The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 95

Shen Mao was so angry that he quickly put on his pants, but someone took advantage of this opportunity to take a picture of Shen Mao.

"Shoot what, shoot what, who dares to shoot again, I smashed his mobile phone!" Shen Mao yelled in anger.

"Oh, ah, it's probably the first time that you've seen Mr. Shen's candid meeting. It's not too much to take a picture as a souvenir."

"Lin Feng, you have a talent. If you dare to play with me, are you not afraid that I will kill you?" Shen Mao said fiercely.

Lin Feng said with a smile, "I'm afraid, of course, but you're holding your pants in both hands, so you can't do it!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha!"

Lin Feng's words made people happy.

What's more, Lin Feng is facing the third son of Shen's group. It is also said that Shen Mao is the only successor of Shen Yunhai.

Usually, Shen Mao has a great show. Ordinary people and small business owners want to see each other, but he has no time to answer.

Today, in front of so many people, I was hit by a bicycle, slapped in the face, and then my pants were pulled off. It was a shame to leave my grandmother's house.

It is estimated that when Shen Mao is mentioned again in the future, we will not feel that unattainable. We must be the first to think of all his embarrassments today.

In this way, the image of Shen's group is also quite affected.

Everyone whispered to each other, and they were talking about Shen Maogang. One by one, Shen Mao was angry.

At this time, Lin Feng retreated to Su Jing and quietly said to Su Jing, "when I came here, I saw that you were pulled by their clothes, so I pulled his pants to vent my anger for you. Are you happy?"

Su Jing laughed and didn't answer.

Lin Feng said: "you say, my office that day, is it worth it?"

It's OK not to mention it. As soon as she mentions it, Su Jing is angry. Up to now, the lip print on her neck has not gone down. She glared at Lin Feng angrily and said, "I'll settle with you sooner or later."

"Why are you so mean? I just pecked you a little bit Lin Feng said with a smile, "look, I'll help you to play Shen Mao like this. Don't you get angry? Well, I'm just like him. Look at me

"Who needs to see you? You don't want face Su Jing said with a red face.

"Cut, no fun!" Lin Feng waved his hand.

At this time, Shen Mao is holding his pants to prevent them from falling down again. His face is full of hate.

Lin Feng, the little-known security guard, today let him out of such a big embarrassment.

He took a deep breath and kept himself calm. Turning to the thin little guy on the side, he said, "Mr. Akutagawa, it's your turn to play!"

This time, he brought four people, and this thin man who didn't take part in the "show" was his trump card.

This thin man named Akutagawa tusan is a very powerful killer of the Japanese mountain mouth group.

They are from the Japanese group.

Akutagawa once promised that if he came to Jincheng, he would let Lin Feng's body float on the moat.

So this time, Akutagawa's main task is to kill Lin Feng.

As soon as Lin Feng dies, he can go back to the government and ask for the remaining 50% of the reward from the boss.

Akutagawa also wanted to finish the matter quickly and return to Japan to collect money. In his impression, Huaxia did not have any powerful people. In the past, he was called "sick man of East Asia", so he was very disdainful of this task.

As a result, as soon as he got off the plane, he began to be arrogant and unkind to Shen Mao.

Shen Mao is also very angry about this, but Shen Mao has always been a person who attaches importance to the overall situation, which is also Shen Yunhai's most important point, so he did not neglect Akutagawa.

Facts have proved that at the critical moment, Shen Mao still has to rely on Akutagawa to support his performance.

Akutagawa has observed Lin Feng carefully just now. He found that although Lin Feng's strength and speed are not bad, they are still far behind him. If he uses his full strength, he should not spend half a minute to solve the battle.

"Lin Feng, I'm Akutagawa. Nice to meet you!" Akutagawa figure three stand out and salute Lin Feng.

This way of meeting and greeting is a ritual inherited from Japanese Bushido. In Japan, people engaged in fighting and martial arts must follow the ancient Bushido tradition, which is their belief.

Lin Feng glanced at him and said, "what? Japanese? What can I do for you? "

Akutagawa, who spent some time in China earlier and knew a little Chinese, said in very poor Chinese: "I saw you know some martial arts just now. I want to ask you for some advice! Compare yourself

Akutagawa tusan wants to use martial arts to kill Lin Feng.

However, Lin Feng said, "even if I look at the competition, am I very busy today? I'll do it another day. You can go back first. "

Akutagawa's face sank and said, "are you afraid?""Afraid of your sister! I'm afraid you'll die somewhere else, you know Lin Feng said.

"Do you have a hard word? You coward, you dare not! You Chinese are all pigs, inferior, etc. people and families Akutagawa finally revealed his true colors, without scruples towards Lin Feng.

"NIMA's!" On hearing this, all of you were filled with indignation.

This guy in our territory, but also openly scolded our people, it is simply too rampant, and also rose to the level of discrimination, it is absolutely abhorrent, the crime is unforgivable!

The crowd was furious and got up one after another. In addition, some people in the crowd said, "it's shameless for Shen's group to collude with Japanese people and bully us Chinese people! Pooh

Seeing this, Shen Mao is really angry. He was very angry with Akutagawa's arrogance. As a result, this guy pulled hatred out of his mouth and rose to the level of national discrimination. He also put Shen's group into the pit. You and his fight would be fought, and you would not be in your head when you were so arrogant?

Lin Feng originally didn't want to pay attention to this guy, but he didn't expect that in order to anger himself, he openly abused us Chinese people. This kind of thing, Lin Feng can't bear.

"Little Japanese, I warn you, take back what you said just now, and kneel down to apologize to all the Chinese people present!" Lin Feng said.

As soon as Lin Feng said this, the mood of the masses immediately fell to one side, and they all said angrily, "yes, apologize quickly!"

Golden Phoenix eyes shine at Lin Feng, she found that this man serious, seems to have a different flavor.

"Hum, you won't be qualified until you win me!" Akutagawa shows three ways.

Lin Feng's eyes were like eagle's eyes. He looked at Akutagawa and said, "I have a vast territory, abundant resources and talents. I'd like to advise you that you should not come to China to compete martial arts. This is a place where talents come out in large numbers. If you come here to compete, you will die! So, for the last time, please go back to Japan and don't come again! Of course, when you go back, say hello to your wife for me

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" When they heard it, they laughed.

Lin Feng, with national integrity and sharp words, is really impressive. In particular, the little devil scolded, a face to eat excrement expression, really happy!

"how can the security guard feel so handsome?"

"Nonsense, there is no one more handsome than him in the audience!"

"Well, I looked down on this security guard just now. Now I turn black to pink!"

"I've been powdered by him for a long time, haven't I?"


the people around him were all talking about it, but they immediately angered him.

He said maliciously: "you pigs, let you have a look at me, I have a strong!"

Said, cold not Ding toward Lin Feng a punch to come over. , the fastest update of the webnovel!