The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 955

Liu Hui and Liu Wenwen are both cool in their hearts. They didn't expect Lin Dong to be so vicious.

Facing the black muzzle, Liu Wenwen and Liu Hui don't know how to help Lin Feng.

However, to their surprise, Lin Feng was calm.

He looked at Lin Dong and said with a smile, "do you think I'm afraid of guns?"

Lin Feng calm a smile: "once how many people pointed at me, but no one can kill me, on the contrary, none of them came to a good end, so you can understand what it means to point a gun at me?"

Hearing this, Lin Dong burst out laughing: "Lin Feng, you don't pretend to force me in front of me. I have six bullets in this gun. I don't believe that none of them will hit you."

Lin Feng looked at him and found that his pistol turned out to be a revolver.

This guy really has a certain understanding of firearms. The trigger of a general revolver is relatively small, and it is not easy to jam. This kind of pistol in the face of the master, will have a strong control, not easy to be taken away.

Lin Feng said with a meaningful smile: "it seems that your pistol is still very delicate, but for me, no matter how delicate the equipment is, it's not as reliable as my hand. It's your biggest mistake to point your gun at me today. Now hand the gun to me and accept my sanction, otherwise I will let you know what is fear!"

"Hahaha, do you think I'm scared? Can you make a draft before you brag? " Lin Dong's face is blatant.

Lin Feng also shook his head and chuckled. He felt that Lin Dong in front of him was stupid and a little cute.

He just gently said to Lin Dong, "brother, you may know nothing about my strength."

Hearing this, Lin Dong's angry eyes were red: "I'm holding a gun at you. Are you still bragging to me? You're not afraid to die, are you? I don't mind shooting you now

With that, his hand began to pull the trigger.

However, in this moment, Lin Feng disappeared from his face.

Lin Dong was stunned: "where are the people?"

At this time, he suddenly felt a warm shoulder, Lin Feng's hands, on his shoulder, the other hand, quickly seized his wrist.

"You..." Lin Donggang wanted to struggle.

However, Lin Feng did not give him another chance, but pinched hard.

With a click, Lin Dong's wrist was pinched.

His pistol fell to the ground.

"Ah --"

the pain on his wrist was so painful that he could hardly live.

Looking at his hand hanging down powerlessly, Lin Dong looks frightened.

If he was injured just now, he could only count some skin injuries. At this time, his hand was abandoned, which made him deeply aware of the terror of the man in front of him.

This man really dares to attack him!

Lin Feng pressed Lin Dong on the sofa with one hand, picked up the pistol dropped on the ground with the other hand, and said, "I said it. Next, I will let you know what fear is."

Then, he took out the bullet from the revolver, and there was only one left. Then he skillfully slid the roller by hand and loaded the pistol again.

In other words, only one of the six bullet slots in a revolver has a bullet.

Lin Feng's direct muzzle against Lin Dong's crotch: "believe it or not, I can make you die."

Lin Dong gnashed his teeth and said, "dare you? I'm from the Lin family. You're not so bold! "


Lin Feng pulls the trigger, but the shot is empty.

"Ah, the sleeping trough --"

Lin Dong was scared and broke into a cold sweat.

You know, Lin Feng's move just now, the first shot, there is one sixth of the probability, the bullet will hit.

So this is actually gambling.

And Lin Feng every shot in the past, the probability of this shot will become more and more large.

Lin Feng smile: "you say I dare not?"

Lin Dong was really scared. He thought he was not afraid of anything. He thought that no one would dare to touch his hair. But today, this guy hit him and broke his wrist. Now he even put the gun against his crotch. Moreover, it was a real shot. If the bullet came out, his life would be over!

"You are a madman!" Lin Dong gnashing his teeth and shouting, his fear rapidly escalated.

"Yes, I am a madman, but I am a madman, and I will do what I say. So I want you to know what fear is and let you know that there are people in this world who dare not move!"

Lin Feng said, his face suddenly showed a brilliant smile, and then pulled the trigger again.

"Click!" Another shot of empty ammunition.

But Lin Shao was scared out of his wits by this shot!

He felt the cool wind all over him.

"Ah --"

Lin Dong yelled wildly, and his fear was like a surging river, wave after wave.Every time Lin Feng shoots down, there is a great probability that the bullet will be shot out, and each empty shot, the next probability will be more and more large.

He now knows what kind of guy he is facing. This guy is so crazy that he is the craziest person he has ever met in his life.

Lin Dong was afraid, completely afraid, he felt that Lin Feng really wanted to abolish him, he would never be Lin Feng again, it was a joke!

He is more convinced that Lin Feng is really dare to kill him.

In fact, his guess is not enough. Lin Feng even shot him.

It's just that Lin Feng prefers to watch him look frightened.

"Do you know what fear is now?" Lin Feng said, click and hook a gun.

"Oh, why hasn't the bullet come out yet?" Lin Feng mumbled: "you are really lucky!"

"I am wrong!" Lin Dong couldn't bear this kind of mental suffering any more. He immediately begged Lin Feng for mercy: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, please don't call again. I'm wrong. I'm wrong. Please. I'm sorry for everything today. I'm sorry for you!"

Said this, Lin Dong snot tears DC, inner panic as if with the whole body of blood spread the whole body.

Lin Feng said with a smile, "do you know what fear is?"

Lin Dong nods hard and nods desperately: "I know, I know!"

Lin Feng said: "you don't look at your own appearance, like a thing, you are a bag of wine, is a scum of harm to society!"

"I'm scum, I'm rubbish, it's all my fault! Please spare me Lin Dong knelt down and hugged Lin Feng's thigh and begged bitterly.

"Didn't you want me to kneel down and kowtow for you just now?" Lin Feng sneered.

Lin Dong kowtow to Lin Feng immediately: "I'm wrong. Please let me go. I'll kneel down and kowtow to you."

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