The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 96

After a while, he saw that the fist was coming fiercely. When he was about to hit Lin Feng's front door, he heard a "pa" sound. The fist was firmly caught by Lin Feng's palm.

"Didn't your mother tell you that it's immoral to sneak on people?" Lin Feng said coldly.

Then a push will be Akutagawa three push back several steps.

Akutagawa's heart is extremely surprised. His fist just now has the momentum of thunderbolt, and one punch can result in human life. Even a veteran fighter, he can't take this punch safely in such an emergency.

This Lin Feng, how to so easily catch this move?

Didn't he try his best just now?

At this time, Lin Feng, with a smile on his face, said: "you sneak attacks on people, but you are also cruel. Do you still learn from other people's sneak attacks? Are you a monkey invited to tease me? "

"Mr. Shen, he called you a monkey!" A strong man said to Shen Mao.

"You and him..." Shen Mao was so angry that when he hired someone, he didn't notice that the emotional quotient of these three people was so low.

"Don't pretend to be forced!" Akutagawa said to Lin Feng.

He had a limited understanding of Chinese and didn't know how to refute Lin Feng. He had no choice but to stifle the four words.

Lin Feng said: "you even know what to pretend to force, you little devil is quite funny, so, I'll teach you, what is sneak attack!"

Then he pointed to Shen Mao and said, "look at that stupid B!"

"Well?" Akutagawa looks at Shen Mao subconsciously.

But as soon as he turned his head, he felt that he had been caught in the trap and turned back quickly. But in such a few seconds, he felt that Lin Feng slapped him in the face.

"Pa --"

with a crisp sound, the sky turned around. Akutagawa had never experienced such a heavy slap, and almost knocked him unconscious.

"This is called a sneak attack, understand?" Lin Feng smiles.

At this time, one of the three strong men nearby said to Shen Mao: "Mr. Shen, he called you stupid B again!"

"Are you him? Get out of here!" Shen Maoyi, with his pants in his hand, cursed the strong man.

Shen Mao is very irritable now, he originally thought to rely on Akutagawa to defeat Lin Feng! Now it seems that Akutagawa is also him. He is mentally retarded!

However, Shen Mao obviously underestimates Akutagawa, who can become a well-known killer in Yamaguchi group, naturally has his own ability.

After a few stumbling with a slap, he yelled angrily, drew out a samurai sword from his back, and with a strange cry of "Yaya", he chopped at Lin Feng.

When they saw this, they were shocked.

Lin Feng is unarmed and his opponent's weapon is in his hand. This is not easy to do!

For a moment, all the people pinched a sweat for Lin Feng.

But at this time, Lin Feng said to the mouse: "on the guy!"

The mouse took orders and threw something directly into Lin Feng's hand.

When Akutagawa Tu San was about to kill Lin Feng, Lin Feng suddenly roared: "Hey, Hello, those who offend me in China will be punished even if they are far away!"

His voice was very penetrating, because the thing that the mouse threw over was nothing else, but his favorite trumpet.

Akutagawa has never seen a Chinese food megaphone. He thinks it's a gun or something. He pauses for a moment, but Lin Feng's face-to-face voice makes his ears buzzing.

Just when he was in a daze, he only felt the shadow in front of him flashed, "pa" sound, and his other half of the face was slapped a big mouth!

And this mouth, more powerful than the previous one, Akutagawa was fanned and turned around, and the samurai sword came out of his hand.

Coincidentally, the knife flew out, fell down and stabbed on one side of Shen Mao's feet.

"Oh, my trough!" Shen maotong grinned and pulled out his knife with both hands, but he didn't pull his pants. The pants brush fell off and the red refueling small pants head leaked out in an instant. He was very proud.

The crowd burst into laughter at the sight of the gesture.

"Help me with my pants!" Shen Mao said to the three strong men around him.

The three strong men were originally very ashamed. After listening to Shen Mao's words, they rushed forward to help Shen Mao lift his pants.

But because the three strong men are in three opposite directions, in order to show themselves, their strength is not well controlled, so they listen to "hiss"!

The trousers were torn by three strong men!

"NIMA!" Shen Mao immediately wanted to kill the three men.

People around him are laughing and angry. The third young master of the Shen family, who is usually windy and beautiful, is really in a mess today.

Shen Mao also looked up at the sky and sighed. He had lived for more than 20 years. He had never been so humiliated today. At this time, the pain on his feet was no longer painful. He was heartache!

However, at this time, the Akutagawa figure three has slowed down a lot. He flopped and knelt down to Lin Feng. With a cry, he said, "master, you are really an expert. I'm willing to be defeated.""Well, in this case, I'd like to apologize to all the Chinese people present and tell them that you are the pig!" Lin Feng said.

"I am a pig, I am a pig..." Akutagawa figure three kneels on the ground to apologize to the people around.

"Stupid B!"

"The little devil said by the dog, dare to pretend to be forced in our territory and teach you how to be a man every minute!"

All of them scolded Akutagawa one after another, and all of them spewed out with the words.

But at this time, the Akutagawa suddenly glared, took out a sharp dagger from his arms and stabbed Lin Feng's abdomen fiercely.

"Lin Feng --"

"boss --"

suddenly, people were shocked.

I didn't expect, this little devil, so insidious.

Unexpectedly, when everyone took off their guard, he suddenly attacked.

Lin Feng is so close to him that he can't escape. The Golden Phoenix looks pale. At this critical moment, no one can save Lin Feng!

However, Lin Feng's mouth is showing a smile.

Over the years, he has traveled from place to place to carry out tasks. He has dealt with little devils too much. He knows the tricks of the devils better than anyone else.

Therefore, the blow was entirely in his expectation.

When everyone thought he couldn't escape the blow, Lin Feng just slightly adjusted his waist position and let the dagger stab him.

"Keng -"

a sound of metal collision.

Suddenly that Akutagawa figure Sanyi Leng, looking down, his knife, unexpectedly stabbed in the iron button of Lin Feng's trousers belt.

"Hiss - false alarm!" Lin Feng pretended to wipe the cold sweat on his forehead.

The iron button of his belt has a lot of advantages. When he was on a mission, he helped him block his knife. I didn't expect that he was retired and could still use it.

"Ah - baga!" Akutagawa was about to die. He pretended to be a grandson for a long time. He finally had a chance to kill him. However, he did not expect that he was tied on his belt with a knife.

What a bad luck!

But at this time, Lin Feng actually lifted him up and kicked him out.

Sure enough, this guy can be famous in Shankou group, but it is insidious.

This time, Lin Feng won't give this guy any chance. He goes forward again, grabs the wrist of the man and twists it.

Just listen to the "click" sound, Akutagawa wrist raw was twisted.

"Ah -" Akutagawa Tosa looked at his deformed hand and was terrified.

However, Lin Feng didn't stop. He grabbed the dagger and turned around directly. He stabbed Akutagawa's heel.

"Ah -" Akutagawa screamed again.

Surprisingly, the foot tendons were cut off by Lin Feng.

This can frighten Shen Mao. Looking at Lin Feng's gentle writing style, he can hardly move his hand. He is also terrible!

Lin Feng looked at Akutagawa's twisted face because of his pain and sneered: "today I abandoned you, but it also gives you a way to live, leaving you with one hand and one foot. This foot can be used for driving. This hand..."

then, Lin Feng gave a cheap smile: "it can be used to roll pipe!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" The crowd roared with laughter.

Lin Feng, however, suddenly turned cold and said to Shen Mao, "Mr. Shen, today's business is almost over. I advise you to take your three second goods and your Japanese masters with you, and leave quickly! Otherwise, I'm afraid I can't control my emotions. If I do anything to hurt you, it will be bad! "

With that, Lin Feng threw the bloody dagger out directly and stabbed him on the ground in front of Shen Mao.

This time, Shen Mao was even more frightened and shivered. But soon, he adjusted his mind and forced himself to calm down and said, "Lin Feng, you... You wait for me. This matter is not over with you and me!"

With that, he covered his torn pants with both hands and tried to cover the important parts. He limped to the outside. In fact, he was already flustered!

He limped to walk a few steps, found very hard, angry to the side of the strong man roared: "you he, still Leng do what? Drive the car over

That strong man but a face helpless way: "Shen Zong, the car let you send people, where to drive?"

"NIMA!" Shen Mao also suddenly remembered, but he wanted to save face and yelled at the strong man: "can't you take a taxi? Give me a taxi

"Mr. Shen, this is the suburb. It will take about half an hour to take a taxi by mobile phone." A strong man analyzed.

"You and him? Die for me! Is it all him? Go to hell Shen Mao roared.

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