Feng was very indifferent when he arrived. He told Liu Hui, "Auntie, this money is even the loss fee given to you by Lin Zhengkai and the maintenance fee for Wen Wen. Moreover, this is only the first one. After that, he will receive it!"

"What? There's another one in the back Liu Hui was stunned and said, "I feel a little beyond my imagination."

"Auntie, he owes you and Wenwen, but it's more than that. Don't worry. I'm in everything." Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Lin Feng, thank you so much!" Liu Wenwen did not know how to express her gratitude to Lin Feng.

Because of her beautiful appearance, she is often insulted and molested by some lousy hooligans. She is submissive and hides whenever she can.

But in the back, she found that she couldn't hide much.

Fortunately, Lin Feng appeared.

The appearance of Lin Feng makes her feel that her life has been protected instantly, that is, as long as Lin Feng is there, she feels very safe.

Even, she has been greedily dependent on this feeling, she wants to leave Lin Feng forever, of course, not only for this warm and safe feeling, but also, she is sure that she has fallen in love with Lin Feng.

By this time, Lin Feng had transferred all the money Lin Zhengkai had given to Liu Hui.

"Lin Feng, we owe you 20 million yuan, so 20 million yuan is yours for 50 million Li!" Liu Hui found that the account was 50 million more.

"It doesn't matter, auntie. You should spend the money first, and I'll save it for you." Lin Feng a face indifferent smile way.

"It's yours, and I'll give it to you! Lin Feng, you have helped us so much. Our mother and daughter don't know how to repay you. I give you this money, it's natural and proper. I even think we should give you more! " Liu Hui said.

"Don't, I'm not the one who blackmailed women's money!" Lin Feng giggled: "Auntie, first put you there, I now take these money also useless."

Then, he looked at Liu Hui, but his face suddenly became serious: "Auntie, I have confirmed one thing now. The four killers who came to kill you and Wenwen were not sent by Lin Zhengkai!"

"Who would that be?" Liu Hui asked.

"Out!" Lin Feng said. , the fastest update of the webnovel!