The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 959

"You want to die!"

Lin Zhengkai was very angry. He didn't expect that a word was taken advantage of by the boy.

Although this sentence is just a normal joke, when has Lin Zhengkai been ridiculed from childhood to adulthood?

The boy in front of him is just too irritating. He wants to split Lin Feng apart.

However, at this time, Lin Feng pulled Lin Dong from the sofa next to him and said, "is it me or your son who wants to die?"

Lin Zhengkai's face was awe inspiring. He had just met his enemy and was extremely envious. He even forgot that his son was still in Lin Feng's hands.

Lin Dong has been sitting on the sofa one meter away from Lin Feng. When Lin Zhengkai came into the room, he did not move. Maybe his body was injured so badly that he was weak.

Therefore, during his speech, Lin Feng never left his original place. As soon as Lin Zhengkai turned over, Lin Feng stretched out his hand and pulled Lin Dong over.

"Face matters? Or is the son important? " Lin Feng asked.

"You are mean!" Lin Zhengkai said, "you cowardly fellow, you dare not fight head-on with me. You will only take my son as a hostage. This kind of abusive means is really ridiculed."

"I'll do what I can to deal with someone!" Lin Feng sneered and said with a smile: "so, to deal with you with despicable and despicable means, that you are a despicable person with three bad habits!"

After that, he also turned to Liu Hui with a smile: "Auntie, what I said is OK?"

"You he..." Lin Zhengkai's face was almost green, he had never been humiliated by a boy in front of so many people.

"Call Dad!" Lin Feng smiles and grabs the hand of Lin Dong collar again a few minutes.

"Oh, ah, pain -" Lin Dong grinned.

"Lin Feng, stop it Lin Zhengkai drank a lot.

"Call Dad!" Lin Feng's look suddenly serious, his eyes as if with a breathtaking killing opportunity.

Lin Zhengkai was suddenly surprised. The boy's eyes were so sharp. Even if he was a practitioner of the four levels of Qi State, he could not help feeling a little palpitation and surprise.

"I was just joking with you, but I found that you don't want to face if you give it to me!" Lin Feng said coldly, "now you must call me dad, or I don't mind abandoning you, the son of waste wood!"

With that, one of his hands accurately butted on the six vertebrae of Lin Dong's waist.

"Dad, he's really going to kill me! Dad! Help me Lin Dong felt Lin Feng's killing intention, and his heart was extremely afraid.

This man, different from the other men he saw, let him really realize what fear is. He felt that the man behind him could do it as long as he could say it.

"You son of a bitch, you're a devil!" At this time, the box door was pushed open, and a fat man with a fat face and a group of bar security guards came in.

The fat man who took the lead was Wang Zaifu, the owner of this dynasty's bar.

Wang Zaifu had just taken time to block the building, and then called all the remaining security guards to come to the building. At this moment, he would rush in to take the lead for the Lin family.

The Lin family is one of the largest families in Kyoto. If his royal family can get on with the Lin family, it is tantamount to the carp leaping into the dragon's gate.

Therefore, he should rush in at an appropriate time to speak for the Lin family and show his loyalty to Lin Zhengkai.

After Wang Zaifu rushed in, he first looked at Lin Feng carefully, and thought about it. He seemed to have never seen him before. Moreover, he was very ordinary. He should not be the son of a big family or a powerful family. He should be a young man who has practiced boxing for several years.

Young people, more energetic go, Wang Zaifu almost every day in the bar to see the young people.

But today, this boy is really stupid. You pick up a soft guy to bully him when he makes trouble. As a result, he touches a king of hell. Isn't he looking for death himself?

"You know where this is, stinky boy?" Wang Zaifu shouts to Lin Feng: "this is my dynasty bar. You dare to make trouble in my court. You don't know how to live or die!"

"And who are you?" Lin Feng looks at Wang Zaifu.

"I'm the boss here, Wang Zaifu!" Wang Zaifu said with his chest up. Then he took a look at Lin Zhengkai, and immediately he yelled: "Stinky boy, let the young master of the Lin family free for me. If you dare to move the Lin childe, I Wang Zaifu will kill you even if I fight for my life!"

"You are a good dog." Lin Feng ha ha a smile: "flatter of quite in place, estimate you this, Lin family people listen to the heart will be very comfortable! It's Kay, is it

"You he..." Lin Zhengkai teeth are almost broken, if not for Lin Dong by Lin Feng strangled, he would have a moment of violence.

Wang Zaifu looked at the boy and scolded himself. He was also angry. He waved his hand at his servants and said, "surround him. No one in this box today wants to leave."

Those security guards surrounded Lin Feng and Liu Huiliu Wenwen. Wang Zaifu laughed: "boy, I warn you that if you make trouble in my bar, I will not let you go. If you are disrespectful to Lin family, I will certainly not let you go. Either way, you make me very angry. So if you release Mr. Lin today, kneel down and give me a way I'm sorry, I may give you a chance to live. If you still play roughshod with me, I promise you will not know how to die! ""Is it?" Lin Feng raised his eyebrows: "do you know that some things should not be mixed? But you are so interested in your interests that you have to be the Lin family's dog, so I decided to start with you first

With that, Lin Feng grabbed Lin Dong's arm and said in front of Lin Zhengkai: "let your dog kneel down!"

Lin Dong's arm was pinched by Lin Feng. He cried and howled: "Dad, Dad, I can't stand it!"

"Lin Feng, you should know what you are doing now..." Lin Zhengkai threatened.

"Let him kneel down for me!" Lin Feng repeated it again.

Lin Zhengkai gnaws his teeth and stares at Lin Feng fiercely.

Lin Feng shook his head and snorted coldly, sighed: "it seems that you are still a master who does not see the coffin and does not shed tears!"

With that, he put a little effort on his hand and listened to the "click". Lin Dong's arm fell down powerlessly in an instant, and his palm turned out, which was suddenly broken by Lin Feng!

"Ah --"

Lin Dong wailed bitterly and tried to break free, but he was stopped by Lin Feng.

Lin Zhengkai's eyes were red. He thought that Lin Feng did not have the courage. He felt that Lin Feng was just bluffing him.

But obviously, he misjudged. He didn't expect that Lin Feng actually started.

Is this young man not afraid of the Lin family at all? , the fastest update of the webnovel!