The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 952

"What?" Lin Dong's face was surprised. He looked at Liu Wenwen carefully. He had no resemblance with his father. He gave a cold smile: "are you telling a joke? I'm brother-in-law with him? The joke is not funny at all

Liu Hui, a bad gambler, said quickly, "listen to me, Lin Dong. Your father, Lin Zhengkai, once had a relationship with me...

" stop it for me! " Lin Dong pointed to Liu Hui and said, "my father had a lot of romantic affairs in those years, but he never told me that there was such a person as you, and he never told me that I had any half sister or brother outside."

"Never!" Lin Dong seemed a little excited, he said: "you just make up these to cheat me, you do these have no, to let me believe, do you think I Lin Dong is that easy to cheat people?"

Then he took off his coat and said to the bodyguard who stood up: "dare to cheat me and treat me as a fool? Lock the door for me. Nobody wants to go out today! "

Obviously, he was infuriated by Liu Hui's words. He didn't believe that there was such a thing in his heart. He just felt that Liu Hui was using this reason to cheat him.

Lin Dong said angrily, "you insulted my father and wanted to take your daughter away with such a rotten excuse. You are too naive. Of course, your behavior successfully makes me angry, so no one wants to leave today. You and your daughter will come with me at night."

With that, he looked up and down at Liu Hui: "you are also good, but you and your daughter, in my treatment is completely different, I believe you will understand my meaning by then."

"Lin Dong, you are shameless!" Liu Hui's hands trembled with anger. She didn't expect that Lin Zhengkai's son was such a shameless and disgusting person.

She said angrily: "you and your father, none of them are good things. Your father owes us Liu family mother and daughter in this life, but you still come to our door to bully us. You are forcing our mother and daughter to death."

Lin Dong gave a big drink: "don't talk nonsense. I don't have time to talk to you. I have limited time. Now I have to fight with your daughter first."

Then he reached for Liu Wenwen.

"Get rid of your dirty hands!" At this time, a cold voice came over, and Lin Feng was next to him.

Lin Feng originally wanted to put his hand directly in this matter, but he knew that there were some disputes between Liu Hui and Lin Zhengkai, so when Liu Hui said that, Lin Feng just stood by and listened quietly. But he didn't expect that Lin Dong not only didn't believe it, but was also infuriated, and more severe punishment and revenge should be imposed on their mother and daughter.

The mother and daughter are ill fated. Liu Hui has just come out of that miserable life, and her daughter will fall into the hands of Lin Zhengkai's descendants.

Lin Feng really can't look down. If he doesn't punish Lin Dong at this time, it's definitely not his character.

Lin Dong saw that Lin Feng came out to stop him. He had already lost sight of Lin Feng and said, "you boy, you are here to stir up with me, right? Well, I'll clean you up today. "

With that, he reached for Lin Feng.

Lin Feng didn't hide. He saw that Lin Dong's hand was directly on Lin Feng's shoulder. Then, he leaned over his shoulder and tried to throw him over his shoulder.

However, when his body was on top of Lin Feng's body, the shock in his heart reached the peak. He felt as if he was standing on a hard rock, and he used his greatest strength to grasp and pull Lin Feng. Lin Feng was still, as stable as Mount Tai!

For a moment, Lin Dong had a deep sense of powerlessness, as if this man was like a heavy magnet, absorbed on the cast iron floor, he could not move.

After watching several movements of Lin Dong, but without any effect, Lin Feng's mouth curled up and said, "young man, it's you who can't measure your strength."

Then he grabbed Lin Dong's shoulder with his backhand, threw Lin Shao out several meters away, and hit him on the sofa.


Lin Dong is full of people.

Lin Feng strode forward and directly grasped Lin Dong's skirt. With one hand, he lifted him directly into the air. His feet were off the ground. He said with a smile: "is Lin Shao? I believe that tonight will be the most painful night in your life, and you will never forget it

With that, he pushed his hand hard, and Lin Dong's body was thrown out like a sandbag.

With a click, Lin Dong's body fell on the coffee table. All the tea tables were smashed, and the glass fragments were inserted into Lin Dong's back. The pain was unbearable.

But before Lin Dong gets up, Lin Feng takes a step forward, steps on Lin Dong's body and presses down hard!

Those pieces of glass, directly into Lindong's body!

"Ah --"

Lin Dong cried out in pain.

He wanted to struggle to get up, but felt that Lin Feng's feet were like a thousand pounds. He could not get up.

Lin Feng said from a commanding position: "I didn't want to fight you tonight, but your despicable behavior deeply disgusts me. In the face of such a dirty person as you, if I leave, I feel sorry for the people of your Lin family, so I want to represent you Lin family, to punish you this disloyal and unfilial son of a bitch."Then he kicked Lin Dong on the body, Lin Dong's body "whoosh" was kicked out of the ground a few meters away, directly fell under the sofa.

Lin Feng walked over and lifted the sofa with one hand. He grabbed Lin Dong, who was still in shock, and punched him in the face.

"Bang!" A sound, Lin Dong's several big teeth have been hit out, the mouth of a lot of thick blood mixture, very disgusting.

At this time, he had no strength to fight back. The whole person was beaten by Lin Feng like a sandbag. While he was frightened and painful, he felt a burst of deep humiliation and despair.

This scene has already scared the woman named Xiaoxiang beside her to death. She is so trembling that she can't even cry.

Is this Lin Feng in front of you, or the guy who just begged?

At the moment, he has been like a big devil, his aura has been shrouded in the air over the entire box.

Xiaoxiang tries to resist the fear in her heart and slowly leans against the wall and wants to run out.

During the period of Lin Feng's abusing Lin Dong, she managed to sneak to the door of the box. She just wanted to step out, but she listened to Lin Feng yelling: "stop for me. We haven't finished your business yet."

Little Shanton shivered, and felt a cold wind coming from behind. It was as if King Yan had come to the door at once! , the fastest update of the webnovel!