The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 954

His one move is continuous, which is hard to resist and has no way out.

However, what is surprising is that Lin Feng has a calm face and has no waves.

He didn't have the strength to flow away. The whole person was rustling, but he quickly parried and dodged the attack of the green dragon. He looked very relaxed.

Qinglong's heart is also a burst of surprise, his series of moves, even ordinary experts in the Qi state can't resist, and Lin Feng does not seem to reach the level of the Huaqi classic. Why can he easily take up these moves?

Did Lin Feng practice some auxiliary skills?

This is really let Qinglong guess right!

Lin Feng just showed his phantom steps.

After a few moves, Qinglong feels Lin Feng's speed. He thinks that Lin Feng may only win with speed, but his strength is different from him.

He is now a triple practitioner of Huaqi state. It is as easy to deal with the practitioners of Huagu state as to kill the chicken and get the egg.

So he decided to use his own strength to defeat Lin Feng.

After several successive moves, he took a break, stepped back to one side, and then began to accumulate strength.

The whole fight, see next to the Liu family mother and daughter and Lin Dong are a burst of surprise!

First of all, their fighting speed is extremely fast. Secondly, the burst sound of the air caused by the collision of the fists shows the strength of each move.

However, it did not damage any of the surrounding objects, nor hurt others.

The battle between the two men was just like a feast of art, gorgeous and shocking.

However, Lin Dong's heart is extremely surprised. This Qinglong is one of the four masters of wuwangzong. There are very few people who can teach with Qinglong at ordinary times. Since Qinglong has undertaken the task of protecting him, he has only used three moves to subdue each other.

Therefore, he has great trust in the strength of Qinglong.

But today, after a few minutes of fighting, they didn't win, which made his heart beat.

Is the young man named Lin Feng so terrible?

Just when Lin Dong was thinking wildly, he heard a big drink from Qinglong: "Xiuluo fist, Lin Feng, eat my fist!"

When you reach the triple level of Huagu, you can learn martial arts.

And this Shura boxing is a kind of martial arts.

If Lin Feng remembers correctly, it's a dizi level boxing technique, which is famous for its strong and fierce domineering.

Qinglong's punch was very fast, as if he wanted to end the fight.

After Lin Feng knew the other party's intention, he did not dodge.

Because, in the process of the game, we all have a consensus!

If the other side a move to fight, is to fight with you, if you hide in the past, you do not have the confidence to fight the other side.

This has been defeated in momentum!

In fact, Lin Feng has been accumulating strength secretly, and his strength is flowing out of the elixir field. After penetrating his whole body, he gathers on his hands.

When the green dragon came over with a punch, Lin Feng also suddenly hit the past.

Two very strong forces collided.

With a bang, a cyclone burst out.

The surrounding wine glasses and so on were all shattered, and everyone on the scene hugged their heads in fear.

Debris scattered on the ground, but see two people in the field, the performance is different.

After the impact, Lin Feng stood calmly in the same place and looked at the green dragon. After a back somersault, he stepped back a few steps to remove his strength, and there was a trace of blood in the corner of his mouth.

"Cough!" Qinglong coughed twice, stroked his chest and said, "I've seen it!"

Although he was very calm on the surface, he was shocked by the seemingly ordinary young man in front of him. No wonder Mr. Chen valued him so much. Now Qinglong realized that Chen's eyes were really cruel. This young man was not in the pool.

If he goes on fighting like this, he has already been injured. If he goes on fighting like this, he will definitely not win.

He bowed his hands to Lin Feng and said, "I'm willing to bow to the wind!"

Then, he turned to Lin Dong and said, "I'm sorry, boss Lin, I failed in this protection."

However, Lin Dong scolded: "you and he didn't do their best. Why did you say that you failed? You fight for me, go and fight with him. You have to fight hard to protect me. Do you know? Our family paid for your life

Lin Dong saw that Qinglong didn't want to fight with Lin Feng. He was angry and scolded, and his eyes burst out blood red.

In the face of Lin Dong's barking, Qinglong is extremely angry, but his good quality makes him calm. He said: "I will not be his opponent even if I fight for my life. Therefore, if this protection action fails, we will fulfill the contract and compensate the Lin family. But please don't insult me, don't link your copper stink with my life!"

Lin Dong didn't know what to do. He angrily scolded: "you King Wu clan is a waste. Our Lin family gives you so many bodyguard funds every year. As a result, you can't even protect me. You're a waste!"Before he finished his words, he saw that Qinglong flashed up to Lin Dong. He put his hands on Lin Dong's neck and said, "you shameless man, I have endured you for a long time. If I had not been born in wuwangzong, I would have killed you!"

Then he pushed Lin Dong on the sofa and said, "if you dare to scold us King Wu for half a word, even if I don't want my life, I'll take you to be buried with me."

Lin Dong was scared to the ground!

"Don't be impulsive!" Lin Feng came over with a smile and said, "brother, you are also a righteous man. It's unfair for you to be a bodyguard for this kind of scum. I'll go back and tell Mr. Chen, don't take on all kinds of tasks. Do you need us to protect all kinds of cats and dogs? How ridiculous

Qinglong agreed with this, but Qinglong was arrogant. He just responded lightly: "I'm going to learn from zongmen. The orders of zongmen are my tasks. I won't refuse to give up. But this scum, I've decided not to protect him any more."

"You loser, I don't need your protection!" Lin Dong calmed down and scolded.

Lin Feng clapped his hands: "good! Now you don't have anyone to protect you, and what else do you want? Do you want to keep calling? "

Lin Dong sneered and suddenly pulled out a pistol from the back of his buttocks. This pistol is a kind of tailor-made, compact pistol, which is very good to hide.

He pointed at Lin Feng at the muzzle of his gun, and said with a sneer: "do you think I won't hide my back hand? Now if I move my finger a little, you'll die on the spot! "

Seeing this scene, Liu Wenwen and Liu Hui were frightened.

That's a gun. If you pull the trigger, Lin Feng will die.

Liu Wenwen said quickly, "Lin Shao, please don't be impulsive. Don't you want me to drink with you? I'll drink with you. Please let Lin Feng go. "

Let her do anything for Lin Feng.

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" Lin Dong laughed wildly: "do you know to be afraid now? Well, I'll shoot him in the head, and then I'll let you drink with me , the fastest update of the webnovel!