The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 886

The man was ragged and wet, like a beggar in the water.

However, when it was determined that the fourth was killed by the man, who only used a branch to penetrate his head from the back of his head, the bald man and others were shocked.

This force, even if they are professional killers, can not do it.

"Who are you?" The bald man yelled: "how dare you kill my brother in broad daylight, you are breaking the law."

Lin Feng said with a cold smile: "in broad daylight, it's not illegal for you to kidnap people?"

"What does it matter to you if we tie up our family?" Although the bald man is afraid of Lin Feng.

At first, the bald man was startled by Lin Feng's ruthlessness, but now he has eased down a lot. He thinks it should be that the fourth junior didn't pay attention to it. He accidentally lost his life because of Lin Feng's Yin move.

At this time, the three brothers were all there, afraid that he would not be alone?

So the bald man is quite confident.

Lin Feng's eyes showed the opportunity to kill, coldly said: "the people you kidnapped are just very close to me."

He said, ignoring the cold eyes of three men in suits, he went to the rotten gambling woman and Liu Wenwen, and said gently, "Auntie, Wenwen, let you suffer."

Rotten gambling woman and Liu Wenwen listen to the voice close, found that the voice is very familiar, suddenly looked up, carefully, found that the person in front of him was Lin Feng.

Because Lin Feng's wet hair blocked his face, coupled with his tattered body, and always facing Liu Wenwen, their mother and daughter did not see Lin Feng's appearance at first, and Lin Feng's angry voice seemed that they had not heard it, so they didn't recognize it.

At this time, Lin Feng stood in front of them, and they burst into tears of joy.

"Lin Feng, please help my daughter and stay here. I'm not afraid of them!" Rotten gambling woman quickly prayed for Lin Feng Road.

Liu Wenwen cried and said: "Mom, I will not leave you, Lin Feng, please, help my mother out."

At this time, the bald man next to him yelled: "so you he is Lin Feng. It's said that the mother and daughter have a thigh named Lin Feng recently. I thought it was such a powerful person. Now she looks like a beggar

Next to another suit man said: "this Lin Feng did not see how powerful it is! Look at his small body. I can kill him with one blow

Then, he said with a sinister look: "Oh! By the way, Lin Feng, do you know why we should tie the mother and daughter? Because of you

Lin Feng's eyes moved: "because of me?"

The bald man said to the man next to him and said, "talk a lot!"

Then he said sternly, "what are you talking about? Now we're going to kill him and avenge Xiao Si. "

"Yes, yes, yes!" The man next to him quickly nodded and said, "kill him to avenge Xiao Si."

Said, the bald man then took out a pistol, the bullet has been loaded.

He aimed at Lin Feng and said, "I heard you are a cultivator, ha ha. But if you practice again, can you master the pistol in my hand? How fast can you beat my bullet? As long as I pull the trigger, you will be the ghost of my gun

Finish saying, a face grim smile looking at Lin Feng.

"No!" Liu Wenwen yelled: "Lin Feng, you go quickly!"

However, Lin Feng stood there motionless, as steady as Mount Tai.

His eyes are fixed on the bald man in front of him, and his eyes are full of cold breath.

The bald man, who was close at hand, felt a sudden palpitation and chills when his eyes touched Lin Feng. Even his hands trembled.

However, the bald man is also a killer who has experienced many tests of life and death, and his psychological quality is still excellent. "Lin Feng, are you not afraid to die?" he said

Lin Feng did not pay attention to his question, but asked lightly: "I ask you, why do you want to kidnap their mother and daughter."

Facing Lin Feng's fierce eyes, the bald man's palms were sweating.

However, he was still strong and calm: "Lin Feng, I can't answer you. You're going to be the ghost of my gun. You don't deserve to know the answer. "

Then he suddenly raised his voice and called out, "go to death now."

The bald man will pull the trigger!

However, at this moment, Lin Feng came to him in front of him. They looked at each other. Lin Feng held the bald man's gun in his hand, and one of his fingers was pulled into the trigger, which was just opposite to the bald man's finger.

How bald man can not press the trigger, helplessly watching Lin Feng's face against the muzzle of the gun, he can not fire this gun.

"Damn it!" The bald man struggled for some fruitless things and swore. His face ached and he tried his best to pull the trigger.

Seeing this scene, the two men in suit quickly took out their pistols and put them on Lin Feng's head. They yelled: "do you think we're just a pistol?"Lin Feng's eyes suddenly glanced at the two people. It seemed that there was a terrible atmosphere in their eyes. At this time, the two people understood why the elder brother appeared so rigid in front of Lin Feng.

This man's aura is too strong, his eyes are too terrible, they just look at it, they feel that they have been the king of hell.

In their distracted moment, Lin Feng suddenly yelled: "dare to point a gun at my head, looking for death."

All of a sudden, Lin Feng's whole body was covered with a red light. His whole body was as big as a circle. His eyes also showed endless opportunities to kill. His face was ferocious, as if he were a ferocious God of killing.

Suddenly that instinct to survive, let the three men in suit have no reason for a burst of fear, because they feel that their lives will be threatened.

Human instinct is very sensitive, they feel the breath of death, and have a sense of despair, it seems that in the face of the devil in front of them, even if they have guns, they can't kill him.

But in the end, the three of them still have some sense.

This man is right in front of him. You can kill him by pulling the trigger.

"What are you two waiting for? Shoot him." Cried the bald man.

The other two men in suit suddenly responded to the order and pulled the trigger immediately.

"Bang --"

"Bang --"

two shots came out, and at that moment, the bullet instantly penetrated Lin Feng's head.

When this scene saw, rotten gambling woman and Liu Wenwen, a burst of grief, thought that Lin Feng died.

However, the next second, Lin Feng's figure, but appeared behind the three people, and, without any injury.

Originally, Lin Feng's speed is too fast, that shot is just a shadow.

After the burst of energy in Lin Feng's heart, combined with his own phantom step, the speed was many times faster than before. With only a little force, he left the original place in an instant, leaving a remnant in the same place.

His two big hands, pressing on their heads, hit the head of the bald man in the middle.


Three people were hit with dizziness.

Then, with a big wave of Lin Feng's hand, the two men in suit were thrown out by Lin Feng and hit the walls on both sides. With a bang, several bricks were knocked off the wall, and the heads of the two men were changed. It was very tragic.

Only the bald man in the middle, looking at the sudden death of two younger brothers, he immediately flopped and knelt on the ground, shivering toward Lin Feng.

At this time, Lin Feng has changed back to the original size, he has been fully able to control that energy, can use God to descend to earth at any time. Just now he just wanted to take three people to test his God, but he didn't think it was really easy to use. Happy in the heart, facing the bald man, but still showed a very cold face, with a bit of threatening tone said: "say, why do you want to catch their mother and daughter, why because of me, just catch their mother and daughter?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!