The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 97

The conversation between Shen Mao and his subordinates amused everyone.

Tang Dongsheng went to Lin Feng and said, "Lin Feng, thanks to you again this time."

"Nothing! Your daughter got it for a kiss Lin Feng pointed to Su Jing's neck.

Seeing the bright red seal on Su Jing's neck, Tang Dongsheng asked, "you two...

" Oh, just kidding! Tang Dong, hold the opening ceremony quickly, don't be disturbed by them! " Lin Feng Road.

"Good!" Tang Dongsheng Road.

At this time, the mouse is chatting with yu'er.

"Jade son, do you think my boss B is not?" Said the mouse, blinking its little eyes.

"Where cow B?" Yu'er said coldly that he still resented Lin Feng's spanking her ass.

"Cattle everywhere Mouse face proud, he called to Lin Feng: "boss, come here quickly, sister Jin and yu'er are coming to see you!"

"Oh?" Lin Feng pushed up his bicycle and walked towards the Golden Phoenix.

The front wheel of the bicycle really hit into an oval shape, but Lin Feng didn't care. This bike is very strong and can still ride.

"Lin Feng, the elder sister came here specially for you this time. She also sent you a plaque made of gold. Now you can earn enough face! Thank you, sister? " Jade son face is expressionless way.

"Oh, elder sister, why are you suffering? I'm not a cheap man! " Lin Feng said, left and right began to look for: "what about the plaque? Where is the plaque? How much gold is there on it

Looking at Lin Feng's greedy appearance, yu'er sighed and tore down the black cloth behind him. A plaque with more than two meters was displayed: "greedy for money and lust, which is really in line with you!"

"Don't talk about it. Being upright is more suitable for me. Why don't you say that?" Lin Feng said with a smile: "bring it quickly, let me see if this word is all gold?"

"You're welcome?" Said yu'er.

"Elder sister gave it to me. Why should I fiddle with it?" Lin Feng Road.

"Ha ha! I'm sure I'm right about the person! " Jin Fenghuang said with a smile: "Mr. Lin Feng, if you are interested, I'll do it some other day. Please have a meal. We'll have a good talk."

"What are you talking about? Talking about life or ideal? Or talk about the shame of men and women? Hey, hey, hey Lin Feng took a glance at the Golden Phoenix.

"Don't look around!" Jade son angry way.

Yu'erxin says that elder sister is also a celebrity in Jincheng. Other men worship her and put her in the position of a goddess. However, Lin Feng's language is obscene, extremely unbearable and infuriating.

However, Jin Fenghuang didn't seem to be angry at all. She said with a smile, "I'll be with you as long as you're willing to talk about anything."

Lin Feng said to yu'er, "look, man, you see how gentle the elder sister is. If you look at you again, be careful that you will never get married for a lifetime."

Then, he did not wait for yu'er to open his mouth, he directly said to the Golden Phoenix: "some other day, when I have time, I will visit my house to thank you for your kindness!"

Golden Phoenix smile: "that feeling is better than good!"

After that, he stood up and said to yu'er: "the plaque is given to Mr. Lin Feng. It's time for us to go. Mr. Lin Feng, remember your words, I'll wait for you!"

The Golden Phoenix turns around leisurely, and her almost perfect female figure is set off by the broken flower cheongsam, which is absolutely dazzling.

Even Tang Dongsheng, she did not say hello, but turned directly out of the gate.

Looking at the charming back of the Golden Phoenix, the group of people around him were infatuated, but the mouse murmured: "I still think that jade is more suitable for me!"

"Go to work --" came a low voice with some bitterness.

It's Su Jing. She finds that mouse and Lin Feng are busy working on the Golden Phoenix.

"Mr. Su, don't be a cold face all day. In fact, you are beautiful, more beautiful than anyone else. However, it's very difficult for our boss to like you like you. If you look at Jinjie, you will be chosen by our boss. You are very dangerous!" The mouse has a serious face.

"Get out to work!" Su Jing scolded.

"Oh. oh All right The mouse scratched his head, and he analyzed the situation of her rival so seriously. She didn't thank herself. How could women be so stupid?

Next, the opening ceremony of Dongsheng mining company was carried out smoothly.

Tang Dongsheng and the leaders of relevant departments delivered speeches respectively. The establishment of Dongsheng Group's branch marked that Dongsheng Group officially began to march into the mining field.

But Lin Feng did not participate in the back of the matter, he was holding a big plaque, riding a bicycle, went back to sleep.

In fact, Lin Feng is not sleepy. In addition to sleeping, his favorite thing is to be dazed.

He found that taking people is too busy now. He works from nine to five, and after work, he has no time to be dazzled!

However, Lin Feng likes to be in a daze, because only in a daze, can find his real self.

Daze, will really empty their own, nothing to think about not to do, this time, the most direct response and demand of the brain, is their own mission and the true meaning of life.And when Lin Feng is in a daze every time, he always thinks of his parents. Once, he was so happy in the arms of his parents.

However, that rainy night changed everything.

He hid in the quilt and did not dare to look, but he could hear the sound of the group walking and the parents' cry of pain.

At that time, he was so helpless and afraid that for many years, he often covered himself with a quilt and recalled the nightmares that he could not erase in his life.

And only when he always remembers that nightmare, he will work hard to train himself into an invincible fighter, in order to make his parents smile, so as to let the Lin family recover.

This is our mission.

Lin Feng clenched his fist and looked out the window at the afternoon sun. It was as bright as fire. He suddenly thought of Chu Yuqi, the girl who controlled the whereabouts of her family's treasure.

He took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Chu Yuqi: "Qiqi, what are you doing? Do you miss me

Soon the other end of the news: "I am helping my mother sell vegetables, do you want to come to my home as a guest? Last time I talked about you with my mother. She said you were a good man and wanted to invite you to dinner at home! "

"Well, I'm just fine. You send me a location, and I'm coming!" Lin Feng replied.

He would like to open a breakthrough in Chu Yuqi as soon as possible and find clues to the group of people, but he is very tangled. As a friend, he should not make use of Chu Yuqi with all his heart.

Lin Feng has always been a decisive person, but only this matter makes him hesitant.

Oh! Don't think about it! Let's go and have a meal first!

Lin Feng rode his bicycle all the way, blowing the breeze, very comfortable.

The front wheel of the bicycle is oval, which makes the whole person up and down in the car. It looks very funny.

After riding for less than an hour, Lin Feng arrived at the vegetable market where Chu Yuqi's mother sold vegetables.

From a distance, Chu Yuqi is helping her mother at the vegetable stall.

At this time, Lin Feng listened to a man beside him and said, "brother black bear, look at that man's bicycle. The bicycle rim is full of ladles, and he is still riding. What a bloody pen!"

"Ha ha, it's a contract for my smile all day!" The black bear looked at Lin Feng and grinned.

Then, with a cold face, he turned and walked toward Chu Yuqi's vegetable stall.

"It's time to pay the business fee of this month!" The man named black bear said to Chu Yuqi's mother with a fierce face.

"Brother black bear, we haven't made any money this month. Can we not charge the business fee?" Chu Yuqi's mother is gray and haggard. She looks like she is under the pressure of life. She can't help but feel distressed.

But the black bear yelled: "no, I have to pay it today. If you dare not, I'll smash your stall!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!