The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 889

"Dad, is it necessary for us to be so attentive to a little boy?" Asked Lin Zhengkai.

Lin Junlong didn't speak, but his eyes were like two sharp blades, staring directly at Lin Zhengkai.

Lin Zhengkai was so scared that he didn't know what he said wrong.

Lin Junlong stared at Lin Zhengkai for a few seconds, then said with a trace of anger: "you should learn more from your third brother and use your brain more in the future! No matter how humble this young man is at this time, we can't despise it

"I have a feeling that his arrival may bring unprecedented wind and rain to Kyoto."

With that, Lin Junlong looked ahead with a meaningful expression on his face.

The people did not dare to say anything more. They all bowed their heads.

At this time, Lin Zhengqing stood up and said, "Dad, if there is nothing wrong, I will leave first. When I find out the boy's life experience, I will report it to you. "


Lin Junlong waved his sleeve, then narrowed his eyes again. The chair was on the wide seat, as if he was asleep.

They filed out and left the main hall, leaving only an old man with white beard.

He is the housekeeper of the Lin family. Since the last generation of Lin Junlong, he has assisted the Lin family owner and took charge of the Lin family's industry. He is also a meritorious official of the Lin family.

"Old Du!" Seeing that everyone was out, Lin Junlong suddenly opened his eyes and asked the white bearded old man beside him: "in your opinion, what is the future of Lin Feng?"

Old Du stroked his beard and gave a slight smile: "does the owner want him to be good or not?"

"I don't have any hope. I just want to see what you think of this young man," Lin said

Lao Du took a deep breath and said solemnly and seriously, "my master, you feel very sensitive. This Lin Feng is not a thing in the pool. Even Chen Laofu, the emperor of wuwangzong, attaches great importance to him. Moreover, this son has made rapid progress and amazing talent. In time, he will become a famous person."

Hearing this, Lin Junlong nodded, then picked up the tea cup and drank it leisurely: "Mr. Du, it's cooling down recently. Remember to add more clothes!"

"Thank you for your concern Old Du said thanks with a smile, and then said, "if nothing happens, I'll go down first."

"Go Lin Junlong waved his hand.

After old Du left, Lin Junlong's eyes suddenly flashed a touch of light, and a smile of pride appeared on his face.


Lin Feng practiced for several days by the pool under the waterfall.

In recent days, he found that he had made rapid progress. He had not only completed the invasion of the essence of the trunk skeleton, but also broken through the triple of the bone melting mirror, and was expected to continuously break through the quadruple and quintuple.

Because the energy in his body is very helpful to his essence.

In this stage of bone melting mirror, we mainly look at the strength of essence and Qi.

With the help of the vampire's boiling blood, he found that he could easily integrate essence into his bones.

In this way, it will be very easy to practice at the stage of bone melting mirror.

Lin Feng has a good laugh. No wonder the vampire is born to be a strong fighter. The blood in their bodies has such powerful energy. As they grow older, they will naturally become more and more powerful. Therefore, the older the vampire is, the stronger his ability is.

Of course, just like humans, when they reach a certain peak, they begin to decline.

But vampires are generally very old, and they can even live for hundreds or thousands of years.

Lin Feng thinks like this, then I absorbed the boiling blood of the vampire, will I also live so long?

However, there is no need to worry about this problem. If the practitioners reach a certain level, it is very simple to prolong their life. Even some practitioners can live forever with the sun and the moon.

Of course, these Lin Feng just listen to rumors, the specific feeling is still far away from himself.

However, since he has stepped into the cultivation, he will go all out to reach the peak on the road of cultivation.

Through these days of practice, Lin Feng has improved more than one level. If Lin Feng was still a little devil in the eyes of the public when he played against Ouyang family, then, after these days of transformation, Lin Feng seems to have become a great devil in hell.

Moreover, this demon king in the critical moment, will also launch the God to the earth.

It's hard to imagine the instant explosive power. It's so strong that it's almost explosive.

These days at the edge of the pool, also let Lin Feng's inner peace, he finally tamed the "small beast" in his body, so that he no longer because of foreign objects and emotional fluctuations, and out of control.

In this way, cultivation is not so urgent. Next, Lin Feng will return to Beijing and start his counterattack.

Of course, during this period, he will come back here and practice repeatedly. He will regard this place as a paradise, a place where no one has set foot in. It is full of aura and the breath of nature, which makes Lin Feng feel comfortable and has high efficiency in practice.In recent days, he has also devoted himself to building a small wooden house. He can stay here for a few days at any time, just like a small resort.

Lin Feng named it "the forest garden outside the world".

After a little rectification, Lin Feng walked out of here and went back to Kyoto along the way.

At the speed of normal people, this mountain road seems to take more than an hour, but at the speed of Lin Feng, it is only ten minutes.

After returning to Kyoto, he took the lead to return to his residence and changed into a clean and tidy clothes.

I knocked on the door next door, but I found that neither mother nor daughter was at home.

Then Lin Feng went downstairs to Wenwen's restaurant and found that the restaurant was closed. He was worried about the safety of Liu's mother and daughter and called Liu Wenwen.

The phone was connected quickly. Through a short chat, Lin Feng learned about the Liu family's mother and daughter.

Because of the last incident, Liu's mother and daughter are often called to the bureau to ask questions, so they are often not at home.

And she told Lin Feng not to show up here for the time being. After all, those people were killed by Lin Feng. Although those hands were also stained with blood, they were killer demons who killed people without blinking an eye, but since they have carried this matter over, they don't want to step into it again.

So Lin Feng also temporarily put aside the matter here, he went to Zui Tang nightclub.

After arriving, he called Tang Gongzi.

They sat in his room and started a secret conversation.

Where have you been these days? I can't even find you. " Asked Mr. Tang.

Seeing Lin Feng again, he seemed very happy.

Lin Feng said, "I've been to the mountains for a holiday these days, but the signal in the mountains is not good, so everyone can't find me!"

Then he asked, "Xiao Tang! I'm not here these days. Is there anything interesting happening? "

Tang Gongzi thought for a while and said, "it seems that nothing interesting happens."

Lin Feng nodded, he asked, just to warm up the conversation, and then entered the topic. , the fastest update of the webnovel!