The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 91


Everyone was stunned on the spot.

Is that the security guard? Lin Feng?

Those sour onlookers, originally, still had a strong contempt for this unknown security guard, but they didn't expect the Golden Phoenix to give them a blow.

How can this security guard be so impressive? Moreover, even the guests have arrived, and one of his security guards has not appeared. This security guard is better than the guests!

Jin Fenghuang didn't care about the performance of the people around her. She went to Tang Dongsheng, shook hands with Tang Dongsheng and said, "congratulations on the establishment of Dongsheng mining branch. Congratulations! Lin Feng hasn't come yet? "

"Thank you, thank you! Lin Feng will be here later! " Tang Dongsheng comes back to God and quickly caters to the way with a smile.

"Well, can I have a seat?" Golden Phoenix smiles.

"Of course Tang Dongsheng said to Su Jing, "general manager Su, go and arrange a VIP seat for Miss Jin!"

"Good!" Su Jing looked at Jin Fenghuang and said, "come with me, Miss Jin!"

Tang Dongsheng suddenly feels that Beier has face. Jin Fenghuang is the boss of one of the four major associations in Jincheng. Generally, the club doesn't show up. Lin Feng really gives himself a long face!

However, why did she come for Lin Feng?

Tang Dongsheng shook his head. He should not think about other people's affairs. He should take care of the opening ceremony.

Seeing that all the guests are seated, the main figures of relevant departments and cooperative companies are also present. The ribbon cutting ceremony will be held next.

Yu Lan asked Jin Lingyue and the beauties from their public relations department to get ready. They would enter the venue with ribbon and scissors for the ribbon cutting ceremony.

But just then, outside the gate, a black Bentley came at a gallop, slamming the brakes at the door, whirring up a cloud of smoke.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

The smoke came through the gate and the guests in the back coughed.

The car stopped at the door, and a man in suit and sunglasses came down from the car.

Behind the sunglasses man, there are three strong men and a thin and dry man.

The sunglasses man took off his sunglasses and said to Tang Dongsheng in his voice, "Mr. Tang, you have set up this branch office. Am I not late?"

It was Shen Mao, the third son of Shen's group.

His arrival, let Dongsheng Group of people immediately raised the alert.

We all know that Shen's group is a leading enterprise in Jincheng mining industry, and also an old enemy of Dongsheng Group. If we look at Shen Mao's posture, it is obvious that the source is not good.

However, Tang Dongsheng is calm. On such a large occasion, there are still many people in the industry, so I don't believe that he dares to do things openly.

"Oh, Mr. Shen is here. It's not late. Please come in!" Tang Dongsheng will meet him immediately.

Shen Mao is deputy general manager level in Shen's group, so Tang Dongsheng calls him general manager Shen.

Tang Dongsheng greets Shen Mao to come in and arranges a seat for him. Everyone's focus is on him, because his momentum is very strong, which is comparable to the Golden Phoenix. At any rate, the Golden Phoenix comes to deliver the plaque. He is empty handed and arrogant. He looks very fierce!

When Shen Mao took his seat, Tang Dongsheng said to Su Jing, "Mr. Su, you preside over the opening ceremony. Let's start!"

Say, then prepare to deliver a speech!

But at this time, Shen Mao said, "don't start. I'm in a hurry today. I didn't bring any decent gifts. Well, I've brought three masters who are good at boxing. Let's give you a performance of boxing and kicking to help you have fun."

Tang Dongsheng frowned. What play is Shen Mao doing?

However, seeing that all the people present were very interested, he could not refuse. He said to Su Jing, "Mr. Su, please delay the opening a little bit. Since the Shen group is so generous, we must accept it with a smile."

"Tang Dong is really sensible and polite." Shen Mao laughed.

But in Su Jing's eyes, this smile is particularly angry. You, the youngest son of the Shen family, dare to directly evaluate the chairman of Tang's group. You are not polite.

But on this day, she couldn't destroy the atmosphere, so she stood aside and watched coldly.

"Three masters, let's give you a good performance and help us to have fun." Shen maodao.

Hearing this, the three strong men tore off their coats and threw them to one side, revealing their strong upper body muscles. They looked very fierce.

"Drink --" three people roared together, momentum like rainbow.

Then the three began to practice.

That thin man did not come forward, he has been standing behind Shen Mao, Lengyan looking at everything in front of him.

"Drink --"

the three strong men were shouting and drinking, kicking left and right at the same time. They were very messy and did not seem to be well rehearsed. They didn't seem to take the performance seriously.

After watching a burst of snickering, the Shen group obviously performed, but secretly, it was obviously coming to demolish the stage. People with a little intelligence can see it. This kind of messy performance is not intended to be ugly to Dongsheng Group!However, what they didn't expect was that this way of dismantling the platform was just beginning.

The three men quickly changed their formation, opened the distance between each other, and had no scruple.

One of them kicked over the flower basket next to him, and the other knocked out the banner with one punch.

"Drink --"

they have not yet finished training. They bow to all the things that can be destroyed in the field, which is a burst of punches and kicks, but on the surface, they are showing their fists and feet accidentally.

"Oh, you should pay attention to it. Tang Dong received such gifts this day. Are you blind? I can't afford to pay for all the damage Said, he also intentionally a face sorry to say: "Tang Dong, boxing without eyes, excuse me!"

Tang Dongsheng's veins were exposed, but he didn't get angry. Instead, he said with a smile: "it's OK. Don't hurt your people!"

Shen Mao slyly said with a smile: "of course, my people won't hurt you. I'm afraid it will hurt you."

As soon as the voice dropped, he heard a scream of "ah --". In the process of demonstrating his leg skills, an Oolong swung his legs and "accidentally" kicked over one of the etiquette ladies' plates. On the plate, there was something to be cut.

When Tang Dongsheng saw it, he immediately stepped forward to stop him. If the ribbon cutting thing was damaged, how could he carry out the opening ceremony.

But the three men seemed to have been arranged for a long time. Two of them continued to practice with Miss etiquette, which scared the beauties in the public relations department to lose their looks and screamed.

The other man stopped Tang Dongsheng directly. What's more, he even attacked Tang Dongsheng with his fists, forcing Tang Dongsheng to retreat again and again.

All the people present saw the scene, but no one said anything.

They can see that Shen's group is smashing Tang Dongsheng's court with the gimmick of performing boxing. If it goes on like this, after a while, everything in the field is smashed. How can the ceremony be carried out?

However, they are well aware of the strength of Shen's group. Although they are very aggrieved by Dongsheng Group, they dare not say anything on the surface and are afraid of offending Shen's group.

Jin Fenghuang frowns. She has no friendship with Dongsheng Group. She comes for Lin Feng, but Lin Feng doesn't show up, so she just wants to watch the drama.

Of course, in her heart, she is also very angry with the practice of Shen's group, but she can't easily make a move.

At this time, however, a scene that made people more angry appeared.

One of the strong men, however, seemed to have hit Su Jing with his greasy body.

Su Jing quickly dodged, but the man grabbed Su Jing's clothes and pulled them unsteadily.

"You let go Su Jing was angry and angry, and her pretty face turned red.

"Mr. Su, don't mind. He's drunk. If he drinks too much, he'll miss a woman! Ha ha ha Shen Mao laughed.

"Si La --"

Su Jing's clothes were torn apart, and the white shoulder leaked out.

"Ah -" Su Jing screamed!

"What do you want to do Tang Dongsheng can't help it any more. Su Jing is so bad that he can't calm down any more.

This is too bullying!

People are also a burst of anger, this is obviously prepared to hit the scene, ah, so bullying, there is no royal law.

However, at this time, but heard a voice came over: "Oh, ah, get out of the way, quickly get out of the way!"

Everyone turned to look at the past, saw a figure, riding a golden bicycle, quickly rushed in.

The bike seemed out of control and rushed towards Shen Mao.

Shen Mao turned back, and with a bang, he was hit by himself, and the wheel of his car hit his life.

A burst of heart piercing pain hit, he was hit a butt on the ground, disheartened.

"Oh, I told you to get out of the way, but you didn't listen. Is that cool?" Lin Feng got off his bicycle and said to Shen Mao with a reproachful face. , the fastest update of the webnovel!