The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 897

Shangguan Ruoxue just wanted to refute Lin Feng, but Lin Feng continued: "for the third time, I just want to know what kind of cooperation the wolf family will have with you. However, the business has not yet been negotiated, but you have become the food in the family. I have to help you again. Ah, but to be honest, those two people are also very handsome. Why can't you make do with it?"

"Go away!" Shangguan Ruoxue scolded Lin Feng: "you like to make do with it!"

Lin Feng said with a smile: "I am a man of iron and steel. I just like you, beautiful! Less! Woman

"Bah, bah, bah, you are a young woman. I am not married yet." Shangguan Ruoxue's beautiful face was full of shame and anger. He wanted to clench his fist and beat Lin Feng flat.

Lin Feng looked at Guan Ruoxue's anxious and angry appearance. Instead, he was amused and said, "in fact, I can see that your life is very depressing. Maybe everyone doesn't know you. They just think that you have a beautiful face and are born in a famous family like Shangguan family. You should be born with a golden key. You should win as soon as you are born In the starting line, let everyone envy the proud girl. "

"You can knock down a man with one look. How many women envy this ability, but they don't know the pain in your heart. It's ten times, a hundred times, or even more than them. Am I right? "

Finish saying, Lin Feng's eyes twinkling at Shangguan Ruoxue.

When Shangguan Ruoxue and Lin Feng look at each other in the eyes, he suddenly feels a tremor in his heart.

The man seemed to be able to see the bottom of his heart.

But at the same time, she felt how lucky and happy she was to be understood by one person.

From childhood to adulthood, no one understood her.

She had no friends, her relatives were estranged from him, and even her parents had never considered her feelings.

So the emergence of such a Lin Feng can talk about his heart, she suddenly felt a burst of warmth for no reason.

Even in front of Lin Feng is still that pair of dangling, cynical appearance, still finger occasionally pick a pick nose excrement, obscene eyes toward her sweep.

However, she no longer felt that Lin Feng hated her, but wanted to talk to him about more topics.

"How do you know that?" Shangguan Ruxue asked.

Lin Feng's wretched little eyes looked at Shangguan Ruoxue's chest: "I can read chest technique, oh no, I can read mind skill!"

Shangguan Ruoxue quickly covered his chest, his face crimson like a peach: "stink no face!"

Lin Feng said with a smile: "really! I can read mind, I can see your sadness, so if you don't mind, I can become the most understanding person in the world

"Really?" Shangguan Ruoxue has never had an innocent and pure expression on his face.

"Really!" Lin Feng nodded solemnly.

Then he reached out his hand and said, "come on, I'll take you to visit my world forest garden!"

Shangguan Ruoxue hesitated for a moment, but still put the delicate white hand to Lin Feng's hand.

Lin Feng then led Shangguan Ruoxue's hand and began to visit his carefully built Kingdom these days.

He pointed to his built wooden house and said, "look, the construction of this wooden house is very special. He adopts the hanging technology, which can prevent the invasion of poisonous snakes and beasts, and uses camphor wood as the inner wall to prevent mosquitoes from biting your little ass!"

"Disgusting!" Shangguan Ruoxue was suddenly teased and made a big red face. Shyly, he bowed his head and followed Lin Feng.

Pointing to the lush in front of the mountain, Lin Feng said, "in the future, this will be my vegetable garden. What do you want to eat and what to plant? I will have a great sense of achievement and the joy of harvest by watching the seedlings grow up slowly and blossom and bear fruit."

Then he took Shangguan Ruoxue to the hot spring and said, "see? This is a natural hot spring, with whitening effect, not only let your skin crystal clear, but also let you back to 20 years old

"Is it really amazing?" Shangguan Ruoxue glared at the beautiful eyes and looked at Lin Feng in surprise.

"You can have a try! If you don't believe it, you will jump in and wash it. Don't be afraid. Don't worry. I will guard you by the side. " Lin Feng Road.

Shangguan if snow white, Lin Feng one eye said: "I most worry about is you!"

Lin Feng pouted and raised his eyebrows. He continued to take Guan Ruoxue forward.

Passing by a huge old tree, Lin Feng pointed to the bottom of the branch and said, "have you seen the swing I made with vines? It's very strong. Sitting on it on a sunny afternoon, you will feel the cool breeze and the warm sun's double care for you. You will recall the happiest thing in your heart, which is a bright and warm feeling

Lin Feng said, eyes slightly narrowed, but the sweet face.

He seemed to remember that when he was a child, his parents took him by the hand and walked on the street, surrounded by all kinds of food and play. Lin Feng clamoured to buy this and that. While his parents patiently taught him to be obedient, they also bought him a lot of them to take home. This was the happiest moment of his life.Of course, these days only stay before he is ten years old.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng's expression suddenly darkened.

Shangguan Ruoxue found this very carefully and asked, "what's the matter with you? Why do you seem unhappy? "

Lin Feng shook his head and said: "there is no unhappiness, just think of some things that have not been solved." ",

Shangguan Ruoxue's eyebrows frowned slightly:" what's wrong with you? I think you always seem to be heartless and heartless! "

Lin Feng light smile, said: "the world laugh I am too crazy, I laugh at the world can not see wear, how can I heartless?"

Shangguan Ruoxue felt that his words were a little serious and wanted to apologize to Lin Feng.

But Lin Feng then said, "I don't even have a brain, ha ha ha!"

"Puff -" Shangguan Ruoxue laughed and said, "yes, yes, you have no brain, you have no face and skin!"

Lin Feng turned his eyes and said, "you're right. Go on!"

Shangguan Ruoxue laughed and said, "OK, don't say you."

She was in a good mood at this time, unprecedented good, see everything in front of her is so beautiful, the people in front of her are also so pleasant.

Lin Feng's two hands a stand does not matter: "nothing, you continue to say, you are happy good!"

Then, he thought again and said, "but I always think that you still have a strong sense of self-discipline. You see, I let you bury me, but you stopped. Therefore, there are always self-restraint elements in your personality, which will cause some obstacles for you, and make your happiness stop suddenly when it is about to start!"

Shangguan Ruoxue vermilion lip light open, want to say again, beautiful eyes droop, light thought for a time, said: "I carefully ponder your words, feel grinding said quite reasonable."

Just like when she was a child, she saw the roller coasters in the amusement park. She was so excited that she wanted to try it. But her father took her away and scolded her. How could it be suitable for a lady like you?

From then on, Shangguan Ruoxue was in high mood, and she would have a kind of self restraining behavior. She felt that she should always keep the appearance of light clouds and gentle breeze in order to have a more elegant temperament.

To put it bluntly, it is too tight.

So she couldn't let go of anything.

Lin Feng looked at Guan Ruoxue with a tangled look on his face, and he said, "let me show you some fun!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!