The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 958

Old Du was not an ordinary man at first sight. Although he was old, his eyes were bright, and he could not see a trace of decadence.

Even more than the young.

When you look at his appearance, you can only say that he is a spiritual old man. The reason why Lin Feng makes this judgment is that the old guy walks without sound, as if there is no friction between the soles of his feet and the ground, which is very strange.

If we can achieve this kind of state, we must not be able to ordinary people.

But Lin Feng has no fear. His confidence comes from his own ability and intelligence. His goal is to kill the gods and the Buddha to kill them.

However, Lin Feng recently had a lot of fighting, and suddenly he was tired of it. He shook his head and said, "do you have to do it?"

"What? Are you afraid? " Lin Zhengkai has a sneer in his mouth.

"I'm afraid of you, ghost!" Lin Feng impatiently threw out a sentence, and then said to Lin Zhengkai, "after you enter the house, don't you find your old acquaintance in this room?"

Hearing this, Lin Zhengkai was stunned.

Liu Hui, who has been avoiding Lin Zhengkai's eyes in the corner, trembles.

She would like to strangle Lin Feng. On this occasion, what does she do?

Moreover, after seeing Lin Zhengkai again, she didn't like Lin Zhengkai at all. Instead, she hated him very much. It was like that she had no relationship with this man. It would be better if everyone forgot about Lin Zhengkai.

However, Lin Feng takes the initiative to pick things up, which makes Liu Hui very embarrassed.

At the same time, Lin Zhengkai's eyes also swept around the box and stopped on Liu Hui.

He carefully observed Liu Hui for five or six seconds. Suddenly, he seemed to be on the top of his head and said, "Liu Hui?"

Seeing that Lin Zhengkai recognized her, Liu Hui no longer dodged. Instead, she faced Lin Zhengkai squarely and said, "yes, it's me. I'm surprised, isn't it?"

"Really unexpected!" Lin Zhengkai's tone became more gentle and asked, "how have you been these years?"

Liu Hui said without expression: "how have I been? It seems that it has nothing to do with you?"

"This..." Lin Zhengkai's eyes flashed a trace of anger, but fleeting, continued to gently: "we have not seen for so many years, why don't you come to me?"

"Hehe, I'll go to see you? Is it to send me to die in front of you Liu Hui knows Lin Zhengkai's behavior. Although he is very gentle at this time, this guy is cruel and almost disowned, so she won't be cheated by Lin Zhengkai.

However, Lin Dong on the other side heard the clue. He called to Lin Zhengkai: "Dad, you and she are really...

" I knew you Aunt Liu before I knew your mother! " Lin Zhengkai said.


Lin Dong was in a panic. So, what this woman just said is true?

At this time, Lin Zhengkai also found Liu Wenwen. His eyes brightened and he said, "is this our...

" she has nothing to do with you! " Liu Hui said.

"Xiaohui, I know you hate me!" Lin Zhengkai said, "however, I am forced to take over the mantle of the Lin family. I am the eldest son of the Lin family..."

"no, you are not!" Liu Hui said, "Lin Zheng's genius is the eldest son of the Lin family. Moreover, you are such a cruel villain, and you are not worthy of inheriting the mantle of the Lin family."

Lin Zhengkai bit his teeth, and his venomous look flashed in his eyes. Then, with a smile on his face, he said, "Xiaohui, we'll talk about our business later. I'll take care of this boy first."

He didn't want to be in front of the younger generation about what happened then!

But Lin Feng sneered: "Lin Zhengkai, why don't you dare to face the events of that year? Because you designed to frame up and drive away the eldest son of the Lin family? Because you have an affair with a servant girl, but you dare not admit that the servant girl who is harmed finally is displaced? Are you still a man? "

"Stinky boy, where can you tell me about my business?" Lin Zhengkai was furious.

"Of course I am qualified!" Lin Feng said, "because it was my father that you set up."

"What?" Lin Zhengkai was surprised.

He seriously gazed at the young man in front of him, and suddenly found that the young man's eyebrows were somewhat similar to that of Lin Zheng.

No wonder his father, Lin Junlong, asked them to check the details of Lin Feng. It turns out that Lin Feng is Lin Zhengtian's son!

Lin Kai was a little surprised!

Ten years ago, Lin Zhengtian and his wife were mysteriously missing, and Lin Zhengtian's son was not found. Later, it was rumored that all three members of the family were killed, so the blood jade they carried with them was left in the hands of others.

But unexpectedly, Lin Zhengtian's son is still alive.

He never thought that Lin Zhengtian's descendants would appear in the world again. After all, he had no news for ten years, which he almost forgot.

"What? It's amazing to see me, isn't it? " Lin Feng gently smile: "but your surprise just started, next, I will let you slowly surprised, I hope you have a psychological preparation!"Lin Zhengkai clenched his teeth and said, "Lin Feng, do you think you have this ability? Your father was not my opponent in those days. Can you do it now? How ridiculous

"Ridiculous? Then you can laugh Lin Feng calmly said: "by the way, by the way, help me pass a message, go back to tell your brothers and sisters, they framed my father in those years, I will not let go, let them be prepared!"

"You have a big voice!" Lin Zhengkai sneered and said, "you're a little boy who dares to challenge my Lin family. You are more arrogant than your father!"

Then, he looked at Lin Feng coldly and said with a sinister smile, "I was able to defeat your father in those days. Now, I can still deal with you easily. You are the inferior people in my family. You are not worthy to be included in the family tree of Lin family."

"Oh, yes Lin Zhengkai said, "it seems that you have already been expelled from the genealogy. Alas, it's really sad!"

"If you don't go into such a despicable family, it's not like you. You've done so many disgusting things, but you're proud of it. I don't know when your world view was distorted?" Lin Feng laughed and said, "Oh, no wonder your son is so rubbish. It's not his fault. It's unreasonable to keep a garbage dump and have no smell on his body. Are you right?"


"stop arguing!" Liu Hui was afraid that if they went down again, they would really make a big deal. He said to Lin Zhengkai, "Lin Zhengkai, I don't care about you sending someone to kill me and my daughter. I hope we have no relationship in the future, and I won't disturb your life. I also hope you can give us a way to live. By the way, Lin Feng is my daughter's friend and I hope you can give us face This is the end of the day. Let's not meet again! "

With that, Liu Hui is going to pull Lin Feng and Liu Wenwen away.

"Wait!" Lin Zhengkai yelled: "no one can leave!"

Then, she looked at Liu Hui with a puzzled face and asked, "when did I send someone to assassinate you?"

"Isn't it you?" Liu Hui thinks that the men in suits kidnapped her and her daughter. Up to now, they are still creepy. She always thinks that it was Lin Zhengkai who did it.

"I've never sent anyone to assassinate you!" Lin Zhengkai said.

"The killer said it was sent by the Lin family. Do you still quibble?" Liu huidao.

"Sent by the Lin family?" Lin Zhengkai is a bit confused. He really doesn't know.

But who in the Lin family sent someone to kill Liu Hui?

At this time, Lin Feng said, "Auntie, don't talk nonsense with him. The person who sent the killer to kill you and Wenwen is not him!"

"Who is that?" Lin Zhengkai and Liu Huiqi look at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng asked Lin Zhengkai, "do you want to know?"

Lin Zhengkai bit his teeth and thought that this boy could really sell off his son, but he was so deep in the city that it was not too late to ask Lin Feng for trouble when he knew who it was. He said, "I want to know who it is!"

"Good!" Lin Feng giggled and raised his eyebrows and said, "let's call my father first." , the fastest update of the webnovel!