The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 956

Lin Feng pointed to Liu Wenwen and Liu Hui and said, "you should apologize to them, sincerely apologize to them!"

Liu Guwen apologized to Liu Huiwen and her grandmother, and they won't let you go to me

Liu Wenwen looked at Lin Dong, who was arrogant a quarter of an hour ago, and knelt down in front of her, feeling like a dream.

Liu Hui sighed and sighed. The third eldest grandson of the Lin family actually knelt in front of her and begged for mercy. Is this the turn of geomancy? Is this "servant" of the Lin family getting angry?

Of course, they both know that Lin Dong is afraid of Lin Feng.

At this time, the small incense in the side has been scared out of his wits, that guy even dare to shoot Lin Dong, and, she has never seen Lin Dong so embarrassed?

At this time, she knew that the seemingly beggar who had been insulting before was so terrible that she now regretted death and her intestines were all regretful!

Even if she wants to go up to fawn on Lin Feng, even if she is willing to serve Lin Feng all night, as long as Lin Feng approves of her.

But Lin Feng couldn't even look at her.

Seeing that Lin Dong apologized to Liu's mother and daughter, he said to Lin Dong, "now take off your shirt and go to the middle of the dance floor and dance a pole dance for me."


Lin Dong was covered with blood and his wrist was broken. He felt that he was dying, and he even had to dance pole dance?

Moreover, he only saw others do pole dancing. Once upon a time, he had to do pole dancing to show others. This humiliation was simply unbearable.

But he did not dare to resist with Lin Feng in front of him, but asked weakly, "can you not jump?"

"No way!"

Lin Feng drank so much that he trembled.

"Get out of here and jump in!" Lin Feng cheered.

Lin Dong reluctantly dragged the body to the dance floor and began to jump.

Lin Feng took Lin Dong's mobile phone and took a picture of him dancing.

This should be the worst scene in Lin Dong's whole life experience.

He was covered in blood, bareheaded, with one hand drooping and the other holding a steel pipe, scratching his head there.

It's just awful.

After dancing for a long time, Lin Dong was very tired and panting. He didn't know whether it was hot or painful. The sweat on his face flowed like rain. He begged, "brother, can I go now?"

"Of course Lin Feng ha ha smile: "can't!"

"What else do you want?" Lin Dong felt a burst of despair.

Lin Feng threw his cell phone into the dance floor and said, "call your father Lin Zhengkai and ask him to come and see me."

As soon as I heard that he wanted to call his father Lin Zhengkai, Lin Dong was so excited that he took his mobile phone.

He shuddered through Lin Zhengkai's phone: "Hello, Dad, I'm in the imperial court bar..."

Lin Dong had long wanted to call for help, but his mobile phone was in his hands. He didn't expect that at this moment, Lin Feng would take the initiative to contact his father. As long as he contacted his father, he felt that even if Lin Feng was more powerful, he would not be able to fly.

Liu Hui on one side was startled. He said to Lin Feng, "Lin Feng, what are you going to do? When you're good, you can take it off. "

She doesn't want to face Lin Zhengkai now.

"But I can't accept it because I'm still seeing it now." Lin Feng said with a smile: "Auntie, don't worry, it's time for you to see your old man!"

Liu Hui's face suddenly panicked. Although she hated Lin Zhengkai, she didn't want to see Lin Zhengkai again.

Because once you see him, you will remember that scene.

She just wanted to forget the unhappy past.

However, Lin Feng seems to deliberately call Lin Zhengkai over and meet her.

Liu Hui did not understand: "Lin Feng, why do you have to ask him to come over?"

Lin Feng laughed and did not answer.

She thought that the reason why Liu Hui didn't want to see her was that she was escaping. After so many years, she still had a demon in her heart.

That man brought her pain, she could not look directly, so she did not have the courage to meet that man.

Of course, she has no feelings for Lin Zhengkai, the rest is just endless hatred, but she still dare not face it, she also wants to revenge, but her lonely mother and daughter, even if reasonable, can not speak of the Lin family, what's more, Lin Zhengkai is cruel, she has no chance to defeat Lin Zhengkai, so it's better to accept the reality honestly Life in.

Now with her daughter Liu Wenwen, she just wants to spend the rest of her life at ease with Liu Wenwen.

"Lin Feng, I don't want Wenwen to be busy!" Liu Hui finally confided her heart.

"Auntie, Wen Wen won't have a thing happen, I promise you!" Lin Feng said.

The reason why he temporarily called Lin Zhengkai to come today and arranged this scene temporarily was to speak for the mother and daughter. How could Liu Wenwen have an accident.Moreover, to Kyoto Lin family, Lin Feng does not have the slightest good impression, sooner or later all must touch, is inferior to comes the point intense!

Lin Feng mercilessly licked his lips. His eyes were full of frightful eyes. He was very different from before. He had already been cruel. He wanted to double back the frame up and insult his father had received.

It's just that Liu Hui doesn't believe Lin Feng's words. He feels that Lin Feng has played a little big this time.

Lin Zhengkai is now the eldest son of the Lin family. Who can easily shake his position?

How many Lin families does Xia Hua have?

Such a strong family, Lin Feng should be tough, this young man is a master of art, bold? Or simply inflated?

"Lin Feng, listen to my aunt's advice, we don't continue to go on, the following is the abyss!" Liu Hui tried to persuade him.

"Don't worry, I'll jump into the abyss myself, and I won't implicate anyone!" Lin Feng's eyes were red, and he was excited.

Every time Lin Feng thinks of his father has been framed and humiliated by the Lin family, he can't swallow this tone.

Their parents were aboveboard all their lives, but they were united and framed in disgrace.

Even Zilin Junlong, the master who valued his father most, drove his father away because of his disappointment. I believe his father must be very sad at that time!

Lin Feng clenched his fist and said silently in his heart, "father, mother, all kinds of sufferings you suffered in those years, if I was here, I would find them to settle them one by one, and I would certainly not spare him for that death!"

At this time, Lin Dong finished the phone call, he said: "my father will be the fastest speed to come, so now I have to go to see a doctor, otherwise my father to see me like this, will be furious, your end will be very miserable!"

Finish saying, he also tentatively says: "I this is for you!"

Lin Feng sneered: "you give me to sit here honestly, even if your blood is going to drain, you are not allowed to leave here for half a step! I'll see what your father Lin Zhengkai can do with me , the fastest update of the webnovel!