The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 892

Shangguan Yun laughed and said: "as we all know, the wolf family has always been famous for the wolf clan. Many people think it is just a name. But those who really know the wolf family know that the wolf warrior of the wolf family is the top elite."

Jones and bill had a look of satisfaction on their faces.

Shangguan Yun continued: "the Wufu family's inheritance of martial arts is very admirable, and our Shangguan family also attaches great importance to the development of martial arts. We not only have a far-reaching layout in business, but also have a long-term vision and advanced ideas in the inheritance of martial arts. Among them, so. Among the advanced ideas, we have been committed to improving the physical conditions of Shangguan family members. In this regard, we hope to have some experience exchange with the wolf family, and of course, it is better to cooperate with them. "

After hearing this, Jones and bill showed their contempt. Jones said with a cold smile: "our wolf family has never easily discussed and cooperated with other families. Moreover, our strength is due to the genetic ability of our Wolff family, which can not be changed by any skills. In other words, we are like eagles, and we have been young Flying in the sky, if you let a group of pigs fly, do you think it is possible? "

What Jones said was extremely ironic and insulting to all the officials on the court.

Shangguan if snow is Teng once more to stand up, turn to go outside.

It's insulting that she's not going to talk any more.

Another young man from the official family also glared at the two young people in Western Europe and said, "what do you mean? How to speak? "

However, Shangguan Yun patted the table and said to the young man, "be quiet!"

Then, he called out to Shangguan Ruoxue who was just going out: "ruoshue, come back and sit down!"

Shangguan Ruoxue, frown tight, the face of the two young people's disgust is very obvious.

However, listen to the official cloud a drink, she suddenly a shiver.

Since childhood, the fear of her father has been deeply rooted in her bones.

When she was very young, shangguanyun began to teach her some business etiquette, and when she was a little dissatisfied, shangguanyun was scolding her.

Therefore, Shangguan Ruoxue is very afraid of Shangguan cloud, which is the kind of fear in the bone, even dare not to resist.

Of course, it is also because shangguanyun is his father. In shangguanjia, where there is obvious superiority and inferiority in the family, the younger generation should absolutely obey the orders of the elders.

So this concept of obedience has been rooted in Shangguan Ruoxue's mind since childhood.

Hearing Shangguan cloud roar, Shangguan Ruoxue's step stops, and then reluctantly looks back at Jones and bill.

Jones and bill, however, continued to smile with disdain, as if they were watching a group of mentally retarded people in front of them.

Just, when the eyes aim at Shangguan Ruoxue in front of him, with a trace of playfulness and obscene expression.

The scene was completely subdued by a big drink from Shangguan Yun. He continued to turn his head to the two young people and said, "two gentlemen, you can't say that. Our Shangguan family is also an ancient ancient martial family, which is also a branch of the Wudao family in Xiahua. We are born with strong physique and bones. Even in the guwu family, there will be rare ancient martial blood. Although I haven't found such a talent in Shangguan's family, at least our body is much stronger than ordinary people. We have martial elements in our genes. It's not as bad as you two gentlemen said, and in the future, through genetic improvement, we will certainly have a strong ancient martial blood in Shangguan family. "

Shangguan Yun explained that he just wanted to find some face. Then, he went back to the previous topic and said: "of course, we admire the abilities of each warrior in the wolf family. This is also due to the blood of the wolf family. You have the fierce and powerful blood of the wolf clan. The skeleton and muscle of your body are much stronger than ordinary people. We have never thought about it To surpass the wolf family, we just want to have a little cooperation with the wolf family. After all, in Kyoto, our Shangguan family can still take advantage of it. "

Although it is disrespectful to say "retreat for advancement", Shangguan Yun does not belittle Shangguan family.

Jones and bill looked at each other with a kind of sneer. Jones said, "well, how do you want to cooperate with us?"

Shangguan Yun said: "I heard that the wolf family set up a scientific research institution with a local medical institution in Songjiang city to develop a strong serum. Injecting this serum into the human body will change the genes of the human body and make the human body very strong. This serum is originally derived from the pure wolf blood of the wolf family, In other words, the wolf family has an idea to replicate its own capabilities and create more powerful werewolf warriors. "

Jones nodded and said, "it's true, but the scientific research institution in Songjiang city has failed. So I have serious doubts about the IQ of your Xiahua people. Next, our scientific research institutions will choose to carry out in West Africa or East America, not in Taiya."Shangguan Yun said: "Mr. Jones, please don't generalize. Songjiang city has very limited talents. It's just a small prefecture level city. But the capital city of Xiahua is full of talents. Especially for large families like ours, we have enough conditions to invest in scientific research institutions like you, and we can invite advanced medical researchers from home and abroad I am in charge of the overall situation, and my Shangguan family has many ancient martial arts practitioners. They can protect this scientific research institution very well. Therefore, from the inside and outside, we are the best partners to establish this scientific research institution. "

Bill was inclined to smile and said scornfully, "that's so nice to say. I think you are a group of people who can't see and use."

Jones also raised his eyebrows in agreement.

At this time, the wine and vegetables came up, Lin Feng pressed his hat very low, put the wine and vegetables on the cart one by one on the table, said: "please use it slowly." He pushed out the room.

Lin Feng's confusion also relieved his embarrassment a little. Shangguan Yun laughed and pointed to the food on the table: "come on, this is our local cuisine. Please try it for two gentlemen."

Then he opened a bottle of wine, which was very mellow. He poured Jones and bill a glass, and said, "please enjoy your time."

Jones took the cup and smelled it. Suddenly, he had a bad look on his face: "what a terrible thing it smells like!"

"This is the best Xiahua wine. We only use this kind of good wine to entertain distinguished guests! Old wine is hard to buy with money Shangguan cloud said with pride.

"Hum!" Jones didn't buy it. He said coldly, "we don't have any idea about Xiahua wine. I don't know why you like it. It's like a pool of swill. Take it down! Rubbish

With that, Jones dropped his glass on the floor.

Bill also gently picked up the glass and poured it on the ground with a defiant smile.


As soon as they left the shop, the wine was scattered on the table and the ground. Looking at the arrogance of the two young men in Western Europe, the young people of the upper official family were all angry. If it was not for Shangguan Yun, they would have rushed to fight against the two men. However, all the senior officials on the court looked at them.

Shangguan Yun took a deep breath and said to the two young people with a smile again: "good, good. If you don't like to drink white wine, how about your favorite wine?"

Jones and bill looked at each other and Jones said, "we don't like drinking. It's nothing to drink. We don't have this kind of culture as you do. Do you think that drinking wine and eating a meal can solve the problem? We in the wolf family are very principled. We will not choose to cooperate with the Shangguan family in this kind of cooperation. "

After hearing this, Shangguan Yun frowned a few times, and he had expected this situation.

But he has his own killer.

When he came in just now, he noticed the eyes of the two young men and scanned his daughter Shangguan Ruoxue back and forth.

Therefore, Shangguan cloud can basically determine that what these two people like is not wine but beauty.

But he didn't say it directly, but he tentatively said, "two gentlemen, don't be so absolute. In fact, our country has a vast territory and a large population. We have a lot of talents, especially the two daughters you saw today. They are both national beauties, and we are very hospitable."

Then he winked at Shangguan Ruoxue and Shangguan ruoqing: "don't speak to two gentlemen quickly."

The second daughter, shangguanruoqing, with a trace of reluctance on her face, was obedient. She gave Jones and bill a polite smile and said, "how are you, gentlemen! My father has never been so low spirited to talk about cooperation with others. Today is the first time. I hope you can give him a face, and we should also give a face to our Xiahua Shangguan family. "

Shangguan ruoqing is a practitioner. He practiced martial arts since childhood, and he has a heroic spirit.

After hearing what Shangguan ruoqing said, Jones and bill gave a cold smile.

Jones said, "why should I give you face? What is worth our face? "

Hearing such direct disdain, the young man next to him who was proud of the official family couldn't help it any longer.

"You two really think you're a character, don't you? In our territory, you are still so arrogant. Do you know the consequences of this? If you don't know, I'll teach you a lesson now. "

Said, Shangguan Ao directly picked up the food dish in front of him, "whoosh" threw it out, and directly hit Jones in the face.

Shangguan Ao is a practitioner of bone melting mirror. Among the younger generation of Shangguan family, he is also an excellent posterity. He is the eldest son of shangguanshan, the second eldest son of Shangguan mountain. This time, he learned some business etiquette by following him. However, he was very angry when he saw these things. So Guan Yun could hold his two daughters, but he could not.

Shangguan Ao's dish is thrown out with the sound of tearing the air. If a normal person is hit by this dish, he will die.However, when the dish arrived in front of Jones, Jones gently reached for it, grasped it firmly, and gave a slight smile: "what can be angry about that? You are not as good as ants in my eyes. "

A blatant insult.

"Do you want to die? I'll fight with you!" Shangguan stood up arrogantly.

With one hand on the table, he soared into the air, the other foot directly towards him, and Jones flew and kicked him , the fastest update of the webnovel!