The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 90

At the same time, at another place, there is a father and son who are also plotting and talking about the mining branch of Dongsheng Group.

Shen's group headquarters building.

Shen Yunhai is sitting at his desk and his third son Shen Mao is sitting opposite him.

"Dad, what did you want me to do?" Shen Mao asked.

Shen Yunhai lit a cigarette and said, "I just received a call from the boss, who entrusted me with something!"

"Big man? Do you mean the one who is still watching cherry blossoms in Japan island Shen Mao asked.


"What has he entrusted to you?" Shen Mao was curious.

"The big guy's intention is obvious. He wants us to defeat Dongsheng Group!" Shen Yunhai directly said: "as a reward, he will arrange land for us in Songjiang city and develop our business, which plays a vital role in the expansion of our Shen group."

"Down with Dongsheng Group?" Shen Mao was puzzled.

The boss is very powerful in both Jincheng and Songjiang, and he has previously said that his industry is in Songjiang city and he does not want to interfere in the commercial structure of Jincheng. Why would he want to defeat Dongsheng Group? What deep hatred does Dongsheng Group have with him?

Seeing his son's doubts, Shen Yunhai said: "the old man had a deep resentment with Tang Dongsheng in the early years. I don't know the specific reasons. He always acts strangely, and it's hard for ordinary people to understand. Moreover, he cherishes his own feathers and never does it himself. So as far as I know, in order to defeat Tang Dongsheng, he successively used Xie Sanjia and Lei Hong of the wild wolf society But they all failed! That's why we choose to be more powerful! "

"How can this be true? Then we will become his swords?" Shen Mao said, "if you want to kill someone with a knife, we've come up with it!"

"Ah Mao! You have to know, the strength of the big guy is not comparable to ours. The reason why the big guy cooperates with us is completely his trust in us. Moreover, we are win-win cooperation between both sides. Even if the big guy doesn't ask us to overthrow Dongsheng Group, do you think we won't attack Dongsheng Group? "

After hearing this, Shen Mao thought for a moment and said, "what my father said is very true. I heard that Tang Dongsheng will hold the founding ceremony of the mining branch the day after tomorrow, which clearly challenges the position of the mining leader of Shenshi group. So I am also considering these days. It's time to crack down on Dongsheng Group!"

"Well! Not bad Shen Yunhai nodded: "the reason why I want to talk to you about these things is that you are the most business minded of the three of you. Your elder brother is ignorant and incompetent. He drinks in bars all day, and people are dying. Your second brother is addicted to fighting all day long. He is brave and has no development. Only you can make me feel more relieved! "

"Thank you for your appreciation Shen Mao's mouth showed a smile.

Listen to the old man's meaning, this big family property, sooner or later, is his own.

"Dad, what do you think of Tang Dongsheng's mining action?" Shen Mao asked.

Shen Yunhai said: "Tang Dongsheng has already sent us an invitation. I'll send you to attend the ceremony on behalf of Shen's group. You can take several people to make chaos and make trouble on the scene, so that the ceremony can't be carried out!"

Shen Mao asked: "if I make trouble directly, I will be criticized and said that my Shen group can't see others well! And they can call the police and get me. "

Shen Yunhai said: "if you make trouble directly, you have no brain. Come on, I will tell you how to make trouble. They have nothing to say!"

Shen Yunhai whispered a few words in front of Shen Mao.

"Dad is wise!" Shen Mao raised his thumb and thought about it, but he was worried: "but I heard that there is a guy named Lin Feng in Dongsheng Group. He has two sons. I'm afraid he will interfere with me."

"Don't worry about that. The boss has long wanted to clean up the boy, so the boss will send a master of Japan island country to Jincheng the day after tomorrow. He will go with you. He is more than enough to deal with Lin Feng." Shen Yunhai is confident of success.

"Great!" Shen Mao said, "just, Dad, are you sure you don't go in person this time? You can go there in person, much more secure than I am! "

Shen Yunhai said: "of course I can't go in person. If I take the lead in making trouble, it will be gossiping! But you are different. How can you make trouble? In the end, I can call it a junior. No one can say anything! Do you understand? "

"Dad is really careful in his work." Shen Mao praised.

"Come on, stinky boy, get ready Shen Yunhai said with a smile.

When Shen Mao walked out of the room, Shen Yunhai took a deep puff of smoke, spit out his eyes in a deep way, and said: "hum, do you dare to set foot in the mining industry? Then I'll let your mining company fail! "



one day later.

Jincheng East District, Dongsheng Group Mining branch opening ceremony.

The headquarters of the mining branch is located in the suburb of Chengdong District, which is a factory like office space. It is a yard with a total of 3000 square meters, and a three-story office building in the middle. At this time, the firecrackers in the yard are blazing, and red banners are pulled one by one.Tang Dongsheng smiles, and stands in front of the yard gate to receive guests one by one.

Jincheng large and small companies have sent representatives to attend the ceremony, and relevant departments have also sent representatives. Dongsheng Group is one of the three major consortia in Jincheng. Naturally, everyone should give some face.

Because it's sunny and sunny today.

It rained a few days ago, so the temperature was not very high, and with the occasional breeze, it was a little cool.

So the opening ceremony was put in the courtyard of the mining company.

The red carpet was spread all over the floor, and the tables and chairs were visited neatly. When the guests arrived, they gave their gifts and went straight into the seats, drank tea and cakes, and slowly waited for the opening ceremony.

The guest seat faces a row of important people.

That seat is the main leader of Dongsheng Group and the important representatives of relevant departments.

There are labels on them, such as Su Jing, President and general manager of Dongsheng Group, and XXX, representative of Jincheng Mining Administration. Of course, these are normal things.

The dimension is not normal. To everyone's surprise, on the edge of the important seats in that row, there is a label that says: Lin Feng, security guard of Dongsheng Group.

What the hell?

Is a security guard sitting in this seat?

And it seems that those important seats are almost full of people, but the seat of Lin Feng is still empty?

Did you make the security guard nervous? Don't you dare to come?

This seat can be regarded as a small bright spot. People waiting for the ceremony to start have a topic of awkward conversation, and they are interested in this seat one after another.

Many people think it is a mistake. How can security guards appear in such an important seat?

Many people have heard of Lin Feng's name, but a security guard should not be placed in an important seat.

Looking at the empty seat of Lin Feng, Su Jing asked the mouse to come over and asked, "where's your boss?"

"He is sleeping," said the mouse! His night life is so rich that he gets up late in the day

"Dead Lin Feng!" Su Jing said, "the ceremony is about to start. Please call your boss here!"

"I called, it's no use, he said if I disturb his dream, he won't let me go!" Mouse a wave hand, very helpless way: "you know, my boss torments a person to have a set."

Looking at the mouse's green forgiving hat, Su Jing was speechless and said that you are both wonderful flowers.

And the people nearby saw this scene and began to talk about it one after another.

"You see, the president of iceberg urges others to call the security guard. Is that important?"

"I don't know. It's just a security guard. I'm jealous. I'm a boss of Tang Tang. I don't see President Bingshan so eager to see me!"

"Ha ha, you've seen a security guard. I've really convinced you. If you wait for the security guard to come, you can't take it out for him."

"Good way! Otherwise, I really feel that my boss is not as good as a security guard! "


at this time, a beautiful woman in a cheongsam appeared in the public's view.

The beautiful woman is holding a colorful umbrella, which is quite classical, but the subtle enchanting and sharp between her eyebrows makes people dare not get close to it easily.

She was followed by three young women. In their hands, two of them carried a plaque inlaid with gold, which was printed with eight characters made of 24K full Gold: greedy for money and lust, upright and upright.

It was the Golden Phoenix.

All of them were shocked. They all said that the Golden Phoenix was a rare beauty in the south of the city. He usually lived in the headquarters of the order of Phoenix and rarely appeared. No matter how important it was, they didn't see him in public. Today, they even came to participate in the opening ceremony of Dongsheng mining?

Tang Dongsheng's face, but really not small!

But in fact, Tang Dongsheng himself is very surprised. He has no contact with Jin Fenghuang. It is amazing that Jin Fenghuang came to attend the ceremony of his branch company in person.

However, as soon as the Golden Phoenix spoke, it surprised everyone even more.

She opened her mouth without any scruples and said, "today, I come specially for Lin Feng!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!