The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 899

For a moment, Shangguan Ruoxue felt that his breath would stop.

She was nervous, but a little excited, at the same time, mixed with a glimmer of expectation.

This feeling is excited with a faint sweetness.

If put in the past, for this kind of frivolous behavior of men, she will react strongly, even scold back.

But now facing Lin Feng, she has a kind of irresistible feeling.

Then, facing the booming nature around, they deeply kiss each other.

A sweet smell filled their lips and teeth, and everything around them seemed to be eternal sweetness. The wood, grass, flower and fruit were filled with happy smile.

This is Shangguan Ruoxue's first kiss with a man. She has never had such a wonderful experience.

As if between heaven and earth, only two of them were left.

However, the passion retreated, but after a fierce kiss, they fell into a burst of embarrassment.

Shangguan Ruoxue didn't expect that the man who was still so disgusted a few days ago actually had this kind of behavior with himself at the moment, and he was still willing.

And Lin Feng whistled and peeked around, then casually said, "cough, it's hard to restrain yourself when you're in deep love! I'm driving too fast. I'll take it. I'm sorry. I'm so shameless. "

Shangguan Ruoxue shyly lowered his head, with a trace of small woman's coyness and charm, biting his lips and saying: "no, I don't blame you. I should refuse you, but I didn't control it myself."

"Are you happy today?" asked Lin Feng

"Happy!" Shangguan Ruoxue did not hesitate to reply: "this is the happiest day of my life, I will always remember this day."

Lin Feng hugged Shangguan Ruoxue's arm and took it into his arms. Looking at the sunset in the distance which had gradually fallen into the horizon, Lin Feng said: "people's life is actually very short. Don't care about so many ethics and morality. When we should enjoy the happiness, don't control ourselves, as long as we can guarantee the kindness in our hearts."

Shangguan Ruoxue raised his head and looked at Lin Feng's side face. The sun shone on Lin Feng's face as if it were golden.

That straight line and outline, looks very handsome.

Shangguan Ruoxue has never observed Lin Feng so seriously that when he looks down, he leaves a permanent brand in his heart.

At that moment, Lin Feng was the most stylish man in the world.

She has also carefully studied what Lin Feng said just now. She never thought that Lin Feng would be so deep. Every word he said seemed to be a summary of the vicissitudes of the world.

No exaggeration is not full of benevolence and morality.

On the contrary, it's best for everyone, and it doesn't miss the bottom line.

Shangguan Ruoxue was in a trance at this moment, as if he still had a trace of worship for Lin Feng.

She is willing to nestle in Lin Feng's arms, suddenly feel a sweet from the heart, the original life can be beautiful.

It turns out that having love is so fascinating.

Shangguan Ruoxue is suddenly full of confidence and hope for life.

Facing the setting sun under the horizon, he and Lin Feng did not say a word, gazing at the distance silently.

They hope that this moment is eternity.

After a day's fatigue, they chose to go back to their cabin in paradise to rest.

Shangguan Ruoxue asked Lin Feng, why do you pretend to be a waiter to eavesdrop on the negotiation between Shangguan's family and the wolf family?

Lin Feng looked at Shangguan Ruxue's eyes and asked, "can I believe you?"

If snow Shangguan some angry, turned his head and said: "then you do not answer my words, after I ask you what do not answer."

Lin Feng moved Shangguan Ruoxue's shoulder and said with a smile: "you see your reaction is so big. Of course, I believe you. What I say next is about you. So I hope you can keep it secret for me. Of course, if you don't keep it secret, I have no way. It's not a moral boast. You can rest assured!"

Shangguan ruoshue said: "how can you suddenly become so abrasive? To be frank, I will certainly keep it secret for you!"

"In fact, I had a girlfriend before, and he even had a baby with me," Lin said

As soon as this sentence is said, Shangguan Ruoxue feels his head buzzing for a while.

"What about her now?" she asked quickly

"She disappeared three years ago and has not been heard from," Lin said

At this time, Lin Feng's face with a cold hatred, he continued: "she must have been imprisoned, or has been killed, but. I suspect that her sufferings are all due to me. I must find out who imprisoned her or killed her, and I will avenge her. "

Shangguan ruoshue was very smart, she said, "so you think it was the Shangguan family who imprisoned or killed her?"

Lin Feng took a deep breath and said, "I'm not sure for the moment, because there is no 100 evidence and reason. However, I have already asked someone to inquire about it in private. The basic target is shangguanjia. What's more, do you remember the scene where the killer assassinated me and took you as a hostage in the most Tang nightclub? That time, in fact, the one who assassinated us was sent by your Shangguan family! ""How could it be?" Shangguan Ruoxue a face surprised way: "why do you want to send someone to assassinate you?"

Lin Feng replied, "it's because Shangguan's family is so guilty that they send killers to kill me in advance because they are afraid that I'll come to the door. Isn't it easy?"

Shangguan Ruoxue thought about it and said, "that's impossible! The Shangguan family is the guwu family. If they want to send someone to kill you, they will not send the third rate killers. They should send the most effective members of the family, or hire some capable killers from some ancient martial societies or the king of Wu. After all, if they want to kill you, they will know and measure you

"You are very clever Lin Feng praised.

Lin Feng is sure that Shangguan Ruoxue's IQ is the highest among the girls he met. Her logical thinking ability and abstract thinking ability are quite strong.

Lin Feng said: "this point, if the people who go to the government think ahead of time, they won't shoot such garbage killers to deal with me. Of course, I can also understand your defense for the officials

Shangguan ruoshue said: "it's not that I'm defending, it's that there's something wrong with this matter. I know shangguanjia. Shangguan's family will not deal with you like this."

"Can you tell me what shangguanjia will do to me?" Lin Feng asked.

Shangguan Ruoxue said: "we will send out very powerful killers to ensure that everything is safe. This has always been the style of Shangguan family. Shangguan people always do things carefully and behave in a low-key manner. However, once they have identified something, they should make sure everything is right. They will not send a killer who is not sure about it to assassinate you. Instead, they will frighten the snake 。”

After hearing this, Lin Feng nodded and said, "I hope your analysis is correct, but now all the signs point to shangguanjia, so I have to know whether shangguanjia really has a hidden relationship with the Jin family, and I must know whether Shangguan family has imprisoned Jin Waner of the Jin family."

Shangguan Ruoxue said: "since you believe me, Lin Feng, I also choose to tell you what I know! Listen to me

With that, she looked at Lin Feng seriously. , the fastest update of the webnovel!