The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 960

"How about it? Do you mind if I break his other arm now? " Lin Feng looks at Lin Zhengkai coldly.

"You're dead, son of a bitch!" Wang Zaifu on one side hastened to add fuel to the flames.

This boy has already provoked the Lin family. His fate will be very miserable. Now what he has to do is to be absolutely loyal to the Lin family.

Lin Zhengkai's hatred for this boy must have reached the peak at this time. Therefore, Wang Zaifu must be cruel to this guy, so that the Lin family can see his intention.

So Wang Zaifu not only threatened Lin Feng, but also pointed to Liu Wenwen and Liu Hui, who were beside Lin Feng, and said, "are you a group? Today, no one wants to go out of my place, and dare to hurt the young master of the Lin family. You three really don't know the height of heaven and earth! "

"Kneel down!" Lin Feng didn't care about Wang Zaifu's barking. It seemed that the noisy voice had nothing to do with him. He just said to Wang Zaifu, "kneel down!"

"Are you him..." Wang Zaifu was furious.

However, at this time, he listened to Lin Zhengkai shouting: "kneel down!"

"Well?" Wang Zaifu was stunned: "boss Lin, are you talking to me?"

"I'll make you kneel down!" Lin Zhengkai scolded coldly.


Wang Zaifu didn't understand why Lin Zhengkai wanted him when he helped Lin Zhengkai so much?

However, looking at Lin Zhengkai's bloodshot eyes, Wang Zaifu did not dare to refuse. He bit his teeth and knelt on the ground.

"To which side do you kneel?" "Kneel down to me!" said Lin Feng

"Don't put your nose on your face!" Wang Zaifu said angrily.

Lin Zhengkai is a big drink: "do as he says!"


"hurry up and get down on his knees!" Lin Zhengkai's teeth are almost broken!

If you don't follow Lin Feng's advice now, this boy may really give up his son.

However, Wang Zaifu, who has no brain, is still against the wind at this time. If he can't anger Lin Feng, his son will be in danger.

Before Lin Zhengkai didn't think that Lin Feng had any courage, but this time, he found that Lin Feng didn't seem to be afraid of him and the Lin family behind him.

Therefore, he is such a baby son, must not have an accident.

When he let Wang Zaifu kneel down, he gave the old Du a look.

Old Du understood and knew that Lin Zhengkai was telling him to find an opportunity to save young master Lin Dong.

At this time, Lin Feng said to Wang Zaifu, "learn how to bark and listen to it!"

"Don't go too far, son of a bitch!" Wang Zaifu drank a lot.

"Learn from me!" Lin Zhengkai gave a cold command.

Wang Zaifu felt that he had been humiliated to the extreme, but there was no way. If he did not follow Lin Zhengkai's advice, he would have offended the Lin family and would have no good fruit to eat in the future.

After repeated entanglement, Wang Zaifu chose to compromise and seek perfection.

He knelt on the ground with his buttocks pursed and cried, "Wang, Wang, Wang...

" well, the voice is very pure, ha ha ha ha! " Lin Feng looked up and laughed.

At this time, however, he saw a flash of light in Du's eyes behind Lin Zhengkai. He suddenly forced his back foot and rushed towards Lin Feng.

"Be honest with me!"

Lin Feng said, directly pull Lin Dong back a step, to avoid Du Lao's attack, homeopathy, but also broke a finger of Lin Dong.

"Ah -" Lin Dong's eyes rolled with pain!

"Lin Feng, stop it!" Lin Zhengkai couldn't see it anymore.

Lin Dong's pain is all in his heart. Although he wants to break Lin Feng's body into pieces and frustrate his bones and ashes, Lin Dong is under the control of others. His anger can only be held in his heart and can not be sent out.

"Mr. Du, you're old. Stand behind you!" Lin Zhengkai said.

"I..." Du old face of injustice.

When it comes to cultivation strength, he is a triple cultivator of Qi state. He kills Lin Feng every minute, but it is because the young master is caught that he can't exert himself.

But what he doesn't know is that it's only like this, which can save him. If he really starts fighting with Lin Feng, he will know whether he is wronged in the end.

At this time, Lin Feng was a little tired. He said to Lin Zhengkai, "Lin Zhengkai, I know all the things you and your brothers and sisters of the Lin family have done to my father. Therefore, how did you unite to frame up my parents? You should remember well that I came here to have a good account with you. Today is just the beginning Next, our intersection will be more and more, you should be prepared mentally! "

"Lin Feng, I will accompany you to the end!" Lin Zhengkai wanted to get rid of Lin Feng's skin and cramp.

"Good! That's what makes it interesting! " Lin Feng said, "now, you have to apologize to Aunt Liu Hui and Liu Wenwen, and allocate money to them to improve their lives now! They need money! "A sly look flashed in Lin Zhengkai's eyes. Although he didn't send anyone to kill Liu Hui, he would never want Liu Hui to appear in Kyoto again. In that case, his deeds at that time would be exposed, and his father would certainly drive him out of the Lin family.

He said with a smile: "well, Xiaohui's mother and daughter have worked so hard for so many years. It's better to follow me. I'll take care of them. I'll take care of all the expenses in the future. I'll let them live a life that everyone envies."

"Fart!" "Don't play smart with me, they don't need you, they just need your money, 50 million, call their card, now!"

Lin Feng never gives the chance!

Seeing that the plan failed, Lin Zhengkai was angry: "do you think the money is from a strong wind? 50 million, are you funny? "

"Isn't your son worth 50 million?" Lin Feng said, one hand took the broken tea table glass, a stab in Lin Dong's thigh.

Lin Dong's blood flowed in his thigh.

"Ah --"

Lin Dong is on his last gasp, but this makes him cry again.

Lin Zhengkai's eyes are about to spray fire, but he is helpless.

"I turn, I turn!" Lin Zhengkai said quickly, "give me the card number!"

Lin Feng said to Liu Hui, "Auntie, card number!"

"Lin Feng, I don't need his stinky money!" Liu huidao.

He's a woman with a lot of boundaries.

"But auntie, don't forget that you still owe me tens of millions of dollars. I'm in a hurry to use the money. You should quickly collect his money and pay me back!" Lin Feng said with a smile.

"This..." Liu Hui still owes Lin Feng 20 million.

Seeing that Liu Hui was embarrassed, Lin Feng said, "well, I'll let him transfer the money to me, and I'll transfer the rest to you later."

Then, he read the card number to Lin Zhengkai.

Lin Zhengkai clenched his teeth and made a phone call and transferred the money to Lin Feng.

Seeing that the card has been paid, Lin Feng nodded with satisfaction and said, "I've had enough today. Take your son of rubbish away. Remember to go to the hospital. He has lost too much blood."

Lin Feng directly pushed Lin Dong to Lin Zhengkai.

Lin Zhengkai quickly took Lin Dong, looked at his son with pale lips and cried out: "Wang Zaifu, send my son to the hospital quickly!"

Then, he yelled to Lin Feng: "today you treat my son so, I will not forgive you, I will kill you today!"

However, at this time, the box door was suddenly knocked open.

I saw three Western European men come in, the first one, young and handsome, with long golden hair on his shoulder.

It's Jack the vampire. The two people behind him are Jones and bill!

"No one can move brother Lin Feng!" Jack said, "anyone who dares to move him is against me." , the fastest update of the webnovel!