The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 89

Jin Fenghuang looks embarrassed, but she can't help laughing at Lin Feng's funny appearance.

"Mr. Lin, there is only one chance. I gave it to you just now. You don't want it. Now it's gone." Jin Fenghuang joked.

In her early years, Jin Fenghuang worked in many industries, such as smuggling, modeling, star agent and so on. Although she is only in her early 30's, she has rich social experience, high EQ and natural humor and Appropriateness!

Lin Feng was not happy to hear it and said, "what? Are you kidding me? That's what I want to do after playing? "

Jin Fenghuang said with a smile, "Mr. Lin, don't be angry. We don't mean to play you! We just want to find a reliable friend, and you have not let us down

"Friend? That's what you do to your friends? " Lin Feng pointed to those strong men: "do a group of rubbish to beat me?"

And then I pointed to the jade tattoo

"Pay attention to your words!" Said yu'er.

"Aren't you a babe? Is it near e? So big, don't be an assassin. There's a better career waiting for you! " Lin Feng said angrily.

"You..." jade son angry way.

"All right, jade!" Golden Phoenix stops the way.

"Mr. Lin, we have noticed you since you defeated the wolf Club alone. In order to further verify your moral character and strength, we have come up with such a bad strategy. I hope you can bear with us! However, all the way down, you speak of righteousness, love, hegemony, and justice and compassion. You are really a master of ability and morality. What an eye opener

Jin Fenghuang speaks with great level and propriety, which makes Lin Feng comfortable.

"Do you have to say that?" Lin Feng was proud: "who doesn't know that I have good moral character? Since I was a child, I've been a good student. I'm much better than you. Do you still need tests? "

"My boss is the best man I've ever seen!" Wei Yichen also came up to flatter him and said: "all aspects, excellent! Perfect

"Go away. It's not something you two don't worry about. You're having a good time eating and drinking. I don't know how worried I am." Don't go over your head!

"We didn't know it would be like this." Wei Yichen looked aggrieved. Then, she had an idea, put her mouth to Lin Feng's ear and said, "boss, don't be angry. In order to apologize, I'll give you two third tier stars on the basis of ten car models to ensure that you can be served comfortably. I heard that those third tier stars have more styles! Hey, hey

Lin Feng glared at Wei Yichen with a gentle tone: "you didn't cheat me?"

"Do what you say!" Wei Yichen laughs.

Lin Feng waved his hand and said, "in fact, I'm not such a stingy person. You two don't know about it today. Forget it. I don't care about you in general."

"It's very generous indeed, very good!" Jin Fenghuang said, "Mr. Lin Feng, I heard you work in Dongsheng Group, right?"

"Yes Lin Feng said: "I work as a security guard in Dongsheng Group."

"Security!" Golden Phoenix sighed heavily: "Alas, you are such a rare talent, Tang Dongsheng even let you do security, it's really outrageous!"

"What should I do to hear that?" Lin Feng asked.

"If you are willing to come to our order of the Phoenix, I can guarantee you, under one person, above ten thousand people!" Golden Phoenix overbearing words, immediately queen fan full.

Lin Feng glanced at the Golden Phoenix from head to toe. Don't mention that this woman is really full of charm, elegant and charming. She's a typical mature beauty, and she's an imperial sister.

"What if I not only want more than ten thousand people, but also you?" Lin Feng said.

"You shut up..." yu'er was furious.

"Well, don't be excited. I made a slip of the tongue, a slip of the tongue!" "If, I still want to be on top of you?" Lin Feng said with a smile

"If you have the ability, you can do it too!" said the Golden Phoenix with a smile

"Ha ha, that's nice. I'm not interested in it!" Lin Feng waved his hand.

"Mr. Lin Feng, there are so many beautiful women and so on. The order of Phoenix will show its utmost sincerity to invite you. If you want to, we can really sit down and have a chat." Golden Phoenix said.

Looking at Jin Fenghuang's effort to win over Lin Feng, yu'er is surprised. Since the establishment of the order of Phoenix, she has been around the elder sister. She has always been a light hearted person and has never paid so much attention to a person.

What's more, she also said these words in person. Her attitude was so low that it was unprecedented. If other forces in Jincheng knew that Jin Fenghuang even condescended to please a man, there would be a great disturbance.

But Lin Feng said: "I admit, you said the conditions, I like very much, money and beauty, is a man's favorite!"

Hearing this, the Golden Phoenix's eyes suddenly darkened.

"But -" Lin Feng said: "like, and does not mean anything, I will not do for money and beauty, I do not want to do! That's my bottom line! "The Golden Phoenix's eyes suddenly lit up again: "Mr. Lin is very principled. How can you come to our order of the Phoenix? Isn't money and beauty enough? "

"Enough!" Lin Feng said, looking at the Golden Phoenix, jiongjiong has a divine way: "just, Dongsheng Group, need me!"

After that, he waved his hand to the mouse and Wei Yichen and said, "don't be so dazed. Come with me. If you want to see a movie, I'll buy you tickets!"

Then he turned around and walked outside the warehouse under the gaze of the Golden Phoenix. He said aloud, "my name is Lin Feng. I'm a layman. I'm greedy for money and lust. I'm upright."

With that, walk out of the warehouse gate.

"Elder sister, he is so arrogant!" Jade Road.

She can't see past, Tang Tang Phoenix society is in charge, so sincere invitation, he even ignored.

But the Golden Phoenix's eyes were shining, she seemed to see the figure she had not seen for a long time. She murmured: "it's like him, really like it!"

"Elder sister -" looking at the blazing light in the Golden Phoenix's eyes, yu'er puzzled and asked, "don't you think his words are contradictory? Greedy for money and lust! How can you be upright when you are greedy for money and lust? "

The Golden Phoenix came back to his senses and said, "yu'er, you are still young. It is human nature to be greedy for money and lust, and integrity is his conduct. There is no contradiction between them. Greed for money and lust does not affect him to fight against injustice. That's the truth! As you grow older, you will understand the true meaning of this sentence! Those who can say this are completely magnanimous, not those well-dressed hypocrites. "

When Jin Fenghuang is a model, he has seen too many hidden rules in the industry. Those so-called just and cultured people are more chaotic than others in private. Therefore, in the heart of Golden Phoenix, as long as you are human, not God, greedy for money and lust, you can't help it.

Lin Feng openly admitted that he was greedy for money and lust, but let her incomparably appreciate it. In his heart, he added a lot of points to Lin Feng.

Seeing Jin Fenghuang's obsessed face, yu'er forbeared and said, "but I heard that Lin Feng and Su Jing, the president of Dongsheng Group, live together!"

Golden Phoenix took a deep breath and said, "it doesn't matter. Which capable man is not romantic?"

With that, she seemed to think of something and asked, "yu'er, is the opening ceremony of Dongsheng mining branch the day after tomorrow?"

"Yes, sister!"

"Good! We didn't have much contact with Dongsheng Group, but for the sake of Lin Feng, I decided to attend the ceremony in person, and I want to show all the people present my sincerity for Lin Feng! " Golden Phoenix vowed to say. , the fastest update of the webnovel!