The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 951

"Lying trough, do you dare to fight back?" Lin Dong was so angry that he called out to several bodyguards beside him: "all of them, kill him, don't leave any alive!"

The other three bodyguards listen to Lin Dong's order and rush to Lin Feng.

These four bodyguards are all practitioners of the blood state.

Practitioners, in the eyes of ordinary people, already exist very well. However, when this guy goes out, the bodyguards he follows are all practitioners. He is really a big business!

However, in Lin Feng's eyes, this kind of primary practitioner is not worth mentioning.

Lin Feng didn't even look at them. He hit them casually. In an instant, the bodyguards were seriously injured and couldn't get up.

Lin Shao was stunned. He didn't look up to Lin Feng at all.

Therefore, he felt that even if he pulled out a bodyguard casually, he could beat Lin Feng.

But just a few moments ago, a look at Lin Feng's decisive and ruthless, immediately concluded that Lin Feng's strength and these bodyguards are not at the same level.

Four practitioners of snow melting realm were knocked down by him in an instant, which really surprised Lin Dong.

But Lin Dong is just surprised. Lin Dong comes from the ancient Wu family of the Lin family, so he is not a bag of wine, he also has certain strength.

Although his years of indulgence and extravagance have made him slow in his cultivation, he is now a practitioner of bone melting mirror relying on the resources of the big family and the cultivation of excellent tutors!

So he himself can reach the state of Lin Feng, and can knock down the four bodyguards in an instant, so he is only a short surprise, and is not awed by Lin Feng.

Just now, he is more serious about Lin Feng.

"Not bad, boy! I didn't expect you to have two sons. " Lin Dong cold road.

Lin Feng ha ha a smile: "I not only have two down, you want to try, but also see my third down."

"Don't be so glib with me!" "Do you know who you are against?" Lin Dong cried

Lin Feng said with a smile: "is Kyoto Lin family right?"

Immediately Lin Feng's voice changed: "but please remember, my name is Lin Feng, and I'm also Lin Shao. So, who is the real gold and silver Lin Shao between the two of us? You'll know later!"

Hearing this, Lin Dong laughed.

He felt that the man in front of him was simply too ignorant.

Among the four big families in Kyoto, his Lin family is the most powerful. Although there are many powerful organizations hiding their strength in Kyoto, the Lin family is already an existence that many families and organizations can not surpass.

So even if any one person, in front of him, also want to give him Lin Dongsan thin noodles.

However, this unknown boy is so rampant, really do not know the height of heaven and earth.

Lin Dong sneered: "maybe young people are like this. When they hit the south wall, they will feel headache, but it's already late, isn't it?"

When he spoke, Lin Dong didn't forget to look at Lin Feng with disdain. He was obviously laughing at Lin Feng for being too tender.

Lin Dong is not older than Lin Feng at all, but his old-fashioned appearance is just like teaching and educating later generations. He looks very arrogant.

He glanced at the fallen four bodyguards and said: "Lin Feng, you hit my people today, you have offended me, so you have to apologize to me, kneel on the ground to kowtow three apologies, and then get out of here, this is my greatest kindness to you."

Xiao Xiang nearby also took advantage of the situation to curse: "you are not a long eyed thing, but you don't apologize to Lin Shao. Do you think you can beat Lin Shao's four bodyguards, are you bullied? If Lin Shao lets you kneel down and kowtow, it is already the lightest punishment. If Lin Shao hands, he will kill you every minute. "

Xiaoxiang is a top card in this club. Lin Dong often orders her when she comes over and gives her a lot of tips every time.

With the help of Lindong as a client, she has a certain popularity here, so her identity and status are given to her by Lindong.

She will try her best to hold the tree, so once she catches the opportunity to flatter, she will not hesitate to flatter Lin Dong.

At the same time, she was very jealous.

Because Lin Dong named Liu Wenwen by name. When she looked at Liu Wenwen, her eyes were filled with anger. Then she took the opportunity to act coquettish in Lin Dong: "Oh, Lin Shao, how happy they are today. Lin Shao should not be unhappy. I will serve Lin Shao well in the evening, or Lin Shao will dispose of them quickly. I will accompany you to have a good time! ”

"go away!" Lin Shaoyi pushes Xiaoxiang away.

After meeting a goddess like Liu Wenwen, he had no interest in Xiaoxiang, a rouge powder used in romantic places, because Xiaoxiang seemed to be a commodity in front of him, and there was no place to attract him.

Xiaoxiang was pushed to one side of the sofa, very sad to cry.

Lin Dong didn't care about her, but said to Lin Feng: "do as I said, kneel down to apologize, and then get out and leave this beautiful woman with me. Otherwise, if I am angry today, none of you want to leave, and this beauty must be mine tonight."Seeing Lin Dong's appearance, Liu Hui shook her head and sighed.

It's really the dragon that gives birth to the dragon and the Phoenix to the Phoenix. The mouse's son can make holes.

He is better than his father. He is better than his father!

Of course, Liu Hui didn't say these words. Instead, she sighed in her heart that what kind of person had destroyed her over the years. The son born was so shameless and shameless. Now I think about it, Liu Hui really hates that she was blind.

And his hatred for Lin Zhengkai will never disappear. Even when he is brought to the grave, his hatred will still jump out of the ground like a ghost fire. So when she sees Lin Zhengkai's son, she naturally has no good impression.

However, when thinking about this place, Liu Hui suddenly found a problem, that is, this person is Lin Zhengkai's son, and her daughter Wenwen is Lin Zhengkai's daughter. They are half sister or brother and sister. This kind of consanguinity can't be disorderly.

So when she thought about this, she decided to use it to persuade Lin Dong that her identity had already been known by the Lin family, and there was no need to hide it now.

Liu Hui said, "listen to me, Lin Dong. After I finish this speech, I think you will not have any more thoughts on my daughter."

Lin Dong frowned and said, "do you want to say that your daughter has AIDS? I don't believe in this kind of nonsense. Your daughter looks pure and gentle. She must be a very moral woman, so take back your lies. "

But Liu Hui did not stop. He continued: "you and my daughter, you are half sister and brother!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!