The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 890

Lin Feng said, "Xiao Tang! The last time Shangguan family came to assassinate me, I have always kept that in mind, so I want you to check for me. Is there any new trend of Shangguan family recently? It's time for me to give them some color to see

Tang Gongzi thought for a while and said, "brother Feng, the official family is the guwu family. It's not so easy to get into trouble. I think it's better to forget that last time. After all, you haven't been hurt!"

"Forget it?" Lin Feng ha ha a smile: "this kind of matter also can calculate? You don't have a pain in your back when you talk standing up! Although it didn't succeed, it was enough to show that he had killed me. I will not spare them! So, you're going to check something for me! "

"What's the matter? Brother Feng, you say, I will try my best to help you check it out! " Tang said with a big stomach.

"You go and check for me, what's the trend of Shangguan's family recently, such as whether there are any festivals, family meetings or cooperation negotiations, these major events, and so on. If so, let me know, I'll go and have a close look at the weight of Shangguan family."

Master Tang nodded and thumbed up: "brother Feng, I thought you were going to kill him directly! In that case, to tell you the truth, I really don't admire you, it's just the courage of a reckless man. But you have such a rhythm and plan now, which I admire. You are really working step by step. You know yourself and your opponent. Your abacus is extremely exquisite. It can be said that... "

" come on! " Lin Feng quickly waved his hand.

This young master Tang has made a mistake again.

"Go and check it for me!" Lin Feng Road.

Master Tang said with a smile, "OK, I'm going to help Feng gecha!"

"Yes Lin Feng seemed to think of something and said, "how much do you know about the Lin family in Kyoto?"

Tang Gongzi thought for a moment and said, "emmm When it comes to the understanding of the Lin family, I'm not very deep. I just know some basic information of the Lin family. Of course, I don't know much about the deeper things of the Lin family. If you are interested in the Lin family, tell me what you want to investigate? I'll do my best to help you investigate.

Then, he patted his chest and said, "my name, the first dandy in Kyoto, is not for fun. The hearsay is in all directions. However, it is extremely difficult for others to get news from me. Unlike your brother Feng, as long as one word is said, I will laugh at the work of dogs and horses, go through fire and water, and do nothing but go through fire and water..."

"OK, OK!" Lin Feng waved his hand again: "you talk to me in the future, try to be concise, after all, everyone's time is not very enough."

"Yes, brother Feng, I know. I'll pay attention to it later."

Lin Feng patted Mr. Tang on the shoulder and said, "don't worry. I know you help me. You have your idea and purpose. The person you want me to kill for you. Before that, I want to see how much you help me do. This is a very fair deal."

Master Tang quickly showed a simple smile and said, "Oh, brother Feng, I really help you out of emotion. I worship you and admire you. It's not the business transaction you said. You really misunderstood me."

Lin Feng said with a smile: "there is no misunderstanding. Let's talk about it later. First go to help me find out the officials. This is the first thing. Then as for the Lin family, I will tell you what I think."

"Yes! Brother Feng, I'm going now. " Mr. Tang nodded and left the room.

After Lin Feng closed the door, he stood in front of the spacious French window and looked down at the scenery outside. He said to himself, "Xiao Tang, if you treat me sincerely, I will help you, but if you cheat with me, don't blame me for being rude!"

The news from Mr. Tang is really very smart. It took less than an hour for the phone to come.

"Brother Feng, I have found out some trends of Shangguan family. This afternoon, Shangguan family will meet with a large international group in Jinghua restaurant. It seems to be Wolff group. A family group in Western Europe will negotiate business. Although I don't know what business it is, it must be a big project to be able to negotiate with international large groups directly."

"What's more, it's shangguanyun, the eldest son of Shangguan group, who is currently vice chairman of Shangguan group. He has come forward. It should be a very important negotiation, and there are several other insiders of the official family. I haven't got the detailed list yet. If you want to know about Shangguan family, you can go to Jinghua restaurant to have a look. Of course, their negotiation should be more rigorous! "

"It doesn't matter!" Lin Feng said: "I want to know about some major events. I don't want to destroy or do anything. It's better if I can get to know the officials through these things. It doesn't matter if I don't have a chance to know about them. It's just that I can go over and have a look at it when I have time in the afternoon! "

Then he hung up.

In fact, Lin Feng still had some small surprise in his heart. When he heard about the wolf family, he clearly felt that it was a little unusual.

Isn't the wolf family the Catherine family? In other words, the werewolf family.The Shangguan family even negotiated with the wolf family. What did they want to talk about?

Therefore, Lin Feng is very interested in this negotiation, and he must go to see what happened.

After a break at noon, about 1:00 p.m., Lin Feng left for Jinghua restaurant.

According to the time, the negotiation should start at 2 p.m.

It's on the top floor of Jinhua restaurant. Dragon box.

When Lin Feng arrived at Jinghua restaurant, he wanted to take the elevator to the top floor. However, a waiter stopped him and asked, "do you have a reservation, sir?"

Lin Feng said, "Oh, appointment? I don't seem to have any. I have friends here, so I come to them! "

"Is your friend in the private room or in the lobby? Please tell me the exact location and I'll see you there! " The waiter said professionally.

"They're on the top floor. They're in the Dragon box, but they haven't started yet. I just came here in advance." Lin Feng Road.

"Oh, you mean the banquet ordered by the Shangguan family? You are here to attend the official banquet. Please register it! "

Waiters to Lin Feng's attitude 180 degrees turn, enough to see the prestige of Shangguan's home in this area.

Lin Feng didn't want to register. If so, he would be found by the officials. He thought for a moment and said, "well, since it hasn't started yet, I'll go back later. Can I have a rest here and have a drink of water?"

"Yes The waiter said, "please take your seat, sir. I'll pour you a glass of white water.

Thank you Lin Feng said, found a seat by the window and sat down.

The waiter brought a cup of boiled water to Lin Feng, and then went busy.

Lin Feng drank and watched the waiter go to other places to work. He took a chance and slipped up the stairs next to him.

There are seven floors in the Jinghua restaurant. Lin Feng easily gets to the sixth floor, but when he goes to the seventh floor, the door above is tightly closed. It seems that there are still people holding hands there. , the fastest update of the webnovel!