The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 885

Qibaoshan Panshan highway abandoned factory.

Four men in sunglasses and suits tied Liu Wenwen to a stone pillar on the second floor of the abandoned factory.

Three of them sat on the sofa smoking cigarettes, while the other stood in front of Liu Wenwen, as if afraid she would disappear in front of them.

The bald man took a puff of his cigar and impatiently went to Liu Wenwen and said, "Liu Wenwen, why doesn't your mother come? I'm getting impatient

Liu Wenwen's mouth was blocked, but she couldn't speak.

"Take it off!" The bald man said to the young man in suit next to him.

Next to the suit youth will Liu Wenwen mouth blocking the cloth removed, Liu Wenwen burst out: "you this group of criminals want to do?"

"You want money? How many do you want? I can give it to you. If you want to discuss things, we can discuss them. But you kidnap me and threaten my mother to come here. What do you want? "

"What do we want? Hehe, you will know when your mother comes

While talking, I listened to the sound of a motor outside the door. It was amazing that the rotten gambler had already arrived here with her car.

Liu Hui, a rotten gambler, once went to the mountain for a period of time when she was avoiding debts, so she was very familiar with this place.

Qibaoshan is a big mountain behind Kyoto. People who are born and raised in the capital city basically have feelings for this mountain. Lougama, a semi Kyoto person, also has a lot of origin for this mother mountain.

The bad gambler got out of the car and went straight into the abandoned factory.

"Second floor!" There was a shout from upstairs.

The rotten gambler went up the stairs next to her. As soon as she went upstairs, she saw Liu Wenwen bound on the stone pillar. She called out: "Wenwen", and then she rushed to Liu Wenwen.

Next to the suit youth step forward, a stop rotten gambling woman, sneer: "urgent what? We didn't do anything about your daughter

Rotten gambling woman pointed to the colorful Liu Wenwen and said, "what do you want?"

One side of the bald suit man smile, the opponent said: "untie!"

The young man came forward and untied Liu Wenwen. Liu Wenwen immediately threw herself into the arms of the rotten grandmother, and her mother and daughter were holding each other and crying.

"Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa." Bareheaded suit man clapped his hands and praised: "what a mother daughter love scene, let me quite moved ah!"

The rotten gambler wiped her tears from the corners of her eyes and said coldly to her bald head, "what do you want? I'm here. You let my daughter go first

"Who said I would let her go? Your daughter is so beautiful that I'll let her go for nothing. Isn't it a pity? And you! Why do you still look so attractive when you are 40 years old? You look so beautiful, is seducing us to commit a crime! If we do something to you, it's also because you look like a hooker. Don't blame us, brothers. Do you think it's right? Ha ha ha

There was a look of obscenity on his bald face.

Several other suit men also echoed with laughter.

The rotten gambler was very nervous. She stopped Liu Wenwen behind her back and said to her bald head, "if you dare to beat my daughter's idea, I won't let you go. You know, these years, my rotten gambler's wife has traveled from place to place, which is not so easy to provoke."

Hearing this, he laughed: "you drink, it looks like a fierce temper! It's better. I like to conquer the horse

A young man in a suit next to him laughed: "brother, I'll give you the horse. I'll take the young one."

The bald head looked at the young man, and the corners of his mouth jerked. Suddenly, he slapped the young man in the face: "Damn it! You can push the boat with the current! Young you come, old give me? What do you think? "

The young man in suit knew that he was wrong and bowed his head and said, "I'm sorry, elder brother, I'm wrong. I'll take the strong one and give it to you!"


The bald man again threw his mouth on the young man's face: "how can you always think about these things? We're going to get down to business, okay? When the business is done, you can come back at will, as long as everyone is happy

"Yes, yes! Get down to business! " Said the youth.

The man with a bald suit turned his head and looked like a rotten gambler. He said with a smile, "do you know why I let your mother and daughter come here?"

"I don't know!" The rotten gambler looked at the bald man coldly.

The bald man took a cigarette and said, "Liu Hui, I believe you also remember some things in those years. When you worked in the Lin family, regardless of the family rules, the master and servant were in a bad relationship with you. In this case, although your fault is the first, the Lin family just drove you out and did not give you any severe punishment. "

"But now, you have to say that it is the Lin family who has harmed you, and you are not as secretive about some things of the Lin family. So here comes your punishment. "

"Fart!" The rotten gambling woman roared: "I have no relationship with the Lin family, and I have my freedom. What I want to say, the Lin family can't interfere, and what I say is true, what happened, and for the rumor to frame up the Lin family, what's wrong with me?"The bald man gave a cold smile: "Liu Hui! You are still too naive! Do you know that it's not easy for many families to get to this day. Their means are not what ordinary people can understand. Therefore, if you publish some things about the Lin family, it will be your biggest mistake. "

The bad gambler retorted, "secret? As a servant, what secrets can I know about the Lin family? I ask you, what secret have I told others? Why should I be punished? "

The bald man laughed and said with an eyebrow, "I'm sorry, you didn't tell any secrets of the Lin family, but you have to die just because you know the secret!"

When she heard the dead word, Liu Wenwen was frightened and trembled.

He stepped forward and stopped in front of his mother. The man begged, "please, don't kill my mother. Even if my mother knows any secret, she won't tell anyone. Please give my mother and daughter a way to live. We must not say anything!"

The bald man snuffed out his cigarette and went to Liu Wenwen and said, "beauty, how can you be so naive as your mother? As long as you know the secret, it will be an unstable factor sooner or later. Don't think we don't know whether your mother and daughter have contacted a person named Lin Feng recently? He's trying to find out about the big families. And you are the object of their inquiry, so you will tell him some secrets sooner or later, but it happens that these secrets are not to be disclosed by the Lin family. So the Lin family hired me to kill your mouth

"Who did you say the Lin family hired you?" Asked the poor gambler.

"Don't ask me more about that!" The bald man said, "what's the use of knowing so much for a dying man?"

The rotten gambler bit her teeth and said: "I really regret that I went to work in the Lin family. I didn't expect that the first half of my life would be destroyed by the Lin family. The latter half of my life, I still can't escape from the clutches of the Lin family. The Lin family is so deceiving."

Bald hard to laugh: "this world is like this, the weak eat the jungle, we also take money to do things, so you go there, do not hate our brothers!"

"You well-dressed animals, I'll fight with you!"

Liu Wenwen saw that these people didn't mean to let them off at all. Instead, she stopped asking for mercy. She stood up and rushed to the man in suit.

"Pa!" The young man in the suit next to him slapped Liu Wenwen in the face, knocked Liu Wenwen to the ground and scolded:

"Stinky girls, do you really think you have two sons? I don't want to see what our brothers do? How do you think you two are trained killers? Be obedient to me. If you obey, we'll make your death a little more comfortable! "

"Beast!" Liu Wenwen fell to the ground with blood seeping from the corners of her mouth, but she still scolded the suit man.

"Are you him?" The young man in suit has to fight Liu Wenwen.

The rotten gambler threw herself on her daughter and yelled at those people: "my daughter doesn't know what happened at the beginning. Please let her go. You can kill me, but my daughter is innocent."

"I'm sorry, we have to remove the roots of the grass. If we take the money, we will have to pay for your two lives. If we lose one, our task will not be finished." Bald man light mouth, as if killing this thing in his world is an extremely common thing.

"What's more, you and your wife are so beautiful that our brothers can't wait to have a taste of fresh food. This task is really cost-effective. Not only do we give money, but also let our brothers taste the taste of the world's special things. It's so cool." The bald man had an extremely obscene smile on his face.

Other men in suits, like hungry wolves, surrounded Liu Wenwen's mother and daughter.

Liu Wenwen's whole body seems to be scattered in general, she has no strength, she has already despair.

In this deep mountain, who can help their poor mother and daughter?

The rotten gambler's face was full of tears, and she begged pitifully: "please, do anything to me. Please let my daughter go. She's still so young, and she doesn't know anything. Please let her go. I'll be a bull and a horse in my next life, and I'll repay you again!"

For the first time, rotten gamblers are so humble, even if they want to die.

The four people on the opposite side sneered coldly like four beasts, indifferent to the poor gambler's begging for mercy.

They looked at the mother and daughter obscenely, and the lewd thoughts in their hearts were obvious.

"It's no use saying anything. You two will serve our brother first. We'll give you a good one later." With that, the bald man winked at several suit men, and then they took off their clothes and prepared to pounce on Liu Wenwen's mother and daughter.

At this moment, however, the crowd heard a series of footsteps.

"Who is it? Little four, go and have a look The bald man ordered.

The young man in Suit called Xiao Si went downstairs, while the others were waiting upstairs.

But half a day later, little four has not come up yet.

The man in a suit with a bald head asked, "what's the situation with Xiao Si? Let you see who's here? Why are you never coming back? "

As soon as the voice dropped, Xiao Si came up from downstairs.After the bald man saw the fourth, he was even more angry: "I asked you what the hell is going on down there?"

Small four eyes full of fear, mouth understand a few times, suddenly "poop" sound, from his mouth, through a bloody branch.

Small four open mouth, blood gushing out of his mouth. He sobbed a few times, finally did not say a word, then died.


Xiao Si's body fell down heavily, and behind him, a man was standing , the fastest update of the webnovel!