The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 88

"You are a master, but you are far from me!" Lin Feng said.

Seeing the two daggers thrust into his eyes, Lin Feng didn't retreat. He just lowered his head fiercely and ran directly from the armpit to the back of the man. He held the man's body with both hands, and made a gesture to give the man an upside down.

This is the most cool killing move in UFC unrestricted combat. It is extremely dangerous. It is to hold the opponent's waist or upper body from the back, directly advance the opponent, and force the enemy to fall head down behind him.

The enemy hit the ground head down heavily, either his skull cracked, or his neck twisted and died.

But Lin Feng picked up the man, but suddenly his hands were like an electric shock and pushed the man out directly.

"NIMA, it's a woman!" Lin Feng looked at his hands, the man a loose black clothes, Lin Feng at the beginning did not see that she is a woman.

All of a sudden, Lin Feng was helpless: "women's family, get the needle and thread, dance knife and gun, what's the system? I don't beat women. Get out of here

When the woman heard it, she seemed to have been greatly humiliated. She said, "I'm going to kill you!"

With that, he rushed up again with a dagger. His momentum was even more fierce than before. It seemed that he was in a bad temper!


Lin Feng waited for the woman to rush in front of him. When the sharp edge of the dagger was only a few centimeters away from him, he suddenly took one side of his head and quickly grasped the woman's wrist with both hands and squeezed it hard.

"Ah --"

when a woman feels pain, she shouts and the dagger falls to the ground.

But the woman still did not give up, the other hand with a dagger, toward Lin Feng again stabbed!

"Well, come back?" Lin Feng free a hand, very accurate and quick pinch her other hand wrist, a pinch.

"Ah --"

the woman cried out in pain again, and another dagger fell on the ground.

"You are not obedient! I'll beat you if you make trouble again Lin Feng said, like a mother teaching children.

"Ah --"

the woman was so angry that she broke free with all her strength and was about to fight against Lin Feng.

Lin Feng a flash, back to one side, said: "temper is also very big, I really want to move oh!"

"Well, don't talk big!" Said the woman, leaving again.

However, at this time, she felt a cold neck, do not know when, two daggers have been to Lin Feng's hand, and Lin Feng a flash to her, two daggers have been on her neck.

"Still struggling?" Lin Feng said with a smile: "look at you are a woman, I am merciful, if you insist on your own way, I will let you regret for life!"

"Ha ha ha ha!" At this time, a soft and slightly lazy voice sounded: "good one:" if you insist on your own way, you will regret for life! "

Along with the sound, a gorgeous woman in a gorgeous robe appears in the stands on the second floor. It is the Phoenix social university that is in charge of it, Golden Phoenix.

Lin Feng saw that the LORD had come out, he took back the dagger and cried out: "who are you? Let my friend go quickly!"

"Mr. Lin Feng's good skills, let me open my eyes!" Jin Fenghuang didn't answer positively. He took out two mobile phones, which were the words of mouse and Wei Yicheng: "it's a pity that your two friends have broken the rules. They are in my hands now. We don't want to be in trouble with you. So, 20 million yuan is for you. Please don't meddle in this matter."

"20 million for my two friends? Don't think about it Lin Feng bit his teeth: "let them go quickly, or I will let you all not go out of the gate of this warehouse!"

"Mr. Lin is very domineering, but sometimes, he has to learn to be flexible." Golden Phoenix said: "you open a price, I don't want to embarrass you!"

Golden Phoenix enchanting smile, gentle with charm, is a man can not stand her smile.

But Lin Feng snorted coldly: "my friend, in my heart, forever priceless!"

With that, Lin Feng jumped up and climbed on the railing on the second floor with one hand. After turning over, he stood directly in front of the Golden Phoenix: "I'll give you a chance to let them go. If I find that they are short of a hair, I will give everything I have and raze this place to the ground!"

Lin Feng's eyes are cold, and his strong intention of killing is frightening. Jin Fenghuang feels cold and says in his heart: what a fierce look in his eyes.

At this time, the woman in black also climbed to the grandstand on the second floor and stood in front of the Golden Phoenix. She said to Lin Feng, "elder sister, you can't be a threat. If you dare to speak unkind again, I'll try my best to make you look good!"

"You're not qualified yet!" Lin Feng cold channel.

"Yu'er, get out of the way first. Mr. Lin is also for his friends. I can understand that!" The Golden Phoenix patted the woman in black on the back.

The woman in black pulled off her mask, revealing a cold and stern face, with a trace of guilt in her expression: "elder sister, it's all due to yu'er's incompetence!"

Jin Fenghuang said in a soft voice: "yu'er, your strength is naturally recognized by me, but this Mr. Lin is more unfathomable. It is not a shame that you lose to Mr. Lin!""You're nagging, are you sisters? Let my two friends go. I'll give you ten seconds now Lin Feng said, "ten..."

"Mr. Lin Feng, please don't worry The Golden Phoenix one face smile way: "you follow me to have a look to know!"

Lin Feng frowned and said, "what are you doing? Do I want to make up if I can't fight? I can tell you that even if you let go of my two friends, it will not be so easy to finish. You have to compensate me for my mental loss, body wear and tear, and my taxi fare of 32 yuan and 5....

Lin Feng follows Jin Fenghuang, reading yu'er frowns.

Golden Phoenix smile, way: "Lin Feng, you see your two friends first!"

Then he pointed to a room.

Lin Feng looked inside angrily. Wei Yichen and the mouse were sitting on the imperial chair. Behind them, two little beauties were rubbing their shoulders and beating their backs. Both of them were wearing big earphones. They were watching the latest movie on the big screen and eating popcorn at the same time.

"Mouse, morning --" Lin Feng called out.

The two did not respond.

But the mouse is close to the door, he turns his head to see Lin Feng and laughs happily: "boss, why are you here?" Said, quickly put down the headset, headphone music is too noisy, he can not hear anything.

Wei Yi Chen also looked at this side, suddenly a face of surprise.

But Lin Feng's first breath was rolling his eyes and breathing out heavily in his mouth: "you two, are you still comfortable?"

"It's so comfortable!" The mouse said with a smile: "sister Jin treated us very well. Some people beat their back and ate delicious food at will. By the way, there is the movie" desperate love for life and death "just released. The plot is so moving that I can see it and cry! Chen Chen also cried, and she sobbed...

"I'm almost crying!" Lin Feng couldn't laugh or cry. It turned out that they were moved by the movie when they heard their sobs on the phone.

"What's wrong with you, boss?" Wei Yichen took off the earphone and asked.

"Well, you two will continue to be moved and cry. I will go first." With a wave of his hand, Lin Feng turned his head and left.

"Oh, boss, why are you still angry?" Wei Yichen saw Lin Feng's displeasure. He ran over and took Lin Feng's arm. Then he asked the Golden Phoenix: "sister Jin, what's wrong with my boss?"

"Sister Jin? You call her sister Kim? " Lin Feng was angry and shook his head: "well, I'm so worried about you. It turns out that sisters play me together!"

"No, boss, we just met. I just heard about sister Jin's name before." Wei explained.

"As soon as I got acquainted, I gave my mobile phone to your sister Jin for safekeeping?" Lin Feng pointed to the two mobile phones in the hands of Golden Phoenix.

"Well, sister Jin's cell phone will interfere with the signal when it is brought into this room. It's not good to watch movies! So we put it in her custody! " Wei Yi Chen a face naive way.

"Well, the intelligence quotient of you two is really worrying!" Lin Feng's face is helpless.

He turned to the Golden Phoenix and said, "big beautiful girl, I'm going back now!"

"Well? Why? " Golden Phoenix looks puzzled.

"Didn't you just say you'd give me 20 million and let me leave it alone? Let's leave it to me. Let's go home and deal with them! " Lin Feng said. , the fastest update of the webnovel!