The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 898

Lin Feng said, then led Shangguan Ruoxue's hand to a highland.

Then, he pointed to a piece of dry bark next to it. The bark was long enough for one person. It was like an ancient tree with its trunk hollowed out.

Lin Feng said to Shangguan Ruoxue, "sit up!"

Shangguan if snow beautiful eyes open big, incredible looking at the rough bark, said: "this thing can sit on it?"

Without saying a word, Lin Feng took Shangguan Ruoxue's waist, picked up Shangguan Ruoxue, and sat down on the bark.

"Hold on to me!" Lin Feng said.

"Ah! What are you going to do Shangguan Ruoxue looks frightened!

Lin Feng's other hand toward the grass behind him a pestle, shouting slogans: "Kang busy North nose, walk you!"

Then, as if living, the bark slid down the highlands.

Because there is a thick layer of grass between the bark and the ground, the friction is almost small.

The bark is like a sled carrying two people. It winds down on the highlands at a very fast speed, making the opposite wind very fierce, blowing on the clothes of the two people hunting.

Shangguan Ruoxue scared ah straight, and then hands tightly grasp Lin Feng, head buried in Lin Feng's arms.

This posture is very ambiguous, she can clearly hear the heartbeat of Lin Feng, can clearly feel every breath of Lin Feng, she feels that the two people are so close that they have never had such close contact with a man, Shangguan Ruoxue, her heart began to beat up.

A strange feeling pervaded the whole body, making her face red again, like a ripe peach, the whole body also began to be hot.

However, at this time, a soft voice sounded in her ear: "do not restrain, look ahead, do not miss this beautiful scenery."

Encouraged by Lin Feng, Shangguan Ruoxue slowly raised his head and turned his head to look ahead.

"Hoo --"

the wind in front of him scattered Shangguan Ruoxue's hair, and his hairpin also blew off his head. His hair was soft and smooth and floated to the back. At this time, Shangguan Ruoxue was like a flower fairy stretching in the wind, and her beauty was beyond measure.

And this is the first time Shangguan Ruoxue saw such a magnificent scenery: on the left is a cliff, below is the vast sea of clouds. On the right is a high mountain, which is continuous.

The flowers and trees nearby are constantly changing towards the back, which is fragrant. Occasionally, a little squirrel accidentally jumps out of the grass and trees, jumps onto the bark, stares at the big round eyes, and looks at Shangguan Ruoxue and Lin Feng in horror, and is at a loss. It looks extremely lovely.

What makes Shangguan Ruoxue more excited is that the water mist between the clouds and cliffs, refracted by the sun, actually forms a gorgeous rainbow.

She had never seen such a colorful rainbow, and she did not feel the feeling of falling into the clouds at a close distance. At this moment, she was completely intoxicated.

It was so wonderful that she wanted to indulge in this beautiful picture forever.

However, what she regretted was that even though she had all kinds of lofty sentiments in her heart, she could not express them.

At this time, Lin Feng seemed to have seen what was on her mind and said in her ear: "try to shout out and give them all the love for nature, so that they can hear your exclamation because of their excellence! Don't restrain yourself, shout

Shangguan Ruoxue looks back at Lin Feng, then takes a deep breath and shouts out: "ah --"

this voice expresses his love for nature and his passion for nature!

"Ah --" Shangguan Ruoxue felt that it was not a good idea to shout once. In the process of the bark moving down, she kept shouting several times.

As a result, their cheeks are red, showing very excited.

At the end of the highland, at the bottom, was a lawn, very flat and soft.

When the bark reached the bottom, it finally stopped slowly. Lin Feng stood up from the bark, and then directly lay back on the grass.

Shangguan Ruoxue sees Lin Feng enjoying himself. He also learns from Lei Feng and lies directly on the lawn. The fragrance of soil and vanilla makes Shangguan Ruoxue very infatuated.

Lin Feng looked at Shangguan Ruoxue's face and said with a smile: "you see, now you are not open to it? So to say, with what person, learn what person, you this call close to the red! "

Shangguan Ruoxue mischievous smile: "is close to the dark!"

Lin Feng a pick eyebrow: "as you say it!"

Shangguan Ruoxue reached out his hand for the first time and poked Lin Feng and said, "Hello! How did you come up with this kind of play? "

Lin Feng one face complacent says: "this still need to think, I am the person that can play most, how exciting?"

Shangguan Ruoxue nodded: "exciting, very cool."

Lin Feng said, "in fact, it's nothing. It's the roller coaster of nature."

Shangguan Ruoxue was sad and said, "I have never played a roller coaster."

Lin Feng suddenly sat up and said, "you are too low. What are you doing with so much money? Play? Enjoy, isn't life like this? Are you going to take all the money into the coffin? "Shangguan Ruoxue said: "I don't have a concept of money. I don't spend money at all."

"Oh? Then you are lack of one to help you spend money. You can do this, I can be your financial fund manager, I will plan for you how to spend the money, tell me your bank card, your various account passwords, please believe that I am a qualified fund manager, will put your every property, reasonable arrangement in your name, the use is very appropriate. "

Shangguan Ruoxue squinted at Lin Feng and suddenly chuckled: "I believe you will arrange every sum of money reasonably under your name."

Lin Feng pouted his lips and said, "no, no, no, you look down on people like this. I always regard money as dirt. If you have too much of it, you will get dirty. I am afraid that you, a pure goddess, will be polluted by the dung, so I will stand up and throw all your dung to me, and I will bear the pain. "

"You are shameless Shangguan Ruoxue laughed: "I have never seen such a shameless person as you."

Lin Feng said, "don't you see it now? Of course, what you see now is just a rudimentary shameless person. I may be even more shameless in the future. You should be prepared. "

Shangguan Ruoxue was very interested in looking at Lin Feng and said, "I really want to know what you don't want to face to the extreme. Can you show me?"

Lin Feng suddenly pounced on Shangguan Ruoxue, holding Shangguan Ruoxue's hands and saying, "now I'll show you more shameless me!"

Said, then toward the officer if snow kiss in the past. , the fastest update of the webnovel!