The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 887

"Please let me go, I'll never dare again!" The bald man was scared to death.

Seeing that he did not answer the question, Lin Feng threatened: "do you believe that I will make you die miserably? I won't let you die so easily. I want to cut off your body bit by bit. I want to peel off your bones and flesh, so that you can see yourself dismembered with your own eyes

Looking at Lin Feng's frightening eyes, the bald man had already peed his pants. He knelt on the ground and cried for mercy:

"Lin Feng, grandfather Lin, I was wrong. I offended you because I had no eyes. I was wrong. Please let me have a way to live."

Lin Feng clapped his big hand on the bald man's head and gently groped for two times: "don't be afraid, you just need to tell me, why do you want to kidnap this mother and daughter? And why did your little brother say that it's all because of me? "

The bald man kowtowed and begged for mercy: "grandfather Lin Feng, this is the employer's idea, it has nothing to do with us! I don't dare to say, I will die miserably

Lin Feng said coldly: "so far, do you want to keep it secret for your employer? Well, then I'll let you have a taste of the most painful experience in the world, let you watch yourself being dismembered, and let you taste endless pain at the moment before you die

With that, Lin Feng grabbed the bald man's clothes.

The bald man trembled with fear. Obviously, Lin Feng gave him much more fear than his employer.

The man in suit is very smart. Instead of keeping secrets for his employer, he might as well find a way to survive and find a chance to escape. Maybe he can save his life.

You can also choose to hide his name in the eyes of a man named Lin Wanyao. Now I check three numbers, you have only three seconds to choose time, 3, 2, 1... "

" I said, I said! " The bald man quickly bowed his hands to beg for mercy.

"In fact, the employer who hired us to kidnap Liu Hui's mother and daughter is the Lin family in Kyoto," he said

"Lin family?" Lin Feng was very surprised.

"Is there any secret in the Lin family? Do you want to kill a bad gambler? " Lin Feng's body was filled with anger.

He knew that the poor gambler's early life was forced by the Lin family, which could even be described as living under the fence and stealing life.

Poor gambler and Wenwen's life has been miserable enough, with their help, it is not easy to start to improve, but at this time the Lin family came to persecute the poor mother and daughter.

If you bully others, don't you give them a living?

Thinking of this, Lin Feng was even more angry. The angry energy in his body began to surge. He asked the bald man, "who sent you from the Lin family?"

At the same time, Lin Feng's eyes began to be red, and his skin began to glow. This kind of posture is like killing gods, which frightens the bald man to the core.

He quickly begged for mercy and said, "brother, don't kill me. I'll tell you now that the one who hired me to kill Liu Hui is..."

at this time, Lin Feng suddenly felt a "buzz" in his head.

That angry energy he can no longer control, as if the volcanic eruption from the Dantian rapid spray out, instantly diffuse the whole body.

Lin Feng seems to suddenly become a wild animal, his reason is slowly disappearing.

"Ah --"

Lin Feng roared up to the sky. He knew that if he went on like this, he would kill again.

At this time, he thought of the cold water pool and hot spring, perhaps only there could suppress his own fury.

Lin Feng with only a little consciousness, a fist will be in front of the bald man stun.

Then, turning back, he untied the rope of the rotten gambling woman and Liu Wenwen, gritted his teeth and endured the chaotic and violent consciousness, and said, "Wenwen, auntie, I have something to leave for a moment. You should call the police to arrest this man. You should go down the mountain first, don't mind me, I will go back soon!"

With that, Lin Feng did not dare to hesitate. He took a few steps to the window of the abandoned factory. He jumped and jumped down. Several ups and downs disappeared in the boundless forest.

Liu Wenwen and rotten gambling woman have never seen Lin Feng like this, but they are very shocked.

But it's more important for them to deal with the things in front of them.

At this time, the rotten gambler found that the bald man had died.

Because Lin Feng is in the violent consciousness, does not have the discretion to own strength, originally only wanted to knock out the bald man, leaves a living mouth, after his consciousness recovers, comes to torture again.

But I didn't expect to lightly punch the bald man to death.

Although dead, rotten gambling woman still want to call the police, she asked Liu Wenwen to report to the police, after the police come, the whole thing will be dragged out.

Of course, he didn't say that it was Lin Feng who killed these people. Instead, he said that they wanted to have a taste first, because they had different opinions, they fought and finally died together.Then, after making the record, he went down the mountain with the police.

Here, Lin Feng, like a wild wild animal, bumps left and right in the woods. Wherever he goes, the trees are broken and the rocks are destroyed.

However, he was so fast that he still remembered the road. After about ten minutes, he got to the cliff again, jumped under the waterfall and dived into the bottom of the pool again.

In an instant, the whole body felt cold, and the black ice bead energy in his body surged again, combined with the cold in the pool, quickly suppressed the violent dry heat energy, and gathered it back into the elixir field. The red light of Lin Feng's body slowly dissipated, and the red color of his eyes slowly faded, and became black and white.

His consciousness was quiet again, and the energy was forced into the single group. Although he struggled for several times, he still did not get rid of it. He was controlled by the energy of the black ice bead.

Lin Feng stayed at the bottom of the pool for a long time. Then he came up from the bottom of the pool and felt the energy in his body. It seemed that he would not give in.

Lin Feng sighed: "it's really stubborn!"

At this time, Lin Feng realized the function of hot springs. It turned out that this was the principle of "playing a stick and giving a sweet jujube to eat".

That is to say, the cold at the bottom of the deep pool, combined with the energy of the black ice beads, can shake down the violent energy. However, such a tough attitude can not make him completely surrender.

Therefore, go to the other side of the hot spring, with warm breath to soothe that hot and dry energy, can get twice the result with half the effort. , the fastest update of the webnovel!