The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 961

"You?" Lin Zhengkai looked at Jack coldly: "who are you?"

Jack said, "it doesn't matter who I am, but elder brother Lin Feng is a close friend of our wolf clan and a VIP of our Wolff family. If you dare to move him, you will be against the whole wolf family. Our wolf family doesn't mind fighting with your Lin family!"

Jack said full of confidence, with a sense of superiority and self-confidence of a big family.

Naturally, Lin Zhengkai has heard of the wolf family. In recent years, the wolf family has also established many companies and laboratories in China. It is said that they are committed to researching a kind of serum that can make human become stronger.

This kind of thing is not recognized by the public, and the international medical community has tried to exclude them, but the wolf family has been able to carry out this research under pressure and public opinion.

It's enough to see how strong the background of the wolf family is.

Therefore, Lin Zhengkai did not want to offend the wolf family.

Of course, his Lin family was not afraid of the wolf family, but that he was afraid that he could not shoulder the responsibility.

The development of the Lin family today is the result of the efforts of many generations. If one of his actions leads to a quarrel with the wolf family, the development of the Lin family will certainly be affected. If the influence is far-reaching and even makes the Lin family down, it is not for him to shoulder the responsibility.

Lin Zhengkai has never been a man of courage. He does not seek no merit but no fault.

Because the old man will be settled down in a few years, the Lin family will naturally be his. As long as he is stable, he will be fine.

So he didn't want to make a big noise.

"Even if your wolf family is strong!" Lin Zhengkai said: "however, our Lin family is not afraid of the wolf family. You know, our Lin family is a famous ancient Wu family. If the wolf family and our Lin family are enemies, we believe that both lose and lose is the most obvious result."

"Well, if you say so, you can have a try." Jack looks at Lin Zhengkai with a smile.

Lin Zhengkai also looks at Jack with a cold face.

Two powerful gas fields confront each other.

"Jack, my business is none of your business." At this time, Lin Feng said, "I have to deal with my own affairs with the Lin family."

"Big brother Lin Feng..." Jack stopped.

"I'm very grateful for your help, but it's my own business. I hope the wolf family won't interfere!" Lin Feng said.

Then, he looked at Lin Zhengkai and said, "it's enough for me to deal with you alone."

"You are so arrogant and boundless Lin Zhengkai said coldly.

"Brother Lin Feng!" Mike looks at Lin Feng.

In this country, many people want to have a relationship with their wolf family, but they ignore it. Why is Lin Feng so individual?

Is he sure he can fight against the Lin family in Kyoto?

Lin Feng laughed at Jack and said, "I understand your kindness, but I have to solve my problems by myself. This is my principle of doing things."

Then he turned to look at Lin Zhengkai and said with a cold smile, "I've had enough today, so now I'm going back to have a rest. So, you should be glad that I didn't pursue it again today, but next time, you won't have such good luck again! "

Lin Zhengkai grinned his teeth and turned red with anger. He said as if he was not his opponent.

But because Jack was still there, Lin Zhengkai was not doing anything. He just hid his anger in his body and said to Lin Feng with a smile: "well, today is really my lucky day. I hope we can have a fierce collision without luck. What do you think?"

Lin Feng picked up his eyebrows and said, "please, or I will go to see you, and you should tell your brothers and sisters well that I will not let go of any of them. Please prepare to meet me."

"You are too wild, I will let you pay for your madness!" Lin Zhengkai said.

But Lin Feng said with a chuckle, "is this rampant? That's when you haven't seen me rampant. In short, today I'm tired and have to go back! " Then he said to Liu Huihao, Liu Wenwen: "Auntie, Wenwen sister, we withdraw."

Then, under the gaze of all people, Lin Feng smilingly took Liu Wenwen out of the box.

Jack also looked at Lin Zhengkai coldly and went out with Jones and bill.

"Boss, I seem to understand the face now!" Jones said: "the woman named Liu Hui is the queen, and Lin Zhengkai is the king. Although the queen is not as powerful as the king, Lin Feng can play the role of Prince and Knights of the temple, so they are bigger than the king. Lin Zhengkai lost this game."

Jack laughed and said, "you're not exactly right. In fact, I made a mistake. I thought we were knights in the temple. Only we could get a whole set of cards to defeat Lin Zhengkai. However, Lin Feng didn't need us. It seems that Lin Feng is the king. "

"What a maverick Bill said, looked at Jack and said, "boss, I see admiration in your eyes."Jack said, "yes! There are not many people I can admire. Lin Feng is one of them. "

At this time, the hotel box.

Lin Zhengkai was trembling with anger. He had been so cowardly for a long time. His son's arms were destroyed by others in front of him. However, he could only watch. He would not take revenge on him, and he would not be a human being.

Lin Zhengkai came home with his men and met Lin Junlong.

Lin Junlong seems to have heard some news and said, "Xiao Kai, I heard you went to the dynasty bar to make trouble?"

Lin Zhengkai quickly said, "no!"

"Qinglong has come back first, and he has returned to Emperor Wu!" Lin Junlong said.

"Damn it!" Lin Zhengkai's heart was cool, and he quickly asked, "what else did he say to you?"

"He just said that he was not well protected and hurt my grandson Xiaodong. So, I want to ask you, what's going on?" Lin Junlong road.

Lin Zhengkai was relieved when he heard that. Fortunately, Qinglong didn't talk nonsense.

He said: "Lin Dong was beaten by Lin Feng, but I can deal with it. Father, you can rest assured."

Lin Junlong listened, sighed and said, "Lin Feng finally began to find our home."

"Just a little boy!" Lin Zhengkai said, "I can make it myself. My father doesn't have to worry about it."

Lin Junlong did not pay attention to Lin Zhengkai's words, but said with some command tone: "take Lin Feng to see me when you are free."

"Why?" Lin Zhengkai asked.

In fact, he was afraid that Lin Junlong and Lin Feng would meet, because their brothers and sisters conspired to frame Lin Zhengtian, which was unknown to the master Zilin Junlong.

What's more, Liu Hui's case is also a lie to Lin Zhengtian.

Therefore, he can not let the old man and Lin Feng meet.

Lin Zhengkai said: "father, this matter really does not need you to act!"

But Lin Junlong said obstinately: "I will be 70 next week. Call Lin Feng here too!"

"Dad Lin Zhengkai also wants to refute.

But Lin Junlong said, "I have made up my mind. Do as I say." , the fastest update of the webnovel!