The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 953

Lin Feng is a man who is jealous of evil. Although he will not kill this kind of woman, he will not make her feel better.

Because Lin Feng is also in Xiaoxiang's eyes, saw her very unfriendly eyes to Liu Wenwen.

At this time, Lin Dong was beaten by Lin Feng. His mouth was full of blood, and his body was covered with blood. He was panting. He almost lost half of his fighting power.

Lin Feng throws Lin Dong aside and goes to Xiaoxiang.

"No, no, please spare me!"

Xiaoxiang is pale with fear. Her intestines are all regretful. Why should she insult Lin Feng with his stinky feet? This is Lin Feng's real cruel role!

Lin Feng went to Xiaoxiang, grabbed Xiaoxiang's lapel and pulled it in front of him. He said, "don't worry, I won't beat a woman!"

Xiaoxiang a listen, heart immediately a loose.

However, Lin Feng said with a sneer: "but, you insult me, you think the people living in the bottom are rubbish, this is your fault, in the future, to avoid you talking nonsense again, I will help you today, cut off your tongue, of course, don't thank me, I don't have to worry about anything!"


Xiaoxiang cried and cried, her body suddenly softened, and she fell on the ground with a pool of water under her legs. She was frightened and incontinent to urinate.

"On your psychological quality, are you still insulting others? Give me a long memory in the future Lin Feng hums and laughs.

"I was wrong, I was wrong!" Xiaoxiang's lips are shaking, she is really afraid. Lin Feng dares to fight Lin Dong like that. What else does he dare not do?

Lin Feng didn't look back at Xiaoxiang again. He said that cutting his tongue was just scaring her. I didn't expect to be so scared!

He looked at Lin Dong again: "well, do you want to continue playing?"

"Lin Feng, you are finished!" Lin Dong suddenly uttered a sentence.

He closed the phone and said, "my man will be here soon. I want to see how you die in front of me."

Originally just while Lin Feng went to clean up Xiaoxiang, he called someone!

When Lin Dong came, he brought four bodyguards with him, but there was another one who didn't come up.

That talent is his real bodyguard.

In recent years, the Lin family has made many enemies outside, so they also attach great importance to the safety of their descendants. Every young Lin family has a master who can transform Qi.

Only those experts are very hidden, usually do not show up, on the surface, only those very ordinary bodyguards are doing protection work, only when the key time, those experts will take action.

In fact, this time is not a critical moment, because Lin Feng did not make any fatal move, so the master still did not appear.

Just Lin Dong couldn't stand being abused by Lin Feng. He called the master directly.

These elite bodyguards of the Lin family are all hired from outside. This bodyguard of Lin Dong is an expert hired by the King Wu sect. He is the most powerful one among the younger generation of Lin family.

I saw this expert leisurely walk up the second floor, into the box.

He knew that Lin Dong had been abused, but he didn't want to rescue Lin Dong, because he himself was extremely exclusive of Lin Dong. However, King Wu had orders to take money and help people to relieve the disaster. So he just acted according to orders. Only when Lin Dong's life was threatened would he do it.

Another point is that when Lin Dong asks for his help, he needs to help.

Now it is the second situation. Lin Dong called him for help.

He went upstairs to see Lin Dong lying on the sofa covered with blood. He didn't even look at Lin Feng.

He felt that Lin Dong did not have any fatal injury, so he asked Lin Feng faintly, "is it you who beat him like this?"

He has been facing Lin Feng from the beginning to the end. Lin Feng only sees the young man's side face, but can feel his pride from his tone.

Lin Feng raised his eyebrows and said, "yes, it's me."

The young man's look was filled with a trace of admiration.

He said faintly: "I am Lin Dong's bodyguard, he was beaten like this by you, according to the truth, I will teach you a lesson for him."

Lin Feng said with a smile: "good! I'll be with you any time! "

After listening to Lin Feng's words, the young man turned his head and looked at Lin Feng. However, the young man was stunned.

He has met Lin Feng, and he is very impressed with him!

Once, Mr. Chen was doing morning exercises in the park. When he went to pick him up with his younger martial sister, he had a meeting with Lin Feng, and he knew that Mr. Chen attached great importance to the young man named Lin Feng in front of him.

At this time, the young man of Rao Feng is also meaningful.

He remembered that it was the first time that he met Mr. Chen of Wu wangzong. At that time, he had a discussion with Mr. Chen in the park. At that time, a couple of men and women came to meet him. Among them, the young man was the young man in front of him.

It seems that the Lin family is really a big family and has a great career. All the bodyguards employed by their descendants are the disciples of Chen Lao, Emperor Wu Wang Zong.No wonder that Lin Dong is so arrogant. He relies on such a master beside him, so he is unscrupulous.

Lin Dong said to the young man, "Qinglong, I was beaten by this man. Please avenge me."

The young man named Qinglong flashed a trace of dislike in his eyes, but it was not very obvious.

He turned to Lin Feng and said, "please do something!"

Lin Feng looked at the young man with great significance and thought that this guy looked upright and dignified, but he was a good-looking talent.

It can only be Lin Dong's bodyguard, he has no way to stretch his heart of justice, so Lin Feng can understand.

He also clasped his fist and said, "offended!"

Then he opened his posture.

"Drink --"

the green dragon suddenly drank, and his whole body was full of energy. In an instant, his powerful Qi field burst out, and he was a master among the experts.

Lin Feng's eyes flashed a wonderful look.

It's interesting to fight with the master!

At this time, he heard Lin Dong shouting: "Qinglong, what are you still dallying about? Kill this boy for me, TMD!"

Qinglong was cold and said to him, "shut up!"

Then, with one foot on the ground, his body was like a taut long bow. Suddenly, his hind legs were forced and his body expanded like an arrow from the string. Suddenly, he catapulted at Lin Feng.

However, Lin Feng dodged the attack of his fist. After a close look, the ground on which Qinglong stepped just now broke into a spider web like crack.

This is enough to see how strong the young man is!

Lin Feng sighed in his heart: "sure enough, Kyoto is the place where the masters hide, crouching tigers, hidden dragons!"

Seeing that Lin Feng easily escaped his attack, Qinglong's eyes flashed a look of admiration: "agility, good! It seems to be interesting to fight against you. "

With that, he suddenly changed his moves and attacked Lin Feng with his hands and feet. , the fastest update of the webnovel!