The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 957

All the people present were looking at Lin Feng.

The courage and insight of this young man is beyond the limits of their imagination.

In Kyoto, the elder son of the Lin family should come to claim this virtue by fighting against the Lin family's eldest grandson...

Where is this young man?

Even Qinglong was a little surprised.

No one dares to treat Lin's family like this, even if he is from wuwangzong. He is really impressed by this young man.

After about half an hour, Lin Zhengkai led several bodyguards to the dynasty bar.

When he came, he directly called the boss of dynasty bar and asked the boss to block Dynasty bar completely and not let anyone go!

Then, let him not act rashly and wait for his arrival.

The dynasty bar belongs to the Wang family in Kyoto. The Wang family is an old third rate family in Kyoto, with rich details, but it has not developed well in recent years, so it has been in the third line.

Now facing the Lin family, which is extremely domineering in Kyoto, they naturally want to follow the trend.

Therefore, Wang Zaifu, the owner of the dynasty bar, asked the bodyguards to guard the front and back doors of the bar, and closed the escape channel. He was afraid that the people the Lin family were looking for would run away.

Then, they stood in front of the gate, quietly waiting for the arrival of the Lin family.

After Lin Zhengkai arrived, the first sentence was to ask him, "did not a person run away?"

"Of course Wang Zaifu said: "you Lin boss's orders, I dare not neglect, those who beat your son, are inside!"

"Good!" Lin Zhengkai clenched his fist and said fiercely, "I'll take care of the door. None of the people who beat my son today can run away!"

"Yes Wang Zaifu said.

Then, seeing Lin Zhengkai walk away to the bar, he winked at his subordinates and said, "take care of me. If the guests want to leave, they should not leave for the time being. Just say that there is a fire drill at night outside. Don't miss anyone, otherwise I will ask you!"

"Yes, boss!" The bodyguards nodded in unison.

Wang Zaifu took a look around, pulled the windbreaker on his body, and quickly followed Lin Zhengkai to the second floor.

In the dynasty bar, the sound of heavy metals is very noisy, and people are still on the rise. No one noticed the arrival of these big men, nor did anyone notice what happened on the second floor. It seems that at this moment, the vent people are living in their wonderful world, and their experiences have nothing to do with them.

In a hidden corner, however, three young men were sitting at the table, playing cards.

The playing card is an ancient card in Western Europe. Three young people with sharp facial contour seem to be immersed in it.

“king!” One of the youths said, drawing out a "King" and throwing it on the deck.

"I can't afford a big card!" Said another young man.

“queen!” A handsome young man with yellow hair threw out a "Queen".

"Boss, how can the queen manage the king? The king is the biggest in the deck Said the former young man.

"Why are you in a hurry?" The red haired handsome young man took out another "Prince" and a "Templar" and threw them on the table.

"And this time? Can it cover you? " The Yellow haired young man smiles.

"Oh, this is sanlianshun. Of course you can!" The former is a little surprised: "this card is really not easy to get together!"

After all, the prince has only one card in this set, and it is the key card to determine the situation. He can form any combination with any card, but each card has infinite power.

At the same time, there are few Templars.

That's why he was so surprised.

The young man with yellow hair chuckled: "so, the people in the upper box are the same as our game of cards, but who is the king, who is the queen, and who is the prince?"

Another young man thought about it and said, "it's a bit complicated."

"Well, let's not guess. Take your time." The young men continued to play cards while drinking, as if they knew everything that happened upstairs.

At this time, Lin Zhengkai kicked open the door of the box on the second floor.

"Who dares to do something to my son?" He had a big drink, and he had a lot of momentum.

However, he thought it was a group of people who had beaten his son. He looked around and there were not many people in the box.

But Lin Feng stood up and said, "your son is not sensible. I'll teach you a lesson. Is there a problem?"


Lin Zhengkai looked at Lin Feng up and down. Suddenly, he had an impression in his head. His surprised look flashed in his eyes: "are you Lin Feng?"

Although he has not met with Lin Feng, he has seen the photos of Lin Feng. In addition, the old man has asked them to find out Lin Feng's real identity. He is still searching for Lin Feng everywhere, but he doesn't want to meet him here directly.What's more, Lin Feng injured his son!

"Lin Feng, do you know that you are fighting against the Lin family? Don't you know my Lin family is good? " Lin Zhengkai stares at Lin Feng fiercely.

"The Lin family in Kyoto, of course it's great!" Lin Feng a pick eyebrow, said: "but, I want to fight with the fierce, so it is interesting!"

"You are arrogant Lin Zhengkai said coldly.

Then, seeing Qinglong, he asked, "Qinglong, are you protecting Lin Dong in this way? Can't a country boy from other places clean up? "

Qinglong said, "I really have a gap with him!"

A little surprise flashed in Lin Zhengkai's eyes.

You know, Qinglong is a triple cultivator of Huaqi state. This level of cultivation has been admired by people. Can't even fight Qinglong?

However, Lin Zhengkai is not afraid of Lin Feng. He is also a cultivator. Now he is a four fold cultivator of Huaqi state, much more powerful than Qinglong.

The so-called "one heavy cultivation and one heavy heaven" is just one difference, but the higher the level is, the greater the gap between them will be. What's more, the transformation of Qi state is the late stage of the three levels and eighteen levels, and each level of promotion is very difficult, so the gap between each one is huge.

Lin Zhengkai sneered: "no wonder you dare to start with my son. There are still two sons."

Then, he said, "but if you have any ability, you have to be restrained in front of me."

With that, he used his energy to feel the level of Lin Feng. He found that Lin Feng's level was around the triple level of Huagu state. Suddenly, he was surprised: "a practitioner of Huagu state can defeat a cultivator of Huaqi state?"

He looks at Qinglong doubtfully. He thinks that Qinglong must have lied.

Qinglong is the realm of Qi, but in the realm, it is a level higher than Lin Feng. This is a huge gap in strength. How can we defeat Lin Feng?

Qinglong has no choice but to smile: "I am not his opponent indeed!"

Lin Zhengkai's face was livid, and he cursed, "is our Lin family spending money for you King Wu?"

Then he waved his hand back and said, "old Du, get out of the line!"


An old man with a sharp mouth and a monkey's cheek sprang out from behind Lin Zhengkai. He was as thin as firewood, but his eyes were bright. When he spoke, he looked at his mustache and showed two exaggerated big teeth. He looked like an old man who got mouse essence.

"It's a big joke and a lie that people in Huaqi state say they can't beat those in huagujing!" Lin Zhengkai said, "you can show them what is Huaqi state!"


That old Du said, all of a sudden, his eyes full of murder! , the fastest update of the webnovel!