The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 896

Just now, Shangguan AO and Shangguan Leng have fought with Jones. I know how powerful these two werewolves are.

Even they were defeated by Jones and bill in one move. We can imagine the strength of Jones and bill.

However, this little-known waiter, however, with one easy blow and one foot, drove the two wolf family soldiers back directly.

This is enough to make Shangguan proud and Shangguan cold gaped.

Under Lin Feng's attack, Jones and bill both felt a strong force. After they were repulsed, they did not catch up in time, but were very shocked in their hearts.

Because at this time they had internal injuries.

If forced to catch up, it will not be Lin Feng's opponent.

They did not expect that in the human race, there is such a master.

Shangguanjiayun has already calmed down, and this negotiation is very important. This unexpected waiter disrupts the negotiation, and Shangguan will never agree to it. Therefore, after ordering Shangguan's people to catch up with him, shangguanyun himself also follows closely, and chases Lin Feng and Shangguan Ruoxue.

In fact, Lin Feng is very angry in his heart. He despises shangguanyun's practice of selling women for honor. He also wants to teach shangguanyun a lesson.

But he said, "don't hold on to the official's hand."

Lin Feng heart a tremor, then temporarily gave up the idea of teaching Shangguan cloud.

"Please" three words from Shangguan Ruoxue's mouth out, Lin Feng's heart a soft, and then fiercely gritted his teeth, picked up Shangguan snow, ran to the front.

Lin Feng started the phantom walk very fast. He didn't go back to his residence or the drunken Tang nightclub. The two places will be found by the Shangguan family, and there will be another fierce battle at that time.

That's what Shangguan Ruoxue doesn't want to see.

Therefore, Lin Feng directly picked up Shangguan Ruoxue and ran to Qibaoshan.

Half an hour later, he left the officials far behind. Then he galloped all the way to his "forest garden outside the world".

"Where is this?" Shangguan Ruoxue struggled to jump down from Lin Feng's arms.

She looked around and found that the climate was very pleasant. There was no cold in winter. It was like early spring in March.

And the surrounding plants and trees are very dense, gurgling water, flowers, the scenery is very beautiful, the air is very fresh.

Shangguan Ruoxue took a deep breath, and the fragrance of nature, which came to her face, made her intoxicated.

Lin Feng looked at Shangguan Ruoxue's intoxicated face. He held his head in his hands and leaned back. He lay on the wooden bed he had built before, looked up at the sky, and murmured:

"how long has it been that I haven't looked at the sky so seriously? How long, not so seriously to feel the next to the grass and trees? Perhaps our life is too impetuous, we have been covered by the noise of the city, lost the original affinity to nature, and the peace of mind. "

Shangguan Ruoxue was stunned. It's hard to imagine that this kind of words would come out of the mouth of such a lousy person as Lin Feng.

She looked at Lin Feng and said, "how did you find this place? This should be a living fire pass. "

Lin Feng did not answer her directly, but with a faint smile: "do you think it's better than a five-star hotel here?"

Shangguan said with a smile, "I think it's more beautiful here."

Lin Feng suddenly opened his arms and walked towards Shangguan Ruoxue.

Shangguan Ruoxue thought that Lin Feng wanted to hold her, so she quickly hid aside.

However, Lin Feng walked past her with his arms open, facing the mountains and rivers in front of her and exclaimed, "ah, what a beautiful scenery! Ah, my lovely nature

Shangguan Ruoxue's face suddenly flushed. It turned out that Lin Feng was reading a poem, although it was not even a doggerel.

At this time, Lin Feng turned to Shangguan Ruoxue and said, "welcome to shiwailin garden. This is my home for the time being. I welcome the beautiful Shangguan Ruoxue to be a guest, which makes me look bright here."

Shangguan if snow see Lin Feng that ridicule appearance, can't help but smile a way: "Why are you always so serious?"

Lin Feng said innocently: "where am I? I'm serious, aren't I? I welcome you to my place, isn't it serious? "

Shangguan Ruoxue frowned and didn't know how to refute Lin Feng, but he thought of something in his heart and asked, "why do you want to save me?"

Lin Feng raised his eyebrow and said, "well, in fact, I still want to ask you, why do you appear in my plan every time?"

"What do you mean?" Shangguan Ruoxue doesn't understand.

"Emmm..." Lin Feng pondered for a moment and said, "in fact, every time I didn't expect you to appear, but every time you appeared in my field of vision at a very untimely time. To tell you the truth, I hate you so much. There will always be bad people and good things at critical moments."

Said, did not have the good gas looked Shangguan if snow one eye.Shangguan Ruoxue does not accept the airway: "who bad your good thing?"

Lin Feng glared at his eyes and said, "Oh, ah, you still say such words now. Since you don't accept it, I'll straighten it out for you."

Then Lin Feng rolled his arms and sleeves and said, "look, the first time the killer came to kill me, not you, but you became his hostage. What do you want me to do? If it wasn't for my ability and appearance, you would have been killed by the killer's gun! "

"What does this have to do with good looks?" Shangguan Ruoxue frowned and asked.

"It doesn't matter. I just want to use this word to describe myself. What's the matter?" Lin Feng raised his head and said with pride: "is there something wrong?"

"Narcissism!" If Shangguan Snow White Lin Feng a look.

The second time, I was ready to fight against the black skinned Birdman of the Brad family. Before that, you came to the western restaurant and became their hostage again. I just want to ask you, are you sent by God to punish me on purpose? "

"Linfeng, you..." Shangguan Ruoxue, gas face slightly red, with a trace of anger, a pair of black and white eyes, dead staring at Lin Feng, but that look, but more charming and lovely.

Lin Feng picked up his eyebrows and laughed and said, "if it wasn't for my ability and talent, you would have become the food in the mouth of a vampire."

Shangguan if snow didn't have a good breath of staring at Lin Feng: "I want you to save it?"

As soon as Lin Feng heard her say this, he suddenly seemed to blow up the temple and cried out: "Oh, my dear, you're a good seller. If I didn't save you at that time, you would have been living under the cold mound now!"

With that, he put on a senior posture and said to Shangguan Ruoxue, "Xueer, life is so beautiful, but you are so irritable. It's not good, it's not good!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!