The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 891

Next to the seventh floor, there is a waiter standing in front of the gate.

The waiter saw Lin Feng, the first time said: "Sir, please stop, this floor has been blocked, please eat downstairs, thank you."

The waiter was dressed in a long coat of coarse cloth, a hat, and a towel over his shoulder, just like a bartender in ancient times.

This Jinghua restaurant is also decorated in the ancient style, so the staff and decoration are coordinated.

The waiter looks pretty and looks about his age. Lin Feng's eyes flashed a glimmer of light, but he didn't say much. He just asked the waiter, "are you serving the official banquet upstairs?"

The waiter was also very talkative and said: "yes, I am in charge of this floor, and their food and wine are all delivered by me. Because there is only one table for the official banquet today, I can do it alone."

He looked at Lin Feng and said, "are you here for the banquet?"

Lin Feng nodded and said, "Oh, no, I'll ask casually!"

The waiter listened to Lin Feng, his face suddenly appeared a look of disdain: "Oh! Well, if we have written regulations here, you can't stay here! Hurry down the stairs

The reason why he was polite to Lin Feng just now was that he took Lin Feng as a person who came to attend the official banquet. After knowing that Lin Feng was not, he immediately drove him away.

"Well, I'm going down!" Lin Feng said, but did not go immediately, but looked back at the door carefully.

It was found that the door was not locked, but the waiter was guarding here.

The waiter saw that Lin Feng refused to leave, so he was angry. He glanced up and down at Lin Feng. After confirming that it was a poor hanging silk, he said, "if you can't go down, I'll call someone to drive you down!"

Lin Feng said with a smile: "don't worry, don't worry, I'll go down now!"

But when he turned his head and went down, he suddenly threw a smile at the waiter, which was meaningful.

However, the smile made the waiters feel a little creepy, and suddenly felt that something bad might happen...

at 1:50 p.m., people from the official family came to Jinghua restaurant.

After meeting with the people of wolf group downstairs, they exchanged greetings, and then led by the waiters, they entered the elevator to the top floor.

After the waiter took the group of guests to the top floor, they immediately took the elevator down, because there were fixed staff on each floor, so they were not required to carry out maintenance.

After the people of the official family and the wolf group got out of the elevator, they were welcomed by the waiters.

the second mock exam men here are wearing a grey cloth gown, with a big hat and a white towel, and a small two look.

They all bow and bow and bow to each other, making the guests have an illusion that they feel like an ancient emperor. The pleasant feeling of being a master makes all the customers linger on.

The Shangguan family chose this negotiation here mainly because it gathers its own characteristics, so that foreign friends can experience the unique charm.

They followed the young waiter in front of them and chatted with each other. However, no one noticed that the servile, bowed head waiter wore a long gown and was dressed as a waiter, but his face showed a sly smile.

That waiter is Lin Feng.

At this time, the real waiter was tied up with tape by Lin Feng and locked in the sundry room, and the key was only owned by Lin Feng and sweeping aunt.

When Lin Feng lowered his head, he secretly glanced at it. There were seven or eight people who came to the negotiation this time. There were only two young people from Western Europe in the Wolff group. They were quite handsome, about 20 years old.

On the other hand, the leader was a middle-aged man, about 50 years old.

This should be shangguanyun, the eldest son of Shangguan family.

And two men and two women, both very young. The men are also quite heroic, and the women are very beautiful.

Of course, one of the two women in the upper official family was the most beautiful. His face almost darkened everything. That woman was Shangguan Ruoxue.

At this time, Shangguan Ruoxue followed the most sullen, and did not notice that Lin Feng was leading the way.

Lin Feng will introduce all the people into the Dragon box, let everyone sit down, and then, with the terminal equipment in hand, contact the waiter, prepare to serve the dishes in several batches, and the banquet is about to start.

The reason why Lin Feng met the set of Jinghua restaurant is that before that, he had a good discussion with the service attendant and learned about it.

Shangguan cloud and the people of the wolf group sat together, chatting and waiting for the banquet to begin.

Lin Feng after finishing the wine and vegetables, he hid in the next box.

The sound insulation effect of the box here is very good, so Lin Feng can't hear anything here.

On the contrary, every move there is under Lin Feng's eyes.

Because the two foreigners seem to have stayed in Xiahua for a long time, and Xia Huawen is fluent.So the whole negotiation was conducted in Xia Huawen.

Shangguan Yun first said: "Jones and bill, two gentlemen. I have admired them for a long time. It's my honor to be able to sit together and have a meal today. So I specially brought my daughters Shangguan ruoshue, Shangguan ruoqing, and my two nephews. They all want to have a look at their demeanor, so please follow me!"

Finish saying, Shangguan cloud also a face to please smile.

One of the Western European youth said: "Shangguan Yun, you are so polite. If you have anything, we can just talk about it. Why do you choose such a grand venue to chat? I don't think it's worth wasting. "

He obviously knows the etiquette here, so he is very modest in his speech.

But, his behavior goes, let Lin Feng some disgust.

Because when he was talking, he had some bad smiles on his face. It seemed that when he looked at people, he always had a thick look of contempt in his eyes, as if he looked down on each other.

Moreover, the eyes always intentionally or unintentionally to see Shangguan Ruoxue and Shangguan ruoqing.

And they never looked at a man from the beginning to the end.

Another young man in Western Europe is the same. After entering the box, his eyes have been staring at Shangguan Ruoxue, with a totally obscene look.

Lin Feng in the monitoring to see this scene, can not help but sneer.

The wolf family is no more than that.

At this time, Shangguan Yun said politely: "the wolf group is a group under the wolf family, and the wolf family is an old hereditary family in Western Europe, which is very famous. Our Shangguan family is also an ancient inheritance family in China, but compared with the Wolff family, we are still lack of ten points, so for the wolf family, we are with the heart of worship Please come here, or more would like to see what kind of services can be provided to the wolf family in our territory. I hope both sides can cooperate and achieve win-win results. "

The two Western European youths, one of them named Jones, gave a cold smile and asked, "cooperation, what kind of cooperation do you want?"

Say, a face scornfully looking at Shangguan cloud! , the fastest update of the webnovel!