The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 900

Shangguan Ruoxue said: "in the Shangguan family, I have never heard of Jin Wan'er since I was a child."

As he said that, his eyebrows revealed a touch of light loss.

Is that how important that woman is?

He's been missing for three years, and he can't forget it.

Besides, did you come to Beijing just for that woman?

Lin Feng looked at Shangguan Ruoxue and frowned carefully. After thinking about it, he asked, "is there a dungeon in Shangguan's house that you don't know, or a place you haven't been to?"

"Yes!" Shangguan Ruoxue firmly said: "there is a basement in the ancestral residence of Shangguan family. The basement was used to prepare the whole family to hide in the war years, but it was not used later. So he built a strong prison below to punish those disobedient people in the family!"

Lin Feng's eyes lit up and asked, "have you ever seen it below? Who are the prisoners down there, or what is it like down there? "

Shangguan Ruoxue said: "I didn't go down to see it, because only my grandfather and uncles of several families can go in there, and there is only one key, which is in my grandfather's hand. It's also heavily guarded and inaccessible to ordinary people. "

Lin Feng asked, "where is the specific address of your ancestral residence?"

Shangguan Ruoxue looks at Lin Feng and seems to be hesitant.

Lin Feng looked at Shangguan Ruoxue with his eyes. His eyes were very firm, as if he were saying to Shangguan Ruoxue, please tell me.

Shangguan Ruoxue sighed and said, "if I tell you, it means I have no reservation for you."

When Lin Feng heard this, his heart trembled. He understood the deep meaning of Shangguan Ruoxue.

Shangguan Ruoxue is a member of Shangguan family. She told all the secrets of Shangguan family to herself. She must have entrusted it to herself wholeheartedly. Then, she must not be ashamed of her.

Lin Feng nodded and said gently, "ruoshue, I have to untie my heart knot before I can accept the next love. Moreover, please rest assured that I will not easily have friction with the Shangguan family, and I will not make it difficult for you to do it. But if Shangguan family really does something that makes me sad, I will not spare them. I hope you can understand me too!"

Shangguan Ruoxue nodded and said: "the ancestral house of Shangguan family is in Wangshan Town, a town 30 kilometers away from Wangshan mountain, in the eastern suburb of Kyoto. Usually, the family will go there when there is a meeting. Generally, there are people guarding it. Except for grandfather, there are no family members to live in."

Lin Feng nodded and looked at Shangguan Ruoxue sincerely and said, "thank you, if snow."

Shangguan Ruoxue felt so excited by the intimacy of his life that the development speed between them was so fast. This may also be that Shangguan Ruoxue has been stretching himself for many years, but now he suddenly releases it and feels like a thousand li.

And Lin Feng is also sincere about Shangguan Ruoxue. He chooses to tell Shangguan Ruoxue all his opinions and his own affairs. He also has great trust in Shangguan Ruoxue.

As for Shangguan's affairs, he even told a Shangguan family that it was a ridiculous thing in itself. However, Shangguan Ruoxue understood Lin Feng's trust, so she also chose to trust Lin Feng, so she told Lin Feng everything about Shangguan's family.

Two people look at each other, suddenly feel that each other seems to understand themselves, very considerate.

Holding hands, in this paradise, far from the noisy city, a peaceful and peaceful, the most beautiful day is just like this.

Lin Feng really wanted to live like this, so he kept going.

However, he also understood that he was carrying a mission and could not be trapped in the gentle countryside.

If snow Shangguan, then do not want to go back to the official home immediately, even the phone is directly turned off.

These days, Linfeng and Shangguan Ruoxue live in this wooden house. Although there is no substantial relationship between them, their lives are just like the little couple envied by the world!

Lin Feng will buy some necessities for life, such as firewood, rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar, tea, and some fruits, vegetables and rice noodles.

Then Shangguan Ruoxue used his superb skills to make these delicious dishes.

These days, their life is extremely happy, and Lin Feng's accomplishments are also growing. He has broken through the four and five levels of huagujing in succession, but he stops in the face of the sixth level of huagujing.

Because this period of cultivation growth speed is too fast, he also needs to rest to supplement the stamina.

Nevertheless, Lin Feng still practices everyday.

Shangguan Ruoxue makes delicious food for Lin Feng every day and adjusts his body. After dinner, the two people will walk in the mountains, pick wild flowers, and play in the hot spring before going to bed.

This kind of fairy days, let two people forget to return.

However, this peace was broken by two unexpected guests.

It was none other than Jones and bill, members of the wolf family.

Last time, Lin Feng did a bad thing, and the two of them have been holding a grudge in their hearts. These days, after recovering from their injuries, they began to look for the trace of Lin Feng.Werewolves have a strong ability to trace clues. Through several appearances of Lin Feng, they locked in the position where Lin Feng often was, and soon caught up with him.

At this time, Lin Feng is sitting in front of the wooden house with Shangguan Ruoxue. Jones and bill are on the cliff. They are angry and happy.

Angry is, Lin Feng this guy bad their good deeds, they want to break Lin Feng into pieces.

Happily, Shangguan Ruoxue is also here. After killing Lin Feng, Shangguan Ruoxue has become their bag.

Although they fight with Lin Feng, they know it is not Lin Feng's opponent, but at this time they have enough confidence to kill Lin Feng.

Because, they have their own killer.

They walked down the gap of the cliff and approached the wooden house.

Lin Feng said to Shangguan Ruoxue, "the sun is setting, and it will be dark soon. The temperature at night will be cooler. Go to the wooden house and find some clothes to wear."

"No, I'll stay with you a little longer, I'm not cold!" Shangguan Ruoxue said the bird.

After these days of getting along, Shangguan Ruoxue has been very dependent on Lin Feng. In front of Lin Feng, he is no longer as proud as before. He has become a happy little woman.

Lin Feng stroked Shangguan ruoyue's broken hair in front of her forehead and said gently, "good, obedient, go quickly."

Shangguan if Snow White Lin Feng one eye: "I don't know when this man is so pushy."

She stood up and turned back to the cabin.

A melancholy rose in Lin Feng's heart. She admitted that she liked Shangguan Ruoxue very much. However, he knew that he would not die to guard a woman. He also liked Su Jing, Jin Fenghuang and Jin Wan'er...

am I too amorous?

Lin Feng thought carefully, but comforted himself: "these are goddess level women, which man can withstand their temptation, I'm also a human, I also have a normal yearning for beauty!"

Speaking of this, Lin Feng was somewhat relieved: "I will sincerely be good to each of them, and I will be responsible for every one of them in the end!"

Lin Feng took a long breath, then looked at the hot spring there, but shook his head.

He rushed forward a few steps, stood next to the hot spring, and said to a huge rock, "come out! Don't be furtive , the fastest update of the webnovel!