The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 893

However, before Jones could make a move, bill on one side grabbed Shangguan Ao's ankle with one hand, and then, with a strong pull, Shangguan Ao was thrown out by bill for a few meters and hit the wall of the box heavily.

Next to a young Shangguan Leng, seeing his elder brother was beaten, he also got up angrily and wanted to help his elder brother Shangguan Ao.

But before he got up, he was stopped by Shangguan cloud: "lenger, ao'er, you all give me a little rest!"

Shangguan Ao wants to rush up, but he is stopped by Shangguan cloud again.

If this continues, it will cut off the road of cooperation between them and the wolf family in the future. The wolf family is not easy to be provoked. Even if the upper officials are strong, they can not choose to be enemies with them.

Shangguan Yun suppressed Shangguan AO and said politely to the two members of the wolf family: "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for my poor discipline."

"Can all things be calmed down with a single word of bad discipline?" Jones said faintly.

"What else do you want?" Shangguan cold river.

Shangguanleng is the second son of Shangguan mountain, the second eldest son of Shangguan family. He is also Shangguan Ao's brother and nephew of shangguanyun.

Seeing that his elder brother had suffered a loss, he was very angry, and was ready to fight the two members of the wolf family.

At this time, however, Shangguan Ao seemed to be injured. He was leaning on the table with blood flowing from the corners of his mouth, but he still wanted to rush up and fight the two wolf family members.

At this time, Shangguan ruoqing took Shangguan cloud's stick, stopped Shangguan Ao, and said, "elder brother, don't be angry again, or it will destroy my father's good intentions."

Indeed, in order to be able to cooperate with the wolf family, Shangguan cloud is painstaking.

I finally found two internal members of the wolf family in Kyoto. I wanted to talk about the cooperative serum project through them. If the serum project can be successfully cooperated, it will be equivalent to the Shangguan family, which can have the same fighting power as the wolf clan. In addition, with their original ancient martial arts foundation, it will be more powerful, and it is almost able to overlook the Xiahua family power.

But it all starts with working with the wolf family.

But the wolf family didn't look up to their partners at all, so he kowtowed and even wanted to post online, not for the sake of being an official.

Shangguan Yun sighed helplessly and said to Jones, "Mr. Jones, how do you want to calm down your anger?"

"What do I want? Ha ha Jones gave a cold smile.

His eyes crossed Shangguan Ruoxue's body, and his face showed a look of obscenity: "our wolf clan is strong and strong, and has strong abilities in all aspects. Or, let your women who go to the government to taste our power, and it's not in vain to be a woman. "

Jones's intention is clear. I almost didn't say it clearly.

Shangguan cloud knows that this level can not run away, but originally he just wanted to take his daughter as a chip, but now it seems that this has become a condition for making amends.

This is too much to lose.

What's more, he just wanted to seduce, but he didn't really want to send his daughter out. All of a sudden, he was very embarrassed.

He glared at Shangguan with a look of pride. He thought that he would not bring them here if he knew that he would be the opponent of the wolf warrior? Even the young people who are facing these two wolf clans are not sure that they will win.

At the same time, shangguanyun made a good decision in his mind, and said with a faint smile to Jones and Bill: "I have the same idea. My daughters, who are all beautiful and beautiful, are my pride. Of course, they should be matched with the best soldiers. I think my two daughters can make friends with two gentlemen, and they are also my Shangguan's Pride, come on, come on. If it's snowy, you two are not ready to drink to Jones and bill, gentlemen. "

Shangguan ruoqing is very reluctant, Shangguan ruoyue is even more disgusted, willow eyebrows frown.

Shangguan Yun looks at Shangguan ruoqing and Shangguan Ruoxue. In his eyes, Shangguan ruoqing doesn't need to drink this wine. After all, she is a practitioner and has a certain status in the family.

And Shangguan Ruoxue was trained by him to be a pure businessman. On such occasions, he must be a pioneer.

Shangguan cloud said to Shangguan Ruoxue, "if snow, hurry up and toast two gentlemen."

Shangguan ruoshue was extremely reluctant, but after biting his teeth, he still held up his glass and said to Jones and bill, "two gentlemen, I'd like to have a drink with you. I hope we can forget the past and cooperate with our family."

Shangguan Ruoxue was instilled with the idea of working for the Shangguan family since he was a child. Therefore, although he was extremely reluctant and had great resistance in his heart, he still resisted the attack and completed the task assigned by Shangguan cloud like a machine.

However, when seeing this scene, Shangguan coolly cursed: "shameless!"

Shangguan Ao also wiped the blood on his lips and said with disdain: "before, I only heard about social flowers. Now I have seen them with my own eyes. It's really eye opening."

Shangguan cloud coldly looked at them two one eye, drank: "you two give me shut up!"Why didn't he lose face? However, he is also for the future of the family ah!

However, Shangguan Ao didn't buy it. He yelled: "uncle, your two daughters represent the Shangguan family, especially Shangguan ruoshue. From the outside world, she is the face of our Shangguan family. As a result, what we have done is really disgraceful!"

Shangguan Leng also said: "can you be more cheap? Would you like to kneel and lick it

Shangguan Yun clenched his fist and really wanted to teach these two ignorant nephews a good lesson, but it is not convenient to attack now. After all, if the family fights now, it will let outsiders see jokes. He said coldly to Shangguan Ao AO and Shangguan Leng: "from now on, this matter does not need your intervention, nor do you need your comments!"

"Well, let's have a good time." Shangguan proud and Shangguan Leng sat on one side, their disdain for Shangguan Ruoxue was beyond measure.

In particular, Shangguan Ao was beaten by Jones and bill, and his anger could not be eliminated.

He also whispered to let Shangguan Ruxue hear.

"Oh, really, I don't like to hear that person is cheap. If you are not that kind of person, if you force you to do it, you will not do that kind of thing. If you can do it in a low voice, it's not just that kind of slut in the bone."

The conversation between the two is very quiet, but it can reach everyone's ears.

Shangguan ruoqing also looked at Shangguan Ruoxue with disdain. She had never looked down upon this elder sister.

For a moment, Shangguan Ruoxue felt a great shame. , the fastest update of the webnovel!